Sarah Palin on CBS News


New Member
I don't wager for money, my friend (in my best McCain voice). :lol:

I hope you're right, Med. I honestly hope that Biden is VERY obvious in "slamming her ass," and in his attempt to "slice and dice" her. That's exactly what Palin needs. I hope Biden comes off as an arrogant, vicious asshole, which wouldn't be to far of a stretch for Biden ... just like he did in the Clarence Thomas and the Robert Bork Supreme Court Justice senate hearings.

We'll see how it goes on Thursday night ... and we can discuss it on Friday. See you then, big guy ...


PS: Have a little compassion for the lady. My God, can you imagine the pressure she's under?
Vi, this is politics, you leave compassion at the door. I honestly don't like anything about her. She is as phony as a three dollar bill.


Well-Known Member
I don't wager for money, my friend (in my best McCain voice). :lol:

I hope you're right, Med. I honestly hope that Biden is VERY obvious in "slamming her ass," and in his attempt to "slice and dice" her. That's exactly what Palin needs. I hope Biden comes off as an arrogant, vicious asshole, which wouldn't be to far of a stretch for Biden ... just like he did in the Clarence Thomas and the Robert Bork Supreme Court Justice senate hearings.

We'll see how it goes on Thursday night ... and we can discuss it on Friday. See you then, big guy ...


PS: Have a little compassion for the lady. My God, can you imagine the pressure she's under?
you must not smoke any of the weed you grow. if you did you would understand how unqualified she is to be vice president of our heartbeat away from my balls. lets open our eyes and ears and ask some questions and not let the tv stations spoon feed us news and info THEY want us to know.


New Member
you must not smoke any of the weed you grow. if you did you would understand how unqualified she is to be vice president of our heartbeat away from my balls. lets open our eyes and ears and ask some questions and not let the tv stations spoon feed us news and info THEY want us to know.
Ahhh ... but Bill Clinton WAS qualified, right? I mean, he was a governor of a small state, a virtual unknown at the time his party nominated him ... and thought to be a loser from the start. And O'bama's "experience" compared to Palin's makes him more qualified? How? Be specific in your answer ... how is O'bama more qualified, based upon experience, than Palin is?

And by the way ... I DO smoke what I grow and it would knock you on your pimple-pocked ass. :lol:

jk :)



Well-Known Member
Ahh, Palin bashing shows the real fear lib's have.

If Palin decided what to have for breakfast as Governor would be more exp than Obama und Biden have combined.


New Member
Ahhh ... but Bill Clinton WAS qualified, right? I mean, he was a governor of a small state, a virtual unknown at the time his party nominated him ... and thought to be a loser from the start. And O'bama's "experience" compared to Palin's makes him more qualified? How? Be specific in your answer ... how is O'bama more qualified, based upon experience, than Palin is?

And by the way ... I DO smoke what I grow and it would knock you on your pimple-pocked ass. :lol:

jk :)

bill clinton was the 4 term governor and attorneys general of a small state...but little rock has more people than all of yes he was qualified....I don't care how qualified obama least he is not an idiot...when did it become acceptable for the president of the US to be stupid....McCain, like Bush.... is an idiot...


New Member
Ahhh ... but Bill Clinton WAS qualified, right?

Right. We had the most progressive 8 years since FDR while Clinton was POTUS. The economy grew at an unprecedented rate, employment flourished, home ownership grew exponentially, he left a surplus in the economy. Look what your party has wrought, and you think that bimbo Palin will make it better, bolderdash, We don't have to worry though, after thursday, McPalin will be toast.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
medecineman - you should know better. In an argument, if you make ten points, and one has the potential to be turned around against you, guess which one will be quoted in the very next response? It doesn't even matter how valid your other points are.

In your defense, the bubble started under the Clinton administration, but grew unchecked during the Bush administration. After the dot com bubble, investment money moved to housing, which was still growing very quickly. That started probably 1999-2000. There were about 7 years during which action could have been taken by the Bush administration, but of course nothing was done.

Ahh, Palin bashing shows the real fear lib's have.
I'm no liberal, but damn right I'm scared! The thought that this woman may become president gives me the willies.


New Member
Even if they couldn't afford it.
Which is why we are where we are.

Excellent point.
It was going beautifully untill your no oversight Bushies came to power, took it 7 years to tank. The greed generated by the laise-faire bush politics killed it.


Well-Known Member
Except for the fact that the Dem's killed any chance for oversight. Since they had a vested interest in it. Just check on that, who were the CEO's for Frannie and Freddie? Where did they come from? How much and who got money from these CEO's to keep on keepin on bad business practice? Check on these facts before spouting slogans.

Your intense hatred has blinded you.


New Member
Except for the fact that the Dem's killed any chance for oversight. Since they had a vested interest in it. Just check on that, who were the CEO's for Frannie and Freddie? Where did they come from? How much and who got money from these CEO's to keep on keepin on bad business practice? Check on these facts before spouting slogans.

Your intense hatred has blinded you.
You're probably right about my intense hatred of the Bushies. I'd like to see them all in a court of law, an international court of law for war crimes.
You must admit that they (The Bushies) could have stopped and prevented this meltdown, they had 7 freaking years. Afterall what happened to all the conservatives? These wall street fuckups are not aligned with conservatism, or are they?
I'd also like to see all the players that made big bucks off this boondoggle get theirs, like a court date and a payback of all profits. BTW it is always the right wing trick to blame everything on Clinton, sorry charlie, it doesn't fly here.


New Member
medecineman - you should know better. In an argument, if you make ten points, and one has the potential to be turned around against you, guess which one will be quoted in the very next response? It doesn't even matter how valid your other points are.

In your defense, the bubble started under the Clinton administration, but grew unchecked during the Bush administration. After the dot com bubble, investment money moved to housing, which was still growing very quickly. That started probably 1999-2000. There were about 7 years during which action could have been taken by the Bush administration, but of course nothing was done.

I'm no liberal, but damn right I'm scared! The thought that this woman may become president gives me the willies.
No liberal, huh? :-P

This debacle started when liberals began to oust the free market, long ago. Carter, Clinton, Frank and Dodd fired the last shots that killed the exotic beast named Capitalism.

How Subsidized Housing Keeps the Poor Down - Book review - by Carol W. LaGrasse


Husock outlines six decades of public housing projects and other types of subsidized housing for the poor in the United States, the trillion dollar ($1,000,000,000,000.00) housing mistake, as he aptly calls it. Beginning with President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s National Housing Act of 1937, the numbers have ultimately become daunting. Today, 3,200 public housing authorities concentrate the poor in “permanently subsidized communities where illegitimacy remains the unquestioned norm and work isn’t seen as leading anywhere.” The author faults the nation’s vast public housing system for “sheltering exactly the same people whom welfare reform targets—unwed mothers, whose fatherless families have proved incubators of social pathology.”

Husock reserves his most severe analysis for the Clinton-era toughening of the treatment of banks under the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) signed by President Jimmy Carter under the aegis of eliminating “red-lining.” The Clinton era foisted severely low lending standards on the mortgage industry. Husock shows that the Boston-based Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) epitomizes the aggressive use of the radical CRA standards to distort the mortgage market. With an annual budget of $10 million, NACA closes on 5,000 mortgages per year, earning the organization a $2,000 fee on each transaction. Carrying the supposed need to end red-lining to an extreme, NACA, with millions in federal funding, acts as a gate keeper for mortgage lending to supposedly oppressed and permanently disadvantaged borrowers for whom society must bend the rules. Down-payment requirements are “patronizing and almost racist,” says Brian Marks, NACA’s chief executive, a former Scarsdale resident. Banks kow-tow to Mark’s disruptive tactics at annual meetings and their targeting of bank executives’ homes. But Husock believes, “There is no surer way to destabilize a neighborhood than for its new generation of homebuyers to lack the means to pay their mortgages.”


New Member
bill clinton was the 4 term governor and attorneys general of a small state...but little rock has more people than all of yes he was qualified....I don't care how qualified obama least he is not an idiot...when did it become acceptable for the president of the US to be stupid....McCain, like Bush.... is an idiot...
I probably should point out to you at this point that Palin isn't running for president. Now if a state's population is a requirement, what's the population of Delaware?

And how stupid does someone have to be to say that FDR went on TV in 1929 to address the country about the great depression? Man, do you lefties have a double standard or what? You all are like this ... in all 57 states! :lol:



Well-Known Member
I just watched more of this Pain-Couric interview. This women is one shade away from being retarded. She is hands down the dumbest politician I have ever heard...including George Bush!


New Member
I probably should point out to you at this point that Palin isn't running for president. Now if a state's population is a requirement, what's the population of Delaware?you started it...I don't care where poopy palin is from....she is an idiot...

And how stupid does someone have to be to say that FDR went on TV in 1929 to address the country about the great depression? Man, do you lefties have a double standard or what? You all are like this ... in all 57 states! :lol:everyone knows there there is 57 states you don't have to keep telling us doof....



Well-Known Member
i just realized how idiotic it is to try and have political arguments over the internet. no one is going to change any minds. none of our votes count anyways.