Seeds en route Got 100 bucks for setup need help


Active Member
Hey everyone. Im new on here. Ive never grown Before. Ive done alot of reading and am a quick learner. Ive got 10 free power skunk seeds from g13 labs on the way (if they get here) i ordered from the attitude seed bank. Just paid shipping and handling fees. I dont have much to get started on (less than 100 bucks) for lights, nutes and everything from start to finish. All i have here is homedepot and walmart for supplies. Intended for a 3ft x 2 1/2ft x 6 ft closet. when i get enough money i want to upgrade to a 400 watt Mh hps conversion and a dwc hydro setup. But i need somthing now. Can anyone give any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
100 buck essentials

good soil mix-20$
CFL light fixtures + bulbs- 40$
PH test drops + vinegar- 10$

theres ur budget, ur tapwater will be alkaline, give it some vinegar to lower the ph... start with at least 1 gallon pots since ur on a budget. buy as many cfls/fixtures, try the "y sockets" from home depot.


Well-Known Member
150 watt HPS light $20 + $12 shipping

Pro Mix Organic $7.99 a bag find it near you with the link below

$10 fan

You still have $50 left to decide what to do with, I'd probably get some daylight CFL's to help even out the HPS during Veg or even get enough to use for Veg. Good Nutes are probably going to cost $40 though. and pots will be another $10 easy.

Good Luck


Active Member
thanks guys. sorry for the late reply back. still no seeds yet though. changed place of grow. got plenty of room. 5 x 10 x 6ft tall. been pricing some stuff. how many plants can i grow with 2 or 3 double cfl fixtures? and any idea what kind of yield i can expect?

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
1 plant needs at least 4 of those cfl's, you could prob start veggin some with 4-6 of them though. id geuss 1 plant per bulb


Active Member
hey man. still no seeds yet. you had good luck with attitude? question about that website you posted. they have some 400w psmh (hi bay or low bay) not sure which, for around 100 bucks. Is this the same as a hps? and if so would a mh conversion bulb fit in it. i think i can swing the price if this will work. ive found the stuff to make my own soil mix. pearilte peat moss and mushroom compost. havent found any fertilizer around here. no worm castings. there was some stuff at wal mart that had worm castings in a fertilizer. also a potting soil at wal mart tha had sphagnum peat moss pearlite lime for ph in it? any help would be appreciated.


Junior Creatologist
your gonna be disappointed brother - its 5 power skunk seeds. The attitude only sends packs of 5 free seeds. Even if it saysin the description that your gettin 10 seeds, if theyre free its a 5 pack. Itll still come in the cool G13 breeder pack though - a plastic spliffy container ;)


Well-Known Member
How much vinegar to add? Is there a standard unit of measure to drop it 1 points? Say from a pH of 7 to a pH of 6?


Active Member
just wondering, dont mean to add to the question, but say if i were to do the same a donebuyin, what am i lookin at scent wise. is that entire room gonna be blocked off to guests?


Well-Known Member
Will This
work. 400 W HPS will a MH conversion bulb work with this?

It works for me, so if that is what you want go and get it, it's pretty decent quality, don't be afraid to buy it.

If you have $40 more go and buy this digital system

400W HPS Digital Ballast, Bulb and Economy Reflector Combo

If someone starts telling you to go to HTG, don 't listen, look at the threads most are having problems with their bulbs blowing out soon after using, they will tell you HTG is cheaper but it is for a magnetic setup and the $139 is for a digital system, plug and play, no electric skills needed.

Get the Econolight or the HIDHUT light and be happy, both my setups have been running for years without problems now, if you get the econolight, might as well get a bulb with it since they are about $5.

Got any questions ask me.


Active Member
ok guys. I cant figure out how to get my pictures up. I got my seeds. took 6 days. got 2 clamp on shop lights and 2 100watt daylight cfls to put in them. got a bag of sungro sunshine potting mix. it was 70 to 80 % canadian sphagnum peat moss, perlite and dolomitic limestone for ph balance. i knew this was too much moss so I got some mushroom compost and some more perlite. mixed 1 and 1/2 parts mushroom compost to 1 part moss and 1 part perlite. consistency seemed ok. crumbled when compressed and all. got some 3in cube burpee peat moss cubes to start with, can be transplanted directly into larger container. I guess ill go straight to 5 gal buckets after this. IF THEY SPROUT. this is my question. i germed them using the paper towel method. 4 of the 5 cracked and sprouted roots. took at least 2 days though. poked a small hole in each cube got the seeds in there and coverd with little a dirt. (one seeds root was curled a good bit, got it in a downward direction as best as i could. i watered them and put them under lights 2 to 3 inches away non stop so far. had to water them this morning and a little more this afternoon. i got one of those cheap ph, moisture, and light probes. everything seems to be in good shape. any idea when i should see results? oh. im gonna be getting a 400 watt. MH/HPS in the next week or so. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
ok guys. there 3 days out of the ground. about an inch tall. all have 2 different sets of leaves. a couple starting on a 3rd set. 400 watt light and fox farm nutes should be here this weekend. tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
Light Sockets - $3 to $5 each
Y Splitter - $3 to $5 each
Soil - $10 for a big bag
4'' pots - $0.20 to $0.25 each
CFLs - $12 for a 10 pack