Second Post on my First Ever Grow with cfls


now im kinda stumped on this one issue. i had trans planted my big female into her big pot less then three weeks ago..and im already seeing roots come thorough the bottom and top of my medium and bucket....any input im lost over watering maybe??? should i flower her or what


Active Member
Dam bro, thats sucks. You should get some pictures up so we could get a better idea of your sitauation. Anyway for now i just suggest transplanting to a bigger pot.


just kinda hard to get pics of my root growin up and down through my medium and the pot lol i just added a little soil into the bottom of the pot she is in now and gonna transplant her in to a 3 gal. pot tom. hopefully she dont stress out to much and kill over...she is also having some yellowing at base of stem and and the first set of seedling leaves....does that have to do with my freakin out shes my greatest progress and passed up my buddys plant witch was planted earlier by a bunch...:( so sad please comin now


Active Member
Oh wow, yea you should definetly transplant because roots are not supposed to be exposed to light. Also when you replant you can plant some of the stem as well since yours is a bit stretched and that way your roots are submerged even deeper in the soil. Anyway hopes this helps.


prune the tips as in root tips?....and its in MG cactus soil only fed it once and it was very little i will admit i was over watering but im like real new and got really happy to see it so big so has shhowed pre female signs so more depressing....over all outcome what do i do step by step processs. im like melting down lol...


Well-Known Member
ok so only water when the top 2 inchs of the soil are dry, est this by gently put your finger into the soil to feel for moisture. i have the mg cactus stuff and its what you need for flowering, low in N and high in P and K so find some bonemeal or somting to give it a N boost.


thnks i just transplanted her into a three gallon pot and just added some organics potting soil to fill it in the new pot with and watered her good now just gonna let her get better i guess...should i just flower her since its my first time when she does come back???


okay awesome...she is looking like she is over watered since i had to soak my medium i used to fill in the pot....but i didnt want her dien form be trans. and no water now about flowering am i ok with the amount of bulbs i have ??? just switch to 2700k?...and whats my best bet for a watering n nute scheduale onces shes back and my medium is dry up top....FYI you guys are killer with the newbie info i know i prob bore u guys appreciate all of it


Well-Known Member
Water only when the pot is light. Feel it when you water to see how that feels heavy. When it feels light to very light, water then. after doing it for awhile it becomes natural and second nature.
It's important cuz you need the soil to dry out so the roots grow in search for more water and nutrients.

if your using soil with nutes in it like MG or organic dont keep feeding it as there stuff already in the soil. other then that just give it a light feeding every week or two (water any other time only).

also, how much do you water when you water??? 500ml?? 1L??

you'll be fine...........just dont over water or over fert it will kill you fast.


Well-Known Member
ya no problem man, thats what i do mostly is help new growers because you guys need the most help and i wouldnt be where i am without advanced growers helping me when i was new.

water untill tere is just slight run off from the bottom of the plant


she is till drooping and i havent watered her sine the trans plant any other issues i should know about or will it take her a little to come back


Active Member
I always water until I get some run off. It helps get rid of unwanted deposits that build up from nutrients.
I make sure I have good drainage. I also tip the pot on an slight angle to help COMPLETLEY drain it. (it helps)
If possible fill a pot the same size with the same medium you use thats dry and compare weights. I did that


Well-Known Member
I have mine in 3 gal pot and every time I water I feel like I have to OVER water to just get the smallest bit off runoff, I mean like 2 gal of water per plant just for a little trickle??? The pots have plenty of drainage holes. I'm thinking maybe I should of used a bigger pot. I also do the weight test to determine when to water, I usually give my 3 ladies in flower a little under a gal every 4 days or so depending on conditions in my closet and how close I have my CFL's :) Every so often I will put a little bit of water in the tray at the bottom and they suck it right up (doing this I always have to make sure to rinse the trays every so often)! Good luck with your grow, sub'd.


thanks for the watering issues...helps me out alot i just dont understand why she is still droopin i havent watered her in like 4 days and the yellowing on my leaves is moving up my plant and im starting to get worried im like stuck right now:fire: