Seedlings and clones in rockwool. Rockwool to soil?


Hi everyone. I have 2 real good bagseed growing from seed to seedling in rockwool. I would like to grow these 2 in soil. I have clones also I am going to put into hydro. But my real question is, what kind of soil should I use to put my seedlings in? They are approximately 2 1/2 weeks old and have some roots showing at the bottom of the rockwool. Last year I just grew in my outdoor soil mixed with some organic gardening soil. Should I jus t go ahead and use the same method. Last years outdoor grow yielded 2 ounces per plant. No fertilization except whatever was in the gardening soil. Never once added any nutes. Can I start the process the same? Growing indoor this time. What size pots? Started last years in small and move to larger as the plant grew. Advice and pointers are greatly valued. Thanks.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
rockwool to soil is perfectly safe! i do this when i want to grow soil... i propogate all of my seedlings in rockwool since a majority of my grow is done by hydro but if i decide to go outdoors with soil i just pull a few seedlings out of my rockwool garden and transplant them into the soil

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
for soil just mix your own! that always works best so you know exactly what you start and finish with!! potting soil, perlite, vermiculite, river rocks, spahgnum moss.... the mixing possibilities are endless!! as long as it retains water as well as drains good and has good aeration then your good to grow! as far as nutes go.... if you want to grow with nutes my suggestion would be General Hydroponics Organic Nutrient line. they are able to be used in water or soil


I don't like rooting clones in Hydro and then putting them in soil. I find that the clones generally burn easier and they take a little while to switch over from the rich hydro climate (Slowing down the veg process). I now do all my clones directly into soil and have great success with it. (Those cloning machines arn't that much better).

What you do what to do though is buy some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. That is just packed full of goodness that your plant will love. If thats not an option what you want to do is about 35% Perlite 35% Worm Castings and 30% quality compost. If you dont want to fertilize much some Bone meal and fish emulsion may be a good idea to throw in to, just dont use it in excess.


Active Member
Hi everyone. I have 2 real good bagseed growing from seed to seedling in rockwool. I would like to grow these 2 in soil. I have clones also I am going to put into hydro. But my real question is, what kind of soil should I use to put my seedlings in? They are approximately 2 1/2 weeks old and have some roots showing at the bottom of the rockwool. Last year I just grew in my outdoor soil mixed with some organic gardening soil. Should I jus t go ahead and use the same method. Last years outdoor grow yielded 2 ounces per plant. No fertilization except whatever was in the gardening soil. Never once added any nutes. Can I start the process the same? Growing indoor this time. What size pots? Started last years in small and move to larger as the plant grew. Advice and pointers are greatly valued. Thanks.
The size of the pots depends on how tall you want your plants to be. It actually lines up pretty well 2 gallon pot = 2 foot plant || 5 gallon pot = 5 foot plant. That isnt an exact science but it typically works out in that manner. As far as soil goes, Roots Organic Greensfields is great for outdoor and also indoor gardening. It is about $24 for a typical size bag.

Hope that helps
That Guy


Thanks everyone. The clones are going into hydro. I want what I know is good bagseed in soil because of my previous failure w/ hydro. My 3 clones are going into hydro, my 3 seedlings soil. Got 2 cabinets. So doing different lengths under 18 vs 12 hour lighting will not be an issue.
My previous failure was either not recognizing nute burn soon enough or she was killed. Dies within 24 hours. Wilted top to bottom at 3 weeks into flower. It was my first hydro grow. Outdoor grows I have done for 3 years just by popping some seeds into soil and plucking the males out. Pure luck really. Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
everything above is good but a ward of warning about using garden soil( at least if your gonna take it for an indoor grow); its highly likely to transport bugs and disease, 99% of shop bought soil is heat treated and shit to remove this problem, i know you said you did well last time time but its a big risk for the sake of saving a few bucks mate, shop bought stuff doesnt need to the expensive stuff, btw if you do buy from a shop watch it doesnt have built in nutes, they can burn plants if you over feed on them and there bloody deadly for seedlings and clones, most Miracle-Grow brand products have built in nutes (i personally used them for a couple of years but you gotta be real careful)