rust spots , claw ,random holes..please help..cant find solution anywhere!!


Well-Known Member
Hi and thanks for looking at my thread ...first time grower..

I am stumped and frankly drained.I have been thread searching for weeks and can not solve this.Please help set me in the right direction this is my last hope.

Some info.. ph 5.5-5.8 , distilled water ,tds is 400-700 (i have tried a few dif ranges to eliminate problems) res temps 60-65f , 400whps 175w mh , rh 35% -45% , RT 65-72f daytime 55-60f night fox farm nutes ..

Homemade aeroponics with seperate res .(roots never touch res) 15 on 45 off

i am getting claw pretty bad, new and old growth...rust spots and lines , old growth , and something i cant find an answer for is groth old growth young plants old plants...the holes edges are all yellow and are all diffrent sizes (no i dont foiler feed)..sometimes it comes in between the margins like a is like the plant is eating itself bugs that i can find..and i am constantly looking...

here are some pics any more info needed lmk..thanks so much...



Well-Known Member
pics are uploading to photobucket ...will be up in a few...also some of the veins have a burn line that runs next to them...on the top of the leaf...fwiw


Well-Known Member
the grow is in a basment..and i have an oscilating fan on the plants.. one pointing at the lights and one huge fan in the back for extra air movement...i am getting cuping in the leaves as well...right now i am flushing with h202 and phd water...i have =red everything ...long talks with the hydro store...and used two vacation days just to stay home and research...3rd week of flowering and they are all girls..males were yanked.....some type of wilting going as it seems..



Well-Known Member
some redish brown stems and petoles...up one leafs veins but thats it..bagseed from 4 diffrent strains...some top notch


Well-Known Member
nobody?...come on guys its my first grow and this is really demoralizing....i have put everything i can into the gf will back me on misses me


Well-Known Member
the tear marks n shit are from bugs.. you got any gnats flying around or little white flying insects?

and as far as the clawing goes have you upped the nutes recently by a high amount? cuz it looks like overfert or over watering.. do the roots hand suspended or are they in the clay pebbles?

also your temps are a tad low.. i would say 75-80 day 65 at night


Well-Known Member
bugs is what i thought at first as well...but me and the magnifying glass hasnt seen shit...i also have one of those green led lights so i look at night as well..yes i was at 390 or so and thought it was defiency issues..(current symptoms).so i upped them to 750...i no it was a lot of nutes quick....but do you think 390 was hurting them as the symptoms where already exsisting?...BM


Well-Known Member
that is a big jump, i am guessing the droop and claw started when you upped the nutes? you really never want to up it more than 150 or 200 to avoid shock. also it may be gnats that chill around the base.. check under the leaves n such you may have somethin crawlin around you never know.. i would suggest tho backin off the nutes to about 500 or so.. plants can flower just fine with about 700-1000 ppms so no need to crank it up too fast


Well-Known Member actually started happening before i upped the nutes. i was using 1/4th strenght...i thought they where hungry......i went and checked down stairs and my night temp is 65f and rh is 71%...thats a bit high...but enough to cause this.....never checked rh at 3am

bugs is the only reason that ripping or tearing would be happening...what about bacterial or fungai...

Sweet set up btw..lot of weed in a little place...


Well-Known Member
wtf could eat such large chunks so quickly and me never see it.i am down their too much....and why the yellowing of the edges on the ...just dead tissue.?...hmm...

Im also getting (onsomeleaves) a burnt streak the will run along (next to) the vein between the margin and stem...


Well-Known Member
it may be over watering then.. do the roots hang in air or are they submerged in a res or in a bucket of pellets or what?


Well-Known Member
they hang in the air...with my design the roots never sit in water..res is seperate.and they dont find their way in serious pooling or stagnent water..i feed 15 on 45 off..i an airstone in the res and in the root chamber...roots look healthy as far as i can tell...

thanks for the help man..


Well-Known Member
overwater is what i origonaly thought to brah.. so i played with water times...15 on 2hr off and worked my self down...checking roots to see how dry ect..not a fucking change...

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
yes those are most definately insect bites......
nute burn could be causing the claw...... check the roots too for rot.... if it smells really bad things arent good


Well-Known Member
id back nutes down to about 500 and keep the feeding to 15 every 2 hours and see how that works out for ya.. aero is especially prone to nute shock and burn because there is direct access to the roots at a molecular level. you can generally feed them less and they will perform as well.

also you def. have some kinda bugs.. id get some sticky traps and put them at the base to see whats going on.. also if you are using chemical roots id toss in some 35 percent h202 to give em some more o2 and kill off any bacteria in the res


Well-Known Member
bump...ty very much problems started when the nute content was 396ppm..thats why me and the hydro guy originally thought it could be i played with it a bit...

I use distilled water and do not add calmag...witch i think could b part of my rust spots..but i dont think it is bugs ...i am going to buy some bug spray...thinking ff dont bug me..and hit em anyways...start using some calmag...maybe thats why the holes are appearing ...not enough calcium to hold up cell structure?? ph was swinging a bit and i realize that now that i have a nice meter and not hp test kits...we will see...any more advice would be great..!!!