Sexing b4 transplanting help


im looking for some advice on the quickest most efficient way to identify my plants sex before transplanting them outside.

do i just switch the lights over to 12/12 after theyve grown up a bit and wait till i can differentiate? do u need a certain amount of nodes before u do the switch? does the stress affect the plants in any way?

is this easy and am i making it seem more difficult than it actually is?

just trying to get it right any advice would be much appreciated



Well-Known Member
I would veg about a month before sexing...

Let it mature a bit, even though it takes 6-8 weeks for a seedling to mature, you dont have to wait that long..

The only way your going to be able to know the sex of your plant is by changing the time schedule to 12 on and 12 off.

Within a few weeks you will either see them balls, or white know the rest.

You can either keep flowering the plant, or give it 18/6 or 24 hours of light to revert it back to veg mode..

It is a bit stressfull on the plant, but thats the way we do it :)

Best of luck :)


thanks man.
do u think stressing them for that little bit would ever result in any herms? or does that require a lot more stress for a plant to do that?