Sarah Palin on CBS News


New Member
Fuck that. The reason they say they're killing wolves is so there's more moose to hunt for the natives. Okay, I get that. But let the natives hunt the wolves...without helicopters. I mean, really, guns aren't enough of an advantage? Should we roll out some tanks too, and crush the wolves? Grenades? Mortars? How about some F-16 flyovers and napalm? You gotta draw the line somewhere. I draw it right after guns. If guns aren't enough of an advantage for the natives then maybe they need to practice their hunting. Hunger will provide them motivation to do so.

You ever hunt wolf? :lol: If not, you're not qualified to participate in this discussion. Get it? :mad:


Well-Known Member
if palin was mccains BEST Choice for vp then the republican party has a few problems


New Member
if palin was mccains BEST Choice for vp then the republican party has a few problems
A FEW problems? ~lol~ I'm voting for this as the understatement of the year! :mrgreen:

One of the main problems is that McCain got the nomination. If it weren't for Palin, McCain would be out of it by now. I'm voting for McCain/Palin, but not for McCain.

Like I've been saying all along ... Palin, only a heartbeat away.

A vote for O'Bama is a vote for a faster ride down the r
Road to Serfdom.
