Scoooby doobie doooo


Well-Known Member
jus wondering how many of us grow/ smokers of the fine cannabis lady watched or still watches the scooby doo series lol its been a rainy day and theres a marathon on is why i ask:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ive seen it on all day today.

it really hurts how lame it is, but if i were a kid in the 70s it would be tha shit


Well-Known Member
lol exactly it was funny as shit when i was like 12 but hell ill get stoned and watch it tho , adult swim should get the rights to it and make it cool again


Well-Known Member
yeah its looks like its got some kids playing them so its prolly gonna be jus a lot more hidden inuendo lol i mean come on talkin dog, always hungry, all there eyes are squinted, chasing mysterys in a van not to mention its painted all hippy like, lol shit they should make it rite finnally


Well-Known Member
cartoon network is making a new scoobie movie.. or at least its playing on it.. sometime in august.. another live action one.. but its supposed to tell the story of how scoobie and shaggy met...

all the scoobie doo series were pretty bad.. shaggy was a stoner with a talking dog... both always had the munchies.. thelma was a closet dike in love with daphnie, who was about clueless because she was in love with fred who obviously was a sausage chaser.. hell if i had a green love machine like they had it would have been orgys every nite.. but nope.. instead they ran around solving mysteries that involved weridos who dressed up as the dumbest shit and who "would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for those medling kids and their dog"... you would think that just once they would come across a criminal that could actually pull off the "evil plot" they were trying to do...

good shit to watched super stoned tho... i can relate to shaggy being a stoner and all.. but i have to be REALLY high to do it..


Well-Known Member
dude i love that stoners get the back plot of cartoons lmao like every thing sampson said is exactly true oh and ur SN's from half baked riteee


Well-Known Member
the first time i read it the other day i completed that line, sampson simpson i'm from jamaica mon rite by the beach boi.... i think thats how it goes


Well-Known Member
my kids have be watchin scooby doo all day...

iv got a break a little bit.. cuz they will flip from channel to channel

scooby doo---i carley---scooby doo----spongbob

scooby doo--- fairly odd parents....

i beleive scooby doo comes on again half the day tomorrow also around 12 or 1......


Well-Known Member
lol i think it does i was stuck inside with bad weather so eh wtf ill watch some scooby doo , sponge bob movies are the shit tho we got baked of some kush and lean and watched one i was so in to it lol man wow


Well-Known Member
yea.. thats it... that part of the movie makes me almost cry everytime i see it... everything from "if i wasnt jamaican why would i be wearing this hat" to "yes cuban B" has me rolling everytime i see it..


Well-Known Member
lmoa yes and abrakadabra, abra- kadabra, "why do you keep saying that" oh it's new slang all the kids are doin it "yo abrakadabra , abrakadabra b" lmao every time

oh but the whole story line is hilarious


Well-Known Member
that is a great stoner movie... its hard to say what the best stoner movie is tho... theres so many.. pineapple express... fear and loathing... grow op... kush... half baked.. dazed and confused... and many many others... ahh.. nothing beats getting completely baked and then watching others pretend to be baked.. well in some cases actually they are baked..


Well-Known Member
omg fear and loathing is one of my favorites and yes pineapple express hilarious and dazed and confused is a movie great lol van wilder movies SUPER TROOPERS umm dude yeah have u watched taken that dudes better than bond lol