roots need oxygen right?...


Well-Known Member
oh yea, i know what you're talking about,.. i don't know if you follow though,.. im talking about getting an acc for a mister system in my place, and running misters through out my home. i can't install any thing like those silver round spinning vents here though, the hoa would go ape shit, lol

rh is real low around here anyway, a little boost in the house during our dry summer might be nice,.. i just wonder if it'll lower the ac bill enough to be worth it..

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
how big a tank you need to go 2+weeks without a hand pump?

RO is a pain,.. i use to lug it home from walmart for cheap, but still such a pain. the best RO solution for me would be a home system, but with our high ppm tap water here (around 500ppm) id go through filters fast enough for the cost to still annoy me. for growing, since i go through about 90gal in 2+ weeks i learned to deal with my tap,.. and honestly it wasn't bad, i just add GH nutes to my tap water, some pH down, and thats it. They seem to love it pretty good.
totally depends on your nozzle count and nozzles themselves... the 34 gallon here should cut it, that should do it if your chamber is similar to mine. I think the mist will deposit minerals all over your entire house if you don;t use r.o. water. It's not the ideal method, as that much humidity will make you sweat all the time even if its cooler. A swamp cooler would be ideal, less work, and they're really cheap...


Well-Known Member
anyone got any ideas on equalizing suction over 14 different length lines?...might not be needed though if one big suck is used, say over 60 sec to empty 5gal of old air.. hmm... so many options.. thoughts?.....
Pressure regulator valve like for air compressors. I use these at my shop. I have multiple lines for different tools and such all requiring different pressure. You just turn the knob to set what you want.

Unique and fun idea. WHy sweat your whole system? Why not isolate some buckets for a control group and the other buckets for your test group to see what happens and how the plants are effected. Good luck.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
how big a tank you need to go 2+weeks without a hand pump?

RO is a pain,.. i use to lug it home from walmart for cheap, but still such a pain. the best RO solution for me would be a home system, but with our high ppm tap water here (around 500ppm) id go through filters fast enough for the cost to still annoy me. for growing, since i go through about 90gal in 2+ weeks i learned to deal with my tap,.. and honestly it wasn't bad, i just add GH nutes to my tap water, some pH down, and thats it. They seem to love it pretty good.
That's crazy, with those ppm's i can't fathom how you have any control over your nutes, but hey if it works- you seem to be good at getting stuff to work. I couldnt use your tap water in my aero, as the starting ppm would be too high, and I wouldn't have even added any nutes to it yet... I'm surprised you don't have issues related to too much calcium or magnesium.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Pressure regulator valve like for air compressors. I use these at my shop. I have multiple lines for different tools and such all requiring different pressure. You just turn the knob to set what you want.

Unique and fun idea. WHy sweat your whole system? Why not isolate some buckets for a control group and the other buckets for your test group to see what happens and how the plants are effected. Good luck.
Yeah, I still think you should try a test in one bucket, just for comparison.. Then you'll know for sure if it was worth the investment.


Well-Known Member
$215.99!! aF-that idea. I have the pumps already, wont need it to go 2 weeks honestly, was just a thought ;-)

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
$215.99!! aF-that idea. I have the pumps already, wont need it to go 2 weeks honestly, was just a thought ;-)
I'd just grab a smaller one, and if you want to add more capacty later, there is no reason why you cannot put 2 inline, they will combine storage and work just like one big one.


Well-Known Member
That's crazy, with those ppm's i can't fathom how you have any control over your nutes, but hey if it works- you seem to be good at getting stuff to work. I couldnt use your tap water in my aero, as the starting ppm would be too high, and I wouldn't have even added any nutes to it yet... I'm surprised you don't have issues related to too much calcium or magnesium.
I use to need to add cal/mag back when i was using other nutes and lugging home 20ppm RO water from the store, or i would get cal defi spots. Not since i went to 100% tap. Which very nicely is free where i live ta boot. I think maybe you think you couldn't use my water because you're use to RO and starting at 0 ppm. I use to think how do i to (like that grower over there who had success) run 300ppm if my tap is 500 to start with. So i was 100% RO,.. then i was cutting it with tap,.. and eventually, when i changed to GH nutes, i just followed the instructions on the bottle. Fuck what the starting point is, just keep adding 1 part FloraGro, 2 part FloraMicro, and 3 part FloraBloom to my flowering bitches, and 3 part FloraGro, 2 part FloraMicro, and 1 part FloraBloom when there in veg, until the plants tell me, hey.. too much. I've hit 1000ppm with my res mix and no ill effects to my woody kush. ya i don't know it works for me, but that is an area im sure could use tweaking too, in order to max everything out

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
It's only a hunch, but I'd suppose if you really dialed your aero in with an accumulator, etc- you'd also need to use r.o. water- so it's something to consider when thinking about it. You might just be best off the way you are if you're happy with the results. Yes Nutes can always need a bit-o-tweaking...


Well-Known Member
why again are we 100% sure when you buy an acc you must go RO and use less nutes?...
I get what the acc gives you, but why does that mean a plant needs physically less nutes to feed on? When you went acc did you lower your ppms right away or stay high till you saw burn, then backed off?