Scroungers Guide To "The Stealth Cabinet" - Lots of Pics


Well-Known Member
These are the fans I bought -

and my wardrobe is about 4/5ft wide, 7ft tall and about 2ft deep - if all that makes sense :)
OK so : 4.5 x 2 = 9
9x7 = 63 (your room is 63 cubic feet)

if you look closely the cfm rating (cubic feet per minute) on your fan is 23, so if u use 3 pc fans you will completely exchange the air in your room roughly every 50 seconds. :bigjoint:

i hope that makes sense


Active Member
OK so : 4.5 x 2 = 9
9x7 = 63 (your room is 63 cubic feet)

if you look closely the cfm rating (cubic feet per minute) on your fan is 23, so if u use 3 pc fans you will completely exchange the air in your room roughly every 50 seconds. :bigjoint:

i hope that makes sense
Cheers for that, I've alrdy got 2 so ima get another 2 and use 4. I really need to sort this shit out soon cos my plants are struggling with the heat stress now that I introduced the 600w :(


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies and Jointlemen, day 26 of vegetative growth and still i have nothing but good to report. Temperatures here in the UK Spiked to 27 degrees centigrade as we're getting our first "heat wave" if you will for 2010. I'm pleased to report my growrooms temp and humidity remained constant. Growth over the last 7 days have been explosive and plants have yet AGAIN doubled in size :bigjoint:

I have now begun the making it rain technique on my other 2 plants and now i feel i have PROVEN the results, as will be visible in the pictures. The plant i initially subjected to the technique is not much taller than the others now although secondary growth is much greater , leaves are larger and overall it is just a much happier plant, this will be visible in the pics.

I have also topped and fimmed on thursday, my plants were shocked for only a day or so and now those tops and fims should leave me with a minimum of 4 top colas (i expect between 4 and 8 thought)

Flowering is set to commence 5 days from now on the 27th of May :D I will be switching to a 250w Mixed Spectrum HID (Sylvania Grolux Bulb) so there will still be some blue spectrum in there as i know plants always like some of that :weed:

My only problem now is whether or not my carbon filter is up to the challenge, i have read that it will do fine on many different forums, but you know growers worry haha .

And so without any further ado ..... My Ladies :blsmoke:

NOTE* i can see new growth from my fimming and topping but i dont know if u guys will due to a crap camera

MIDDLE plant of pic 2 was my "making it rain" test subject



Well-Known Member
Looking good SS, you can surely tell which one has been rained on. Can't wait to see how they do under that 250w bulb.



Well-Known Member
Looking good SS, you can surely tell which one has been rained on. Can't wait to see how they do under that 250w bulb.

I love the technique :) it will from now on be used as standard . with the 250w i will have another 10k lumens and a reflector so things can only get big :D i want them to triple in size so i think a bit of blue spectrum in with the orange and red will help that along.

Thanks for stopping by



big respect on this thread :)

only signed up today newbie grower, will be starting first grow in a cpl wks time, likely to be a dwc grow, dnt hate me lol i need weed fast the prices are killing me and dryness is all to often, my lungs crave so hard it hurts so grow grow grow from now on

will be watching this thread closely for useable cheaps tho i too am a tight fisted peasant lol :-)


Well-Known Member
big respect on this thread :)

only signed up today newbie grower, will be starting first grow in a cpl wks time, likely to be a dwc grow, dnt hate me lol i need weed fast the prices are killing me and dryness is all to often, my lungs crave so hard it hurts so grow grow grow from now on

will be watching this thread closely for useable cheaps tho i too am a tight fisted peasant lol :-)
lol i know the drought alll too well, at the moment iv been without weed for 6 days and counting (he says in a tearful voice)


Hydro will work out more expensive for you in the long run btw and some nice high quality soil and nutrients will cost less and provide you with a higher quality smoke. I can make soil grows as fast as hydroponic grows with the "making it rain technique". read my thread thoroughly and you will see that being cheap is a fine art :bigjoint:

Thanks for stopping by :) i will help you be a cheapass with whatever you need mate :D


Well-Known Member
So, i got my 250w HID today , hung her up and plugged her in.....

Damn they run hot haha im just in the process of fine tuning my ventilation to keep up with it all :bigjoint: i think i'll have to live with 30c for now its a little warmer than it should be but hey il think of something .

on the plus i've been lowering the light cycle an hour a day to prepare them for flowering , new nutes will be added after the last drowning of distilled water has been sucked up.Timer is now runnin 14/10 tomorrow it will be 13/11 and eventually 12/12 by the weekend. I'm sticking with the BIOCanna line and using BIO Flores for blooming. if it does as well as the Vegas line i cant go wrong. I have to say EVERYBODY try these nutes your plants will want for NOTHING.

I will post some pics up when pistils start to show :D


Active Member
my quest for cooling has lead me this little marvel ..... MICRO AIRCON
Hey SS. This time I was a good boy and got caught up on my blogs before trolling through you guys stuff. How many time have I said "Now I'll go post blah blah" only to have you guys go looking and nothing there!! ;).

I'm not sure if your area is typically high or low humidity. In SoCal it's 35% RH in my garage so I'm gonna do a DIY Swamp cooler to lower temps and raise humidity. Check that out in my cab journal. And make sure you pour a nice cool one when you sit and read about my cloning saga in my grow journal. It's a tear jerker!! Hijack off. :mrgreen:

Dude I am so excited for you going into flower soon!! We demand bud porn now!!!! :hump: :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
lol i couldent even raise humidity above 50 at my best so now iv left it to drop during flowering its sitting at about 35 and i'm ok with that :D I have been blessed my the godess mary jane with a nice cool day so i have time to get my temps in order before the early summer heat returns. Flowering is very exciting hoping to see pistils in the next few days as iv been gradually lowering the light im hoping to start the process a bit quicker....bud porn to come :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey SS. This time I was a good boy and got caught up on my blogs before trolling through you guys stuff. How many time have I said "Now I'll go post blah blah" only to have you guys go looking and nothing there!! ;).

I'm not sure if your area is typically high or low humidity. In SoCal it's 35% RH in my garage so I'm gonna do a DIY Swamp cooler to lower temps and raise humidity. Check that out in my cab journal. And make sure you pour a nice cool one when you sit and read about my cloning saga in my grow journal. It's a tear jerker!! Hijack off. :mrgreen:

Dude I am so excited for you going into flower soon!! We demand bud porn now!!!! :hump: :bigjoint:

hey jsgamber, why dont you go buy one of those little powered coolers and place it in your cab? i know you have a 3 or 4 part cabinet so that may get costly, but it may work and you can still use it for non-cooling means too!! something I have been thinking about for my garage cab


Well-Known Member
Ok, so 32 days from seed, i saw my first set of pistils on sunday morning, and now i have several ... i hear these things explode out of nowhere so im soo looking forward to the next few days. The following pics are from sunday, its getting really hard to get pics as by the time i get home my lights are off now :(. The plants are flourishing though, temps are not in the desirable range but it doesent seem to be affecting growth too much and i have an ozone generator now to help with smell and any potential mould problems. RH is at a steady 30 so all is well there and they recieve water every second day now as root volume expands :D ..... i think you will all be impressed with the size difference heh heh heh



Well-Known Member
Bout time you start flowering jeesh. Mine are almost done already lol
Yo they are hella stocky, good job. Tie one to the side to open the canopy up. It looks a little crowded. Whats your sqaure footage?


Well-Known Member
low square footage about 2.5 x 3 coulda done with a ScroG but im a lazy-ass. i may just trim the lower branches for air movement and possibly tie some plants to the side, seeems like a gd idea :D