

hey guys, I am considering a purchase from attitude. My question is simple

I see there are company's like KC / Paradise / Serious / Nirvana.

I am torn between buying 2 sets of fem nirvana ( northern lights / blue mystic )

or buying 1 set of paradise Ice Cream

Now the 2 nirvana = the 1 paradise in price.

Question: are Nirvana seeds good quality genetics? Do they compare at all to paradise seeds plants?

Are the prices more relative to exotic apeal or to yield output?

Thanks. +rep if it makes you answer the question lol.


Well-Known Member
both companies are good and offer good genetics...

typically price reflects three things..

1) demand... some companies charge more for their better selling strains... it doesnt mean they are better than others... and not every company does it.. but as businesses they are out to turn a profit and thats one way of doing it...

2) supply... how much of any given seed does the breeder actually have in stock?? if its a new cross, they have low seed inventory of that strain (assuming its not a flagship strain for that breeder, or its a limited time offer strain they tend to be a bit more... but again this doesnt mean they are better than other strains.. just that they cost more...

3) amount of business they do... some companies charge more for their seeds to make up for the lack of sales they have.. doggies nuts seeds is a great example of that... they do little business.. but charge so much for their seeds (which are highly subpar) that they only need a few sales here and there to make money...

as far as your situation do you want 1 or 2 strains to grow?? again both breeders are good breeders... its just up to you how much variety, if any, you want...

the other thing to consider is that some companies charge more because their seeds are not f1's... big fancy way of saying they are not the first cross seeds.. ill explain a little..

when you take a male and a female and breed them you get f1 seeds... these seeds can have a wide range of pheno types (plant size, structure, colors, ect.. think of your eye color and hair color as phenos)... and they may even have some phenos buried in their genes that dont show the first grow... breeders who take the time to pick ideal plants and use them to breed and back cross with (this isolates good phenos and grows out unwanted ones.. basically stablizing the strain so all seeds grown are almost identical) will charge more for the work they have put into them... each subsequent backcross adds another number to the equation (ie f4s are 4th generation seeds)... unfortunately not all companies will tell you if the seeds you are getting are f1s, f2s, ect.. and you cant always tell by the price...

a good rule of thumb is stick to companies with fewer strains... such as serious seeds.. they typically have more stable strains since they have fewer strains to work with... its a good basic rule.. but non of the above applies 100% of the time... it takes some research...


anyone else want to chime in? thank you simpsonsampson - your response was very helpful, I do have a question for you. So if stability is what I want, I then do not want a f1 hybrid? Because an f4 or further has "weeded" out the negative pheno's?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, I am considering a purchase from attitude. My question is simple

I see there are company's like KC / Paradise / Serious / Nirvana.

I am torn between buying 2 sets of fem nirvana ( northern lights / blue mystic )

or buying 1 set of paradise Ice Cream

Now the 2 nirvana = the 1 paradise in price.

Question: are Nirvana seeds good quality genetics? Do they compare at all to paradise seeds plants?

Are the prices more relative to exotic apeal or to yield output?

Thanks. +rep if it makes you answer the question lol.
I think simpson.. nailed it! I have bought from all these. KC I would not buy again. Paradise is good. Serious is ok. Nirvana is good depending on what you get their blue mystic is really good with every pack ive found at least 3 solid purple moms..if that helpsbongsmilie


bud bootlegger
yah, i also think that ss nailed this one.. its really up to the buyer to do the homework and see which breeder is offering what you are looking for in a strain.. one good way to do this is to use riu.. try and limit down what you are looking for from the attitude or whom ever you are planning on buying from.. once you get say maybe four or five that you really like, try and do a search on here for those strains. you can come up with others grow journals, smoke reports, etc on them.. this is a great way of narrowing down the list a lil more.. if you see that someone has grown one of your choices, feel free to shoot them a pm and ask them any ?;s that you may have about it.. i have done this quite a few times and have almost always gotten back some very helpful info..


Well-Known Member
anyone else want to chime in? thank you simpsonsampson - your response was very helpful, I do have a question for you. So if stability is what I want, I then do not want a f1 hybrid? Because an f4 or further has "weeded" out the negative pheno's?
anything past f1 has fewer phenos than an f1.. the further you go the fewer the phenos that will show...

now.. that doesnt mean f1s are bad per say... but it does mean that out of 10 seeds there is a chance that no two will be exactly alike.. but they will all share common traits.. some may show purple.. some may not.. some may be short.. some tall... and so on...

the main thing here is that if you want a consistant grow from the beginning stick with seeds that are f3s and later.. even f2s would be acceptable... or of course if you plan on breeding you DEFINITELY want later generation seeds as they will offer the most consistant off spring..

if you have the time and patience to grow out multiple seeds and dont mind searching for the phenos you want, f1s are fine.. once you take clones of the mothers you like they will always be like the mother they came from.. so, for instance, out of 10 seeds you could have 6 pheno types show... out of those 10 seeds and 6 phenos there may only be 2 or 3 plants that make "your cut" that you want to keep around and clone... and even then those 2 or 3 may show 3 or 4 phenos between them...

on the other hand, if you get later generation seeds you could plant 10 seeds and have 2 or 3 phenos show but all the plants look and grow pretty close to identical...

really there isnt anything wrong with f1s.. they can still contain grade A genetics.. its just that you never know how many seeds you actually need to grow out with them before finding that perfect pheno you are looking for...