
hey ive been looking through the threads and i cant seem to find any info ... how many days into flowering on the average do you see sex?


Well-Known Member
Duration: 4–16 weeks. The sex is clearly revealed. Males produce little balls clustered together like grapes. Most plants (except auto flowering strains which flower independently of photo period) will flower under diminished light. In nature, cannabis plants sense the forthcoming winter as the earth turns and daylight reduces in duration (see also season). If females are not pollinated (fertilized by male pollen) they will start to produce buds containing sticky white resin glands or trichomes in a final attempt to attract male pollen. The trichomes contain the largest amounts of THC and CBD, the two main psychoactive substances. Indoors, flowering is induced by keeping the plant in complete dark for 12 hours every day, until it is ready to be harvested. If manipulated, a female can either generate a seedless bud, a bud with a few seeds, or a bud that is almost totally seeds. The first case is achieved by removing all the male plants before any of their flowers open, the second occurs when one or more male flowers have barely burst open and then removed and the third case occurs if the males are let to fully pollinate the females.


Active Member
i say 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 weeks you'll see little white pistils shooting out (female) or little sacks forming (male).