Sarah Palin on CBS News


Well-Known Member
Ahhh ... but Bill Clinton WAS qualified, right? I mean, he was a governor of a small state, a virtual unknown at the time his party nominated him ... and thought to be a loser from the start. And O'bama's "experience" compared to Palin's makes him more qualified? How? Be specific in your answer ... how is O'bama more qualified, based upon experience, than Palin is?

And by the way ... I DO smoke what I grow and it would knock you on your pimple-pocked ass. :lol:

jk :)

actually i barely even support obama. i would rather vote ron paul. if i even choose to vote at all. but we have to choose the lesser of 2 evils. i think both nominees are pimples on this face. that stopped 10+ yrs ago. im no chump kid. im just another man in amerikkka: home of where my ancestors built this country and were murderd.

im just a little untrustworthy as more people should be


New Member
i just realized how idiotic it is to try and have political arguments over the internet. no one is going to change any minds. none of our votes count anyways.
Unless we get rid of Diebold type voting machines, you are absolutely correct. Bring back the paper ballot with public counting, Hell. I'll volunteer to count ballots. Those computer voting machines are ripe for mis- management. They have surmised that in Ohio last election, 2004. Every vote going through some of the machines registered a vote for Bush, no matter what went in. Talk about destroying democracy in one felled swoop. We can argue all day about who is the better candidate, but if your vote isn't counted, this is no longer a democracy but a dictatorship.


New Member
This is simple:

1. Democrats win ... no voter fraud.

2. Republicans win ... voter fraud.

Any questions"


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
The Democrats are too disorganized to perpetrate election fraud. The Republicans though... they're sneaky. ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't really care about alot of the stuff I have been seein and readin about Palin, about her preggers teenage daughter and the abortion thing and her in the stars and stripes bikini pic (tho I must admit she prolly looks better in it than Hillary would:lol:).

What I don't like is her bounty on wolves, and her comment about the Iraq war being 'God's work' REALLY scares me. That kind of radical religious fundamentalism is exactly why we are in this crap with the middle east to begin with, ya can't fight fire with fire, ya just gonna burn it ALL down that way.

And for all the bitchin about Obama not having enough expereince, not going oversees blah blah blah then they pic someone with LESS expereince as VP, only a very faint heartbeat away from President? Go figure.

I am an independant, btw, and I liked Ron Paul too. And Hagel.


New Member
I don't really care about alot of the stuff I have been seein and readin about Palin, about her preggers teenage daughter and the abortion thing and her in the stars and stripes bikini pic (tho I must admit she prolly looks better in it than Hillary would:lol:).

What I don't like is her bounty on wolves, I am an independant, btw, and I liked Ron Paul too. And Hagel.
Ok, on the wolves: The liberal media have blown this all out of proportion with their lies. What is going on here is intelligent wildlife management. The wolves see the Caribou as protein. If the wolf population is not managed, they wipe out the caribou. The Native Americans in the area live off of the Caribou just like the wolves do. If the wolves are not culled out and managed, the Native Americans starve. Remember, we are talking about a small section of Alaska where the wolves are NOT endangered in any way.

On Ron Paul: If you are truly a Ron Paul supporter, there is no way you should be voting for O'Bama. O'Bama is the direct opposite of Ron Paul politically. McCain is a little better of a choice than O'Bama based upon his voting record. Palin is way more of a true conservative like Ron Paul is.

If you like what Ron Paul had to say, then your vote needs to go to McCain and PALIN.



New Member
Ok, on the wolves: The liberal media have blown this all out of proportion with their lies. What is going on here is intelligent wildlife management. The wolves see the Caribou as protein. If the wolf population is not managed, they wipe out the caribou. The Native Americans in the area live off of the Caribou just like the wolves do. If the wolves are not culled out and managed, the Native Americans starve. Remember, we are talking about a small section of Alaska where the wolves are NOT endangered in any way.

On Ron Paul: If you are truly a Ron Paul supporter, there is no way you should be voting for O'Bama. O'Bama is the direct opposite of Ron Paul politically. McCain is a little better of a choice than O'Bama based upon his voting record. Palin is way more of a true conservative like Ron Paul is.

If you like what Ron Paul had to say, then your vote needs to go to McCain and PALIN.

uhhhh, you're still for Palin??


Well-Known Member
Fuck that. The reason they say they're killing wolves is so there's more moose to hunt for the natives. Okay, I get that. But let the natives hunt the wolves...without helicopters. I mean, really, guns aren't enough of an advantage? Should we roll out some tanks too, and crush the wolves? Grenades? Mortars? How about some F-16 flyovers and napalm? You gotta draw the line somewhere. I draw it right after guns. If guns aren't enough of an advantage for the natives then maybe they need to practice their hunting. Hunger will provide them motivation to do so.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would dime in and say that McCain is such a piece of garbage hypocrite SOB (I could go on forever saying things like asshole, chipmunk, etc.. and it would sound good too, but I'll stop). He goes out of his way to make these "Obama is a celebrity" commercial ads, and then he goes out and pics his VP based on the same antics he acccuses Obama's campaign of... Sounds like Bush to me. Anyone who thinks we are better off now than we were before Bush was here is just ignorant. I used to be a straight Republican ticket voter just two years ago. Til I started to research for myself and stop listening to the slurred opinions of "Rush Limbaugh" and hot headed bloggers...


New Member
Just thought I would dime in and say that McCain is such a piece of garbage hypocrite SOB (I could go on forever saying things like asshole, chipmunk, etc.. and it would sound good too, but I'll stop). He goes out of his way to make these "Obama is a celebrity" commercial ads, and then he goes out and pics his VP based on the same antics he acccuses Obama's campaign of... Sounds like Bush to me. Anyone who thinks we are better off now than we were before Bush was here is just ignorant. I used to be a straight Republican ticket voter just two years ago. Til I started to research for myself and stop listening to the slurred opinions of "Rush Limbaugh" and hot headed bloggers...

So you voted for Bush, twice? Seriously?


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know if "crushed" is the right word. But undecided voters thought that Biden won by a 2 to 1 margin, so Biden won. I wouldn't call it an overwhelming victory or anything, but Obama/Biden aren't the ones who needed an overwhelming victory in this debate. They probably didn't really need a victory at all, but they got one anyway.


New Member
this one goes to Joe Biden. Sarah Palin has once more shown herself not fit for the office of vice president or, gods forbid, president of the United States of America.


Well-Known Member
Biden is more qualified than Palin, but McCain is more qualified than Obama. McCain will win...but I'm just the messenger...don't shoot me.


New Member
Fuck that. The reason they say they're killing wolves is so there's more moose to hunt for the natives. Okay, I get that. But let the natives hunt the wolves...without helicopters. I mean, really, guns aren't enough of an advantage? Should we roll out some tanks too, and crush the wolves? Grenades? Mortars? How about some F-16 flyovers and napalm? You gotta draw the line somewhere. I draw it right after guns. If guns aren't enough of an advantage for the natives then maybe they need to practice their hunting. Hunger will provide them motivation to do so.
Hey Bong ...

I think the best solution would be to drop you off in the middle of Nowhere Alaska in five feet of snow with a rifle and let you hunt the wolves. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Hey, just because I live in a city NOW doesn't mean that I don't know how to kill, gut, skin and stew up a critter. I think I'd be fine if I was dropped off in the middle of Alaska, provided you dropped me off with warm clothes, good boots, a good knife, a rifle and 100 rounds of ammo. Compass would be nice too, but I could live without it. Probably wouldn't even need that much ammo to reach civilization again.