Running her mouth


Well-Known Member
i am currently growing in my shed bcoz my gf doesnt want it in the house, which is fair enough. ill respect her wishes.

anyway, she doesnt really agree with me growing, and i told her that i was growing vegetables, she knew that i was really growing cannabis.

anyway, so im at work as i do, mon - fri. and i ring her on my drive home an i find out her sister and new bf are round.

when i got home, they were gone and just my gf at home.

so i carry on minding my own business. go out back to check on my plants an do my thing.

when i come back in, i find out that she has told her sister that im growing. now... her sister works for the police. now although i know that her sister will not do anything - i am totally 100% sure on this.

its the fact that she is running her mouth telling ppl when i have clearly said "i dont want any attention or attraction or anything what so ever on the house" - basicly, i wanna keep my house on the quiet for obvious reasons.

anyway, i only told her i was growing bcoz shes my gf, i trust her and would of thought she would of been more sensible.

when i had a chat with her asking her why she told her sister that im growing she said in a weird tone of voice whilst twirling round to take her food into the other room "why, whats the problem? ur only growing vegetables"

she knows damn well growing cannabis.

what should i do? should i take this as a kinda threat? ive told her many times not to let any1 near my stuff (i take the keys with me now so no1 can get in, just incase) but shes had her grandad round cutting the grass an everything.

who else is she going to have round that will spot something 'fishy' whilst im at work.

shit, i dunno what to do.


Active Member
doesn't matter she will still collect child support weather you're together or your getting pounded in the ass i'm tellin you ditch the plant or ditch the bitch


Well-Known Member
Thats a tough one dude.
If it was me, I'd probably tear it all down, because if you get caught it'll be torn down anyways and you'll probably be goin to jail if it does.

It would probably be best to get rid of the grow Op now, and wait when there is a better opportunity.


Well-Known Member
my lil plants only just sprouted :(

its kinda hard to explain. i know she wouldnt turn me in or anything its just the fact that i told her to keep ppl away from this and keep everything quiet and she tells the 1st person that visits the house.

like wtf.

anywya i am keeping the grow. ive waited too long to get out of my mums house an do what i want. im doin the grow to make money and save money and also for a hobby.

i just would of never expected her to tell any1.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit of a weird one.
You have a kid on the way, and if your woman is letting her mouth flap about and shes telling everyone.. well.. you know jail time could be coming.

Do you really want to leave your unborn child with no father for a year or two?

Do you not have a cellar in your house?

You could also explain to her that you want to make a little money on the side for when the baby comes so you can buy what you need, when you need it..
That way she will be less likely to tell more people.

Just explain that if she tells people, you will get busted and your child will have no father for a few years.

If you grew indoors, you'd cut out a lot of this hassle.
Don't you have a cellar?


Well-Known Member
just clearly tell her that she can not tell anyone! tell her that in a serious kinda voice, and hint on that thats how people get busted for growing and that you would have to go to jail, if busted.

shell get it eventually... (hopefully)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
She knows what she's doing...this is something she could hold over you if you ever break up.She could bring this up in court and try to use it against you, having her sis and sis's b/f as witnesses.Get rid of the grow, and brace yourself for some rocky times.If I'm wrong,I'll eat all my stems from now on.


Well-Known Member
no i dont have a cellar. i didnt want to grow in the house though bcoz she went mad when i mentioned it b4 we moved.

its in the shed, the only thing u can see is a black lead coming out of it and into the back door through the cat flap.

ive been speaking to her and apparntly she didnt know it was pot. however she does now and shes gone on one an not speakin 2 me.

i dont think she will take me to court or anything. i pay most of the bills and bring the bacon home then she'd be left to bring up our baby boy on her own.

thing is, i think shes got it in her head that its doing me no good.

she knew what i was like when she met me and ive come to far from then. i have a really good job for my age, a really nice car for my age, a really nice house for my age. everything is going fuckin fine until she brought this up.

thing is, i only want to do it once. its the thrill of doing something illegal that gets me. i mean, yeah its a hobby and i like it but it would be different if it was tomatoes or something.

like i used to copy cds and dvds back in high school and sell them. that was illegal and it give me abit of a buzz kinda thing - as if i gotton away with it. it will be the same for this. ill grow my plants. do everything properly and then sell the equipment.

its so frustrating in this situation.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the plants. You don't know what anyone is capable of,especially when they're upset. I mean you weren't even straight with her about it being weed. That shows you think she wouldn't have condoned it. You keep saying you don't "Think" she'll alert the authorities. Dude you should know. My wife would never rat me out to anyone. That's a concrete fact. You should have that same peace of mind. You Have too much to lose. As you said, you have a nice home, car, job and soon to be full fledged family. Drop the adrenaline junkie act. It's all fun and games until someone get's hurt. Next time discuss things with her. Be honest, and she might be more receptive.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the plants. You don't know what anyone is capable of,especially when they're upset. I mean you weren't even straight with her about it being weed. That shows you think she wouldn't have condoned it. You keep saying you don't "Think" she'll alert the authorities. Dude you should know. My wife would never rat me out to anyone. That's a concrete fact. You should have that same peace of mind. You Have too much to lose. As you said, you have a nice home, car, job and soon to be full fledged family. Drop the adrenaline junkie act. It's all fun and games until someone get's hurt. Next time discuss things with her. Be honest, and she might be more receptive.
yer i suppose ur right.

well im working on her but she has just text me sayin that if she wasnt having my child then she would break up with me shes that angry.

its shit, only the other day we was round the shops an she was looking at nutes with me.


Well-Known Member
hey she told u on the phone that her sister and bf where there and she "said" that she told them... that does not mean she did tell anyone..
"they were gone when u got home"?? maybe they were never there that day

maybe she told u that she told them to scare u into throwing them all away... ???
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Well-Known Member
nah, they were there coz they fitted some stuff in our new house, lock on bathroom door etc.

she thought i was going veg, and has told her sister that. so as far as they both know its vegetables but now she knows its pot.


Well-Known Member
yer i suppose ur right.

well im working on her but she has just text me sayin that if she wasnt having my child then she would break up with me shes that angry.

its shit, only the other day we was round the shops an she was looking at nutes with me.

When you said you were thinking about it prior to moving out how did she react? Im sure she's not now, but was she ever a smoker?


Well-Known Member
tell her im the man of the house and if your not ok with it then u know where the door is..

then she will relax..

she is fighting for control:twisted:


New Member
It's a passive aggressive bid to make you stop. She blabs, you ditch the plants and stop growing weed and turn into Ward Cleaver.

She needs to realize that if you go down, she goes down too and the kid goes away to foster. Maybe you should explain that to her.

Loose lips sink ships.......


Well-Known Member
i was 1/2 messing..

try and reach some sort of compromise, explain how it is just a hobby, that your not planning on becoming a dealer, explain your love for the gardening......

maybe tell her this will b your last grow... and then she might come around..

also warning her about not telling anyone is paramount.. ask her does she want to get robbed??

hope it works out fot ya..