
kether noir

Well-Known Member
It Insane the power that lies in the shinpokeou, like Peakajew and Bulbous Whore. i have spent too many an hour in my garden battling these little creatures, so that i can trap them in balls. so let me tell you, i know my balls. i can shake the balls. put them in my pocket. But, you know? i haveta catch them all!! little nefarious creatures.

they are known to bite the jelly of the heavy hoofed woman. keep your eyes on alert! hairy bastards!!!

How many have you caught?

or any other random nostalgic delusions? like smurf porn or something?

oh, and northpark may stem the catalyst to this rant, this only contributed at most 3%. so i will retain, to concluded, creative rights over whatever wrights be written.

kether noir

Well-Known Member
lol what?

but south park is the best
it sure is the best. make sure not to eat the wax tho, its not very tasty.

Take heed! all the moppets and Care bares of the world are uniting under our feet. put your ear to the ground and listen. the rein of gum drops is near!
cover your cornholes! this blood and cum is unsanitary! aloe will south the burn tho. treacherous pinkos! watch your back friend.

notes via the underground

kether noir

Well-Known Member
Deciding to put this to use. feel free to rant or whatever, or i will due to boredom and the belief that my nonsense typing is worth more then 73% of the misinformation on here. don't get me wrong, there are very bright people among us. and amazing growers....but a lot of lazy newbs ask the same questions over and over and the rubbish about the feminized seeds and what have you? a good day, then yes.


Well-Known Member
Im so lost.........

Does this got somethin to do with that old episode of south park


Active Member

I'm confused, what is this thread actually about. Do you even know OP? DO YOU?!

kether noir

Well-Known Member
Lay off the freakin' acid.
What type? i need hydrochloric acid to sooth the muppet's anal lesions, although I am told that the discharge is uncommon, and it's black and gritty. well, what's one to do aside from the fisting competition next week. I hear great things!!! HAIRY HOOFED NIGHTMARES!!! I think that's the name the ball, john boy.

next time, please submit your questions for review....but only after watching pink flamingo. will you be the top model.....sweet jesus i hope not. be a sad day