Scientology according to bud


Well-Known Member
Any nut celebrity with an ego the size of a stadium and the brain the size of a pea would only go into that nutjobbery of nutjob cults for one reason and that is to boost their stadium sized ego even further, because they're all about ego. As for L. Ron and his fictional religion, all I can say is well done. I think I can come up with something better, in fact I challenge all RIU members to create the perfect religion, so long as it's based on feeling good and not fucking with the lives of anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Any nut celebrity with an ego the size of a stadium and the brain the size of a pea would only go into that nutjobbery of nutjob cults for one reason and that is to boost their stadium sized ego even further, because they're all about ego. As for L. Ron and his fictional religion, all I can say is well done. I think I can come up with something better, in fact I challenge all RIU members to create the perfect religion, so long as it's based on feeling good and not fucking with the lives of anyone else.
what is the perfect religion? from what i have seen its mainly about fleecing people out of their hard earned cash is that the aim of perfection?

if not and it was all about the welfare of the participants then i could suggest nothing more than cold hard skepticism with added wonder for the scientific world

the cynical side of me has made a Woo religion that steals small parts from some old stlye and new age ramblings it has an amount of quantum woo in there too and as far as i can tell it hasnt been used yet

details? sorry but cant do
A.i dont want to spread bullshit around the world
B. my cynical side isnt very nice sometimes and this one could end up hurting people


zappa's take on it was comical.
The church of Appliantology where you get to fuck vacuum cleaners.

Joes Garage Acts I,II & III


Well-Known Member
The religious episodes of South Park are the best.
They always do they funniest shit :D



Well-Known Member
They should change their name to the Church of Stupidology
"We get people off drugs"

That's what they would tell you...
That's their whole defense...
No one can call them out on anything, or call them unnecessary...
Because they "Get people off drugs"...


Well-Known Member
They had a shop on Hollywood Blvd in the 70's.

Just step in and take a test. I took it and passed, they didn't want me.

When I got back from Vietnam I went to visit my sister who was living with a bunch of them down by 9th and Alvarado (?) in Los Angeles. She indicated that she had to go to class and would I just tag along until she was finished.

Hahahaha ... then the fun started.

I was escorted in this room of about 20 people with 5 or so very beautiful recruiters. They were really slinging the shit, they wanted me to join in the fun. I wasn't taking the bait.

Shit I was the happiest person they ever met, I just got back from hell.

Then I realized they were talking about me in some kind of CODE?

WTF - I waited for my sister to finish her class, and then realized she was talking the same CODE, about me.

They had a Magic Box (a battery and a dial voltage meter) to which they would channel to. (and charge a lot of money)

They would practice telling lies to the machine, until they were clear (like a lie detector). (and charge a lot of money)

To make a long story short, my sister escaped the clutches of those weirdos and lived a decent life.

They just want your money, they don't care about their subjects :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Then I realized they were talking about me in some kind of CODE?

WTF - I waited for my sister to finish her class, and then realized she was talking the same CODE, about me.
Yep, it's their way of becoming part of the group, a typical tactic used by cults. They probably considered you an SP.

The Scientology "religion" has its own complex internal jargon, which it
is often necessary to use in discussing their beliefs and evil policies.
You'll probably need to tackle this before you can understand a lot of
the discussion on alt.religion.scientology.

This dictionary gives (mostly) one line definitions of few enough terms
to be comprehensible in a single reading without too much tedium. A
slightlybetter version is at
and a comprehensive one at
ACK(-KNOWLEDGEMENT) of communication; "OK", "Thank you", etcetera.
ADMIN(-ISTRATION) cult bureacracy, laid down in great detail.
AFFINITY, cult word for love or liking.
ARC / Affinity Reality Communication: signifies "rapport".
ARCX/ARC BREAK: argument, cross puposes, abscence of rapport.
ARS / Alt Religion Scientology: newsgroup, mainly critical, about CoS.
ACT / Alt Clearing Technology: newsgroup for independent scientologists.
ARS-CC (Central Committe) secret cabal which is of course plotting all
activity on ARS financed by drug companies & the Markab Confederacy.
AUDITING: scientology confessional ritual; AUDITOR administers it.

BANK, MEMORY- or REACTIVE MIND, stores up hurtful memories (ENGRAMS).
BARRATRY (English word) bringing lengthy and vexatious lawsuits.
BASH: favourite FREEZONE word for "criticise", to discourage analysis.
BEINGNESS: being something. Similarly DOINGNESS, HAVINGNESS.
BIG WIN: maginificent achievement, usually spiritual i.e. imaginary.
BILLION YEAR CONTRACT, for many lifetimes, signed in the SEA ORG q.v.
BLOW: depart suddenly (fifties slang), leave the cult.
BODY THETANS: degraded spirits parasitic on the bodies of others.
BRIDGE (TO TOTAL FREEDOM) progress through levels of Scn enlightenment.

CULT AWARENESS NETWORK,formerly anti-cult organisation taken over by Scn
CASE(-STATE), your progress in Scn, seen as a sort of psychotherapy.
C/S, CASE SUPERVISOR, person supervising AUDITORS and their clients.
CLAMS: Hubbard says humans evolved from them, hence nickname for Scienos
CLEAR: having achieved the first main step to Scn enlightenment.
COGNITION: sudden new insight, the desired end point of an AUDITING
process; the Cog for CLEAR is "I am mocking up my reactive mind".
COMMODORE: HUBBARD, a rank he awarded himself; also CommodeDoor etc.
CoS/Church of $cientology (abbreviation).

DAMNATION NAVY: sarcastic nickname for the SEA ORG(after Salvation Army)
DEAD AGENT: to respond to argument with frenzied personal attack on the
speaker to discredit them. DECLARE someone an S.P.; excommunicate them.
DIANETICS: original psychotherapy form of Scn, before it got religion.
DISCONNECTION: being told by Scn to cut links with friends or family.
DM, DAVID(*)MISCAVIGE--the symbol signifies buttocks round a
puckered anus--current leader of Scn; also POODLE-BOY, TIDYBOWL MAN &c.
DYNAMICS are in order 1self 2family 3tribe...8the_infinite;
"2D" means (as an activity) sex or (as a person) partner.

ED/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: head of an ORG (q.v.)
E-METER: skin resistance meter used to detect reaction in AUDITING.
ENGRAM: a remembered moment of pain inhibitting future actions.
ENTURBULATE: cult word for annoy, harrass, disturb.
EP/END PHENOMENON: desired end result of a Scn AUDITING process.
ETHICS: discipline applied for low production / department applying it.
EXTERIORISE: leave the body and act as a spirit.

FAIR GAME: to subject an enemy of Scn to harassment & dirty tricks.
FSM/Field Staff Member: Scn travelling salesman on 15% commission.
FLAG: centre of command, formerly on Hubbard's ship, now in Florida.
FLUB: to fail, or cock it up; a failure, a cockup (50s slang)
FLUNK!you have failed, start again! (50s american slang)
F/N, FLOATING NEEDLE on the E-METER indicates calm contentment.
FREEZONE, FREEZONER: independent scientology, scientologist outside CoS.

G.I./GROSS INCOME statistic for an ORG--what $cientology is all about.
G.O./GUARDIANS OFFICE: dirty tricks department, now renamed O.S.A.
GRADES or levels within Scn (specifically grades 0..7 lead up to CLEAR).
GREEN VOLUMES are directives on ADMIN, red volumes directives on TECH.

HANDLE: favourite cult word for "deal with" (a person, situation, etc).
HAT: a job function; HATTED assigned or trained for a hat.
HCO/Hubbard Communications Office. HCO-PL/Policy Letter would be
on ADMIN, HCO-B/Bulletin would be on TECH.
HUBBARD, L. RON: f(L)ounder of Scientology; also PHATSO, EL ROTUNDO etc.
'HO (OF BABBLE-ON): Scn trained attack-lawyer Helena Kobrin (ARS usage).

IMPLANT: delusion implanted in us by the forces of evil.
INCIDENT, or ENGRAM, pain memory; INCIDENT2, that described in O.T.3
INDICATE: produce a reaction on the E-METER; informally, to "ring true".
INVALIDATE: belittle, diminish, make less capable.

KoX/Knight of XEMU(q.v),title taken by critics after demon figure in Scn
KR /Knowledge Report: ratting on your colleagues in writing.
KSW/Keep Scn. Working: key directive("no deviation from orthodoxy").

LAZARUS,'Bot (computer program)detects cancelation of any article on ARS
LINES, Scn training & services; ON-LINES consuming training & services.

MARKAB, a star in Polaris from which the forces of evil supposedly come.
MAA ,Master At Arms, responsible for ETHICS in a SEA ORG unit.
MEATBALL: derogatory FREEZONE term for a materialist, opp. of DreamBall.
MEST,Matter, Energy Space and Time: the illusory physical universe.
ML=MUCH LOVE, sign-off favoured by HUBBARD and some Scienos.
MOCK UP: imagine, visualise, mentally create.
M/U--Misunderstood Word, supposedly source of all failure to understand
or agree cult texts; a way of stopping thought & discouraging questions

NARCONON, Scn drug rehabilitation front group to scam medicaid funding.
N.E.D,NEW ERA DIANETICS, is DIANETICS revised to include past lives &c.
N.E.D. for OTs (NOTS), now replaces O.T.LEVELS 4 through 7.

OPERATION SNOW WHITE, an operation by the G.O. to infiltrate government
departments and steal files hostile to Scn.
OPERATION FOOT-BULLET, alleged operation by Scn to get sympathy by
shooting themselves in the foot through disastrous public relations.
ORG(-ANISATION), a Scn local operation or "church" and its building.
O.S.A./OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS, dirty tricks dept formely the G.O.;
insiders sometimes pronounce it "OhZer" rather than as separate letters
O.T. /OPERATING THETAN, a THETAN (soul, spirit) able to leave the body
at will and attain godlike powers; O.T.LEVELS, I..VIII, courses
supposed to produce this state. O.T.3 in paricular introduces XEMU
and the key idea of BODY THETANS.
OUT-ETHICS, in breach of disciple; OUT-2D breach of discipline re sex.

PC/PRE-CLEAR: subject receiving AUDITING to reach the state of CLEAR.
PT /PRESENT TIME: Scns aim to live unreflectively in PT.
PTS/POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE (for the cult); member in touch with
an evil influence or SUPPRESSIVE PERSON.
PURIFICATION RUNDOWN: a step taken early in the grades which involves
lots of sweating in saunas and dangerously high doses of vitamin pills.

RAW MEAT: chumps, punters, potential recruits.
R(-OUTINE) 2, processes to exteriorise the spirit from the body;
R2-45, R2 process#45, exteriorising by use of a large calibre pistol.
R(-OUTINE) 6, that used in the clearing course; but the related R6
IMPLANT turns up in O.T.3 etcetera and is the source of christianity.
RUD(-IMENT)S: preliminary questions to deal with current upsets or
concerns before proceeding with the main part of AUDITING.
RUN, "run an (auditing) process on a PreClear", take then through the
steps or questions. RUN-DOWN complete set of steps or questions.
REG(-ISTRAR): salesperson in an Org; REG someone, sell them courses.
RICE & BEANS, punishment diet on R.P.F.
RTC/RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, body to enforce CoS copyrights.

SAINT HILL MANOR, the UK HQ, formerly Hubbard's residence in England.
SCAMIZDAT, samizdat (self-publishing) about scams, a person{s} who
distributed Scn secret crud anonymously all over the Internet.
SCIENTOLOGY--means "science of knowing"--a quack therapy disguised
as a religion, devised in 1950 by a conman called L.Ron HUBBARD.
SEA ORG: originally the Org (parish) based round Hubbard on his ship
the Apollo, now a sort of religious SS in paramiltary naval uniforms.
SOURCE: Hubbard; ON-SOURCE: correct in accord with Hubbard's writings.
SP/SUPPRESSIVE PERSON: enemy, excommunicated; a title taken on freely
by critics who award SP-Levels for achievement in mockery of O.T.LEVELS
SQUIRREL: heretic, FREEZONER, scientologist independent of the "church".
STAT(-SISTIC)S of production, by which eveything is measured.

TECH(-NOLOGY), the beliefs and quack therapies of Scientology.
THETAN, soul or spirit; THETA = good vibes; ENTHETA = bad vibes.
TONE SCALE: along which various emotions are arranged. Critics, gays,
and other meanies are at "TONE 1.1". TONE 40 = popeyed and screaming
orders like a loon (supposedly, in total control of the situation).
TRs/TRAINING ROUTINES: staring without speaking and other drills
prepartory to giving or receiving AUDITING.

WALL OF FIRE, destruction of the world by fire in INCIDENT2 of O.T.3
WOG, derogatory Scn name for non-believers (in British English it is
equivalent to n****r for Arabs and Indians, after the golliwog doll)

XEMU, galactic tyrant and chief villain in INCIDENT2 of O.T.3; Hubbard
sometimes spells it XENU, & variously pronounces it ZEE-MYOO or ZEE-MOO


Well-Known Member
They would practice telling lies to the machine, until they were clear (like a lie detector). (and charge a lot of money)
Is that really what they're doing on the machine?
That's ridiculous...

And...the better you lie?...The higher rank you get? Or what?


Well-Known Member
Is that really what they're doing on the machine?

That's ridiculous...

And...the better you lie?...The higher rank you get? Or what?
No. They do however use something called E-meters in a questionable way

Clear in Dianetics and Scientology is one of two levels a practitioner can achieve on the way to personal salvation. A state of Clear is reached when a person becomes free of the influence of engrams, unwanted emotions or painful traumas not readily available to the conscious mind. Scientologists believe that human beings accumulate anxieties, psychosomatic illnesses, and aberration due to receiving engrams throughout their lives. By applying dianetics, every single person can reach Clear.[1]

A person is said to be a Clear when he "no longer has his own reactive mind and therefore suffers none of the ill effects that the reactive mind can cause." A Clear is said to be "at cause over" (in control of) their "mental energy" (their thoughts), and able to think clearly even when faced with the very situation that in earlier times caused them difficulty. The next level of spiritual development is that of an Operating Thetan. A person who has not reached a state of Clear is called a "pre-clear."[2]

Dianetics states that a person's awareness is influenced by the stimulus-response of the reactive mind. Achieving the state of Clear means a person has overcome the reactive mind and is in complete control of his analytical mind. According to Hubbard: "A Clear is a being who no longer has his own reactive mind, and therefore suffers none of the ill effects the reactive mind can cause. The Clear has no engrams which, when restimulated, throw out the correctness of his computations by entering hidden and false data."[3] It is estimated that the cost of reaching the Clear state in Scientology is $128,000
An E-meter is an electronic device used during Dianetics and Scientology auditing.[1] The device is a variation of a Wheatstone bridge, which measures electrical resistance and skin conductance. It is formally known as the Hubbard Electrometer, for the Church's founder, L. Ron Hubbard.[2] Most of the Scientology concepts associated with the "E-meter" and its use are regarded by the scientific and medical communities as pseudoscience and the device itself is essentially a modified ohmmeter.

The Church of Scientology restricts the use of the E-meter to trained Scientologists, treating it as "a religious artifact used to measure the state of electrical characteristics of the "static field" surrounding the body". The meter, when used by a trained Scientologist, is claimed to reflect or indicate whether or not a person has been relieved from spiritual impediment of past experiences.[3] Officials within Scientology assert that the E-meter is intended for use only in Church-sanctioned auditing sessions and is in itself not a curative or medical device.[4] The E-meters used by the Church of Scientology are manufactured by Scientologists at their Gold Base facility.[5]


Well-Known Member
Is that really what they're doing on the machine?
That's ridiculous...

And...the better you lie?...The higher rank you get? Or what?
They walk you through the problems you had in life, life's challenges you couldn't handle, why your folks fucked you up so bad. They make you repeat it hooked up to the CLEAR machine, until you no longer react to that stimuli.

Once you have rationalized all the fucked up things in your life (rather than accepting them) and you can actually lie to yourself.

Then YOU are a new Leader, already moving up the ladder.

And that's the truth - as told to me :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
All Hail Xemu.!.

I think the e-meter is to findout just how messed up you are as a person.. They have you grab two handles and ask you personal questions about your life.. Questions that may make one uncomfortable.. And from depending on how uncomfortable they can make you, they will determine how Hopeless & depressed you are in life.. & offer ways to fix that.


Well-Known Member
They walk you through the problems you had in life, life's challenges you couldn't handle, why your folks fucked you up so bad. They make you repeat it hooked up to the CLEAR machine, until you no longer react to that stimuli.

Once you have rationalized all the fucked up things in your life (rather than accepting them) and you can actually lie to yourself.

Then YOU are a new Leader, already moving up the ladder.

And that's the truth - as told to me :bigjoint:

So it's like therapy...That makes you a Spok alien? (no emotion, or emotional connections) :lol:


Well-Known Member
All Hail Xemu.!.

I think the e-meter is to findout just how messed up you are as a person.. They have you grab two handles and ask you personal questions about your life.. Questions that may make one uncomfortable.. And from depending on how uncomfortable they can make you, they will determine how Hopeless & depressed you are in life.. & offer ways to fix that.
That's terrible...