Sexyfattops69 Dresser cab - Going COMPLETLY STEALTH -


New Member
Im going to start my fist HPS grow journal. This is going to be tight shit. It will be my fist serious, hopefully sucessful indoor grow. My fist was with 100% 26 watt cflosers. I had the loses colas that might have ever been. So to start it off, here are my current stats:


-2 150w hps security lights (17,500 lumens, 35,000 total)


- 8 Themaltake silent cats fans
- Rated for 63 cfm and 16 DBA (Notes as 'completly silent' so well see! if not dont worry... I have a multi voltage adapter! a computer fan speed controll)
- One random very quiet bathroom light cooling fan (pictured)


- *Pics to come* hopefully tonight.

The pic will tell you the rest, this thing is going to be baddd asss. Im going to have light proof venting, cool tubes, even the top two drawers of my dresser will be functionable. But just wait, and youll see.


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Well-Known Member
How are you going to address the smell? and what are your dimensions H" W" D" ? Goodluck and will be watching the thread


New Member
How are you going to address the smell? and what are your dimensions H" W" D" ? Goodluck and will be watching the thread
Im sure im going to have a lot of great questions. So let me answer them!

Smell? idk, im thinking of a DIY self method of cat litter and pinesole. Ill get into that later.

Space is roughtly 23 inches high by 16 inches deep and 25 inches long, and thats off the top of my head... its not fully constructed as of now, ull see in time my friend.


Well-Known Member
am anxious to see how you will make this work with 2 hps lights in a confined space, Good Luck : ]


New Member
Here are some pre construction pics, more soon to come, i want to get this thing completly constructed within the next couple days.

Plus my GHETTO POWER!!!! Cfl rubber maide fixture, shity, held together partialy by electric tape, but badd ass at the same time. Fits in a rubber maide perfectly.

More pics to come*



New Member
The top of the grow box is going to be the sliding peice for the second drawer, so im not using all the space pictured, minus a drawer from it.


Well-Known Member
Is it safe to assume you are building your own cool tube. on that first picture the ducting with the glass attached to the end?


New Member
Yes, this is a complete DIY grow box. I just ordered another hurricane glass from my local lighting store, should be here in two weeks.

I have a question for remoting both of my ballasts for the knowledgable RIU.
Where can i get an affordable ballast box? Dont tell me ace or home depot, i already checked.


Well-Known Member
I love to see people designing new and unique grow spaces

This looks pretty rad man keep up the good work, you are giving me good ideas


Well-Known Member
Your going to need 2 seperate ballasts both have to be same watt as the light so you need 2 150 watt ballasts. Try, High Tech Garden Supply ( i think thats the right website if not just google the name


Well-Known Member
I plan on making a dresser grow box in teh next month , my wife jsut ordered a new dresser fort he bedroom so im grabing the old 2.

Im curius to see how you do things. my difference is i hav a 400 wat HPS and a 250 mh , i think teh 250 i will not use and instead use cfl's. as for smell one thing i was thinking.

Im going to keep one drawer in it, and that drawere will be the one that all venting goes throuhg -- this drawer will behave have exause inside and out, but be filled with charcole, this way it will cover smell and light ... I have ot figure out the logistics of it and if I will ahve enough space, worse case senario this becomes a mother and clone area.


Well-Known Member
Your setup is coming along very nicely sexyfattops69, how many plants do you plan to grow in this dresser? Thanks



New Member
Scruff-thanks man, im hopin for this to blow my own mind. Well see.

Jrigs- Yeah i would imagin you could go with the 250. I finished my DIY cool tube last night and ran it for a while, suprisingly enough the heat wasnt as bad as i was fearing. All this hype about hps heat, shit, im thinking i could have easily went with the 250, and thats in a tiny portion of the dresser seeing as about 1/3 of the width of my dresser will be for the intaked and exaust flex tubing. I beleive i mentioned the dimensions earlier.

Tom- im thinking 6, using the LST method, ill probably flower from seed my fist grow out of eagerness, and do more of a SOG grow.

Thanks all.

Hopfully ill be able to reward you all with some pics within the next two days. Ive gotten alot done so far, im almost done creating the grow box, i got only have to work on the door, and grow/exaust chamber divider. ( im using thick .6 inch thick plywood for max noise blockage, plus a layer of carpet on the outside to kill out raddling of anykind, plus more density for the noise to try to penetrate, im telling you, this is going to be SILENT, or stike me in my balls for all this brainstorming and hardwork)


Well-Known Member
dam man i gotta give u props subscribed and ganna be following this,since my grow will be sorta stealth since it's under my TV entertainment stand.
and my height is shit to work be interesting to see how the plants turn out from straight flowering


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your off to a good start. What were the temps at on the test run, could we get a pic with the lights on in the setup? Sounds like you have sound taken care of. I can tell you put alot of thought into this


Well-Known Member
Sounds tite get us some pics! I am gonna be doing about the same thing and need mine to be completely stealthy. Seeing as how I am a visual person reading pictures is kinda hard for me. but keep up the grown and i'm subscribing


New Member
Thank you all for the coments. Ya I got some pics but i have to wait to post them (long story) But hopefully tonight, keep your fingers crossed. My 150s r fucking bright as shit, and these DIY cool tubes are tight shit, a must for these micro grows. I can touch the glass even with no air flo, primmme!

I have one cool tube set up like i said, but im still waiting on the 8 thermaltake fans, should be here any day now, then i will run a test run, and report on some temps. Im just going to hook one light up and see what its like with that, then add the second.

I got a pic of the layout, youll see what im all talking about soon.. hopfully tonight!:razz:

Edit, did you take that pic kottonmouth?