Roomate not paying rent and his personal property


Well-Known Member
K so I own my own house and my roomate is 2 months behind rent and I told him I wanted my money on his next cheque. So when he got paid he spent his money on food, weed and his phone bill which was disconnected because of not paying it.

I asked him to pay his rent and he said he was broke and I said I need that money and he told me to sell my truck. Like wtf. I didn't even know what to say. Pretty much a fuck you up my ass.

In total his personal belongings goes as follows. An old iMac and a PS3. So in saying that am I Legally allowed to sell his 2 things Or break them. Or as its raining right now throw all his shit outside so I can get my money's worth cuz the rain ruined it not me.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Find out what your legal options are. Act accordingly. Anything else will end up costing you more money in the long run.

Next time ask for references. Do a background check. This way you pretty much know what you're getting into.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
How do I get in the "Elite rolling society?"

I am prepared to roll 100 flawless joints and then smoke them accordingly.

Pm me the details.

The Outdoorsman


Well-Known Member
I don't need the money that bad. His rent goes to improve my house: hardwood, deck. I only charge him 350 a month. So as of the first he owes me above a grand. Just him telling me to get fucked is fucked up lol.

No lease he just pays straight up 350 for everything in my house. Hydro water Internet cable. Living like a king.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Seriously explain to him that it is your house, and you are prepared to kick his bum-ass out on the street if he's not willing to act reasonable with you.


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to bet this is a "friend" of some sort and there is no legal agreement between the two. Kick his ass out and keep the property.


Ursus marijanus
I don't need the money that bad. His rent goes to improve my house: hardwood, deck. I only charge him 350 a month. So as of the first he owes me above a grand. Just him telling me to get fucked is fucked up lol.

No lease he just pays straight up 350 for everything in my house. Hydro water Internet cable. Living like a king.
In that case, place his items onto the curb and tell him that's his new address. This guy probably won't respond to subtlety. cn


Active Member
How do I get in the "Elite rolling society?"

I am prepared to roll 100 flawless joints and then smoke them accordingly.

Pm me the details.

The Outdoorsman
lol what the hell do those things even mean. As for not being available anymore i'm glad knowing i'm an elite joint roller anyways.


Well-Known Member
fuck that lowlife scum. go to lowes and get new locks, wait for him to go out and then change the locks and toss his shit outside. dont try to keep anything of his just get him out of your life and chaulk it up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he's my buddy but fuck him teach him a life lesson, deadbeat. There's no legal agreement what so ever. No receipts fuck all. So no proof of rent or him owing me money. Just the casual everybody's roomate.

So me placing his shit outside and getting stolen is not my problem?


Well-Known Member
Tell him to come up with the money in a week,and if he doesn't,kick his ass out,and he thinks your bullshitting,call the cops,and let them know you don't want him on your property and to please escort him off.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I asked him to pay his rent and he said he was broke and I said I need that money and he told me to sell my truck. Like wtf. I didn't even know what to say.
If he had told me that I would just change the locks next time he left the house. You say you own the house? What's stopping you from just kicking him out asap?


Well-Known Member
tell that bum to kick rocks.. Fucking free loading piece of shit. He must have a terrible job to be able to spend all his money on weed, food and cell phone. hmmmmm , thats about 300 ?


Active Member
Fake a break in, steal his shit thats worth any money and take some of yours. Throw a tantrum when you find your house broken into and kick him out. Then you have a reason to change the locks and you'll have his stuff. No it's not practical but hey it would work.


Well-Known Member
He makes 850 a check. His cellphone was pretty high around 400. I told his ass 500 a check I don't give a shit how you get it. And he spent all of it on himself. Thinking about changing locks. I should post a picture to you guys of all his shit on the front lawn and his missing ps3 and computer.