Rotten Fish Gut Juice


Second time grower here. Took some advice from a friend of mine and bought a fish at the outdoor market where I live here in Asia, cut it open and drained all the blood and gut juice from the fish into a jar. I let it get extra rotten and nasty on my balcony for a few days and then started adding 4 TBSP per 1 gallon water can and my plants absolutely LOVE it. They are about a month into veg and now have the most beautiful deep shades of green leaves and look strong as could be. I also spray under the leaves with some diluted fish water in the evenings. My plants stink like death but they look gorgeous. I'm surprised I haven't heard more people talking about the benefits of fish water.


sounds interesting
Another friend of mine near where I live grows a little bit too, and he actually buried an entire fish inside the 8 gallon pot when he transplanted and his plant looks gorgeous. No stink either which surprised me. Apparently marijuana plants love any and all things fish.


This is really crazy. I can believe it tho because plants love to soak up all kinds of nutrients from decomposing organisms. They thrive off that shit. I'm sure they're getting plenty of nitrogen with that mix. Might have to give this a try


New Member
Fish Emulsion has been used as plant food for centuries. I would be careful using raw fish products though, salmonella among other things should be considered...


Well-Known Member
Its probably gonna taste like shit when you smoke it and smell like it to.if you want try ordering nutrients from out dyna gro


Its probably gonna taste like shit when you smoke it and smell like it to.if you want try ordering nutrients from out dyna gro
If anything chemical crap like Dynagro is what will make your weed taste like shit. Fish water is a natural, organic fertilzer. My friend who recommended this has been using raw fish products for years. He stops foliage feeding with fish water when flowering but continues to water the plant with fish water up until a week before harvest. Ive smoked his weed many times and it smells and tastes absolutely awesome.
Me and my dad used to bury fish guts in our tomato garden when I was a kid and we never had any problems so I don't see why weed would be any different.


This is really crazy. I can believe it tho because plants love to soak up all kinds of nutrients from decomposing organisms. They thrive off that shit. I'm sure they're getting plenty of nitrogen with that mix. Might have to give this a try
Yea my friend swears by it. He said he's grown using nothing but fish water with no nutes at all in the past and his plants turned out great. Apparently decomposing fish has everything plants need to survive. Definitely high in phosphorous . I can't believe the growth spurt from my plants and how gorgeous and healthy the leaves look. They really seem to love the foliage feeding with fish water.


I am also using a bloodmeal. Here in Asia we can buy chicken blood cubes at the market. Ive been drying them out in the sun and then crushing them into a powder and adding that to my soil. Seems to be working quite well but the fishwater is the best.


I use fish emulsions all the time the stuff is Awsome and will very very rarely burn your plants.
Yea my friend turned me on to the fish stuff. I'm doing it Indian style now just cutting up the fish and draining all the juice out of the guts and then sticking it in a jar and letting it get nasty for a few days. I add 2 TBS per gallon of water and 1 TBS and water in a spray bottle and hit them up with that everyday. Never seen healthier and happier looking plants in my life.