scrawny seedlings, and i think im doing everything right


Active Member

Gotta love the internet and forums like this. I did lots of reading here.


This is DAY 19 since germination. No growth or change in days now.

My first grow, 8 plants from bagseed of a lovely strain. Started in Miracle Grow (I know, bad) 20 oz clear cups.
transplanted to 2/3 Scotts potting soil 1/3 perlite in 1 gallon containers.

Just today I got Fox Farm Grow Big but havent used yet. I am heeding the warning about the slow release fert in potting soil. wish i hadnt used it.

Each plant (well one light broke, waiting for replacement) has a 23W (100w equiv) Compact flourescent hanging within 2 inches of it. So there is a total of 800 Equiv watts in the space.
Mylar curtain over it all.
Fan going.
Lights on 16 hrs a day.

One concern I has is the light spectrum. After I got everything setup, I found the post on spectrum, that 5500K to 6500K represents true light spectrum. Many of my lights are from 1200k to 2000k. Is this why growth is slow?

I am waiting for the mail to send my 6500k 120w equiv bulbs.

I plan to start new seeds tonight in soil which has no nutes. and will use FFGB for vegging.



1. what about my puny seedlings? Am I on track?

2. See the pic with the brown spot on leaf. Phosphorus deficiency? Its the only one with this. Or maybe a burn spot from light?

Help is much appreciated.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i do not know why you guys waste your money buying all those sockets... i were to grow with a cfl i would use one of these...

just my opinion

your seedlings are okay heres mine at 18 days under t-5's, soil pro-mix 4 no nutes added, ferts first shot of earth juice and superthrive a few days ago doulbled in size... strain mr. bubble x diesel x puna butter



Active Member
Those lights you use - a 650W eqiuv is $79? but 6 120W equivs, at $7 each is $42. Or am I missing something?
thanks for the pics of yours and reply.


Active Member
gorgeous. I may have to go HPS or MH for flowering. for veg, I really like not fightin the heat.
I cant imagine having a bud stick like that. well, yes i can imagine, but not gettin my hopes too hi........


Active Member
This is an update.
Dr vondankenstine helped me ALOT.

My biggest issue was Miracle Grow potting soil. It burned the babies. And I also was relying on a faulty pH meter.

I gently tipped the pots over, with one hand supporting the seedling to get it out. then crumbled most of the MG off. then put the root ball into pH adjusted water with a drop of Superthrive while i filled the pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

First pic is Feb 6.
Second Feb 16
Third Mar 1.

Now this is getting fun!

