Sap Is Oozing From My Buds On Day Of Harvest?


Well-Known Member
I chopped some Purps down today and as i got close to trim, i saw something that resembled Tree Sap. So I spooned it up with my scissor tip and tasted it. It was as sweet as sugar. several of the buds have these little bubbles of sap coming out.

does anyone have a good explanation of this? good? bad?

+reps for help.

I can't think of an explanation based on the description, but I'd love to see some pics of this. It's not uncommon for buds to excrete a bit of thick, sticky resin towards the end, but this "oozing" you're describing sounds totally different. Does it smell skunky (or however your buds normally smell) or does it seem more like a foreign/new substance?


Well-Known Member
probably just moisture from a stem or where you clipped off a fan leaf. Had a strain once where that stuff was red, looked like the plant was bleeding, hehe.


Well-Known Member
not bleeding. and its not resin.
i guess when i say oozing, its just a little drop. but about the size of a water droplet. big enough to see from about 2 feet away. very sticky and it tastes just like sugar. like agave nectar.
JapanFreak im going to go with your answer. cause it doesnt seem to be harmful in any manner. Its just very unusual to me cause i have never seen it. but im only on my 5th harvest right now and still just barely scratching the surface of growing good meds.
I will see if i can update with a pic. I just bought a canon g12 and it takes AWESOME close up pics. but i can get the camera to upload the pics to my computer. so as soon as i get that figured out, ill let you all check it out. cause its friggin awesome. just foreign to me so i figured id see what "the pro's" would say.


Well-Known Member
oh and no, no mold issues. a bit of a battle with PM. but who isnt battling it out with the mighty PM.


Well-Known Member
i guess my point was that i have such a small amount of PM that i dont think it has to do with my plant making honey. i would have a hard time believing that mildew could create such a delicious little puss droplet.


Well-Known Member
sometimes when you break a branch, it starts oozing sugary drops, it might be the plant's food

TJ baba

Well-Known Member
I would assume there's nothing to worry about, some plants just have funky quirks in their genetics lol


Well-Known Member
My AK47 from last years grow would bleed out purple. It was thick as sap and tasted sweet as hell. Looked super neat too. Fun to see while soreing like Cheech doing some LST/defoliating.


Well-Known Member
I believe its glucose. Its not very commom but ive had it before. Once every few months theres a new thread about it. From what i hear its not good to smoke at all. Ya probably want to remove it. Sorry to be a buzz kill.