She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!


Well-Known Member
if having less of the popular vote and getting your brother to fuck up the election in the state he governs to give you the win is your definition of "winning"

... then yes!

Big P

Well-Known Member
im tellin you she just changed the world. figure out what chair you are sitting in, you can tell your grandkids thats the chair you were sitting in when you saw the first female president of America speak to the world.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Both partys have more holes then swiss cheese.

Gave me more reason to vote nadder, that's who won for me tonight...

Call me crazy but I'd rather have someone who fundamentally understands what is going on, rather then a debate on who it's affected more personaly.
The four of them don't understand oikonomia.....economics.
My vote has to be an economic vote, making boths partys not for me.

Big P

Well-Known Member
lets be honest guys for us if we are posting here probably means our minds are already made up for one side or the other. but the undecided thats gonna be comming in like a bat outa hell

so far one poll showing 84% palin won hands down agaisnt the an old and crafty senator another says 74% say palin won

its gonna be hard for the bias tenticles of the media to cover this one up. althought im sure they will try.

- The people can see the lies clearly

Quatrain 727


Well-Known Member
im tellin you she just changed the world. figure out what chair you are sitting in, you can tell your grandkids thats the chair you were sitting in when you saw the first female president of America speak to the world.:bigjoint:
YouTube - Sarah Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads

YouTube - 10/01 Palin Can't Name Supreme Court Case in Katie Couric Interview - Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision Sarah Palin Can't Name Supreme Court Decision Stumped by Katie in High Quality


New Member
Damn she's good.....

I know we are a patriarchal society and all, but if people can't see through that and admit she killed him, that's just sad. I'm on the second go round, and without the anticipation (mine), she's even better. Unreal. She's a fuckin leader if I've ever seen one. A natural.


Well-Known Member
When Biden was talking about reducing income taxes for the middle class I wish she would have brought up proposed increases to payroll taxes which dollar wise are more than income taxes paid by working folks.

I thought that Obama und Biden were against coal and nuclear power, I am wrong?

Both sides claim victory, I'm shocked. It won't change many opinions. But she will take a lot more heat than Biden, Palin bashing is the flavor of the week.


New Member
When Biden was talking about reducing income taxes for the middle class I wish she would have brought up proposed increases to payroll taxes which dollar wise are more than income taxes paid by working folks.

I thought that Obama und Biden were against coal and nuclear power, I am wrong?

Both sides claim victory, I'm shocked. It won't change many opinions. But she will take a lot more heat than Biden, Palin bashing is the flavor of the week.
Of the month....but it's almost over.