Ron Paul kicks another propanda pusher between the legs


New Member
Featured in this video: Ron Paul kicking yet another propaganda pusher between the legs only 24 hours after he kicked the last one (hannity)



Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is right to vote against Ryan's plan and he hit the nail on the head when he said it doesn't cut anything... His position on defense spending always makes me happy.

But he went on that rant again...


Well-Known Member
The reason he goes on that rant is because the Fed is the enabler of all those bad things that are happening. Having the power to create what 90% of the world believes is wealth out of thin air is a mighty power that is highly abused.


Well-Known Member
Featured in this video: Ron Paul kicking yet another propaganda pusher between the legs only 24 hours after he kicked the last one (hannity)

Great vid, TBH I have been watching Cenk for a few years now, TYT. Love his style.


New Member
Yea I like his show (especially YT) don't get me wrong but its episodes like this that best illustrate his show on MSNBC is Obama propaganda, It is kind of salt in the wound because you see him here teaming up with media matters cronies, episodes like this discredit him as a journalist in my opinion, here he goes all Bill O'Riley on this guy:



Well-Known Member
Dr. Paul would already be elected if he was electable; he's not. too many questionable ties; too many racist relationships. hate to sound like a broken record, but anybody who runs with JBS is fucked in my book. One of his biggest supporters has always been the john birch society; the most outspoken opponents of the Civil Rights Movement. Without the jbs fed hysteria, The Kent State Massacre would never have taken place. "Racial equality is a communist plot to destroy America." GMAFB!!! sad thing is, I love his policies on every single issue; i just know there's poison in the Koolaid he's slingin, ya dig?


Well-Known Member
So the JBS has been run by the exact same people over time? never changing? Ideas and philosophies never change? Your great grandmother was a racist=you are a racist. Your uncles fucked pigs=you are a pig fucker. See the circular logic?

But alas he is not electable, he doesn't have the swagger and jene se qua it takes to convince stupid people that they should vote for him. Maybe if he had pyrotechnics that would convince the dummies of America to vote for him, but I think they will just vote for whomever promises the most free stuff.


Well-Known Member
So the JBS has been run by the exact same people over time? never changing? Ideas and philosophies never change? Your great grandmother was a racist=you are a racist. Your uncles fucked pigs=you are a pig fucker. See the circular logic?

But alas he is not electable, he doesn't have the swagger and jene se qua it takes to convince stupid people that they should vote for him. Maybe if he had pyrotechnics that would convince the dummies of America to vote for him, but I think they will just vote for whomever promises the most free stuff.
Isn't personal freedom the most important 'Free Stuff' of all? To bad most people are retarded.


Well-Known Member
man this fuckin fed-

hope we can keep that reserve currency.

i hate to say it. there may be value in some of the old taboo.

bernanke has so much as spelled it out. did any of you happen to catch the tavis smiley interview with george soros?

ron paul's got guns blazin doesn't he? i wonder if they're aimed at george?


New Member
Indeed they are murfy, but he wouldn't dare say that. Soros is a threat to liberty and also a major threat to freedom of information.
Guys Please someone explain to me what is your alls deal with ron paul, I meen i was born in the state this guy lived in, he use to be my grandmothers doctor i know of him personally and the guy seems like a real big fuckin biggit and a douche bag, and his son too- Rand Paul who is for racial profileing)) seriously though he is. Any way i see you guys always saying vote rand paul but in all seriousness do you guys really think hes going to legalize i meen the man is a freakin stiff with a board up his ass i think, didnt any of you guys see him on the movie Bruno - LOL any way please explain this is new to me but more and more lately ive been seeing stoners on sites with fucking ron paul pics as there avatar, i had always thought the guy was a douche , i meen hes in the fuckin tea party


Well-Known Member
Guys Please someone explain to me what is your alls deal with ron paul, I meen i was born in the state this guy lived in, he use to be my grandmothers doctor i know of him personally and the guy seems like a real big fuckin biggit and a douche bag, and his son too- Rand Paul who is for racial profileing)) seriously though he is. Any way i see you guys always saying vote rand paul but in all seriousness do you guys really think hes going to legalize i meen the man is a freakin stiff with a board up his ass i think, didnt any of you guys see him on the movie Bruno - LOL any way please explain this is new to me but more and more lately ive been seeing stoners on sites with fucking ron paul pics as there avatar, i had always thought the guy was a douche , i meen hes in the fuckin tea party
I don't think you even know what you are talking about.


New Member
Guys Please someone explain to me what is your alls deal with ron paul, I meen i was born in the state this guy lived in, he use to be my grandmothers doctor i know of him personally and the guy seems like a real big fuckin biggit and a douche bag, and his son too- Rand Paul who is for racial profileing)) seriously though he is. Any way i see you guys always saying vote rand paul but in all seriousness do you guys really think hes going to legalize i meen the man is a freakin stiff with a board up his ass i think, didnt any of you guys see him on the movie Bruno - LOL any way please explain this is new to me but more and more lately ive been seeing stoners on sites with fucking ron paul pics as there avatar, i had always thought the guy was a douche , i meen hes in the fuckin tea party
Its because Ron Paul is a revolutionary and the last of the constitutionalists, he is one of the few powerful voices the people have at this point. This all very attractive to 'stoners' on so many levels(I.E revolution, fighting against 'the man', smoking marijuana, & anti-war )


Well-Known Member
when the closet door opens-

few of us are immune from the "douchebag" label. evryone makes mistakes. really it's how humans learn.
that leads me to my next thought.

racial profiling is a bitch isn't it?
flint MI is a prime example. biggest company in the world, for 40 years, ruins local diversity by attracting "parasites". bet you can't guess their heritage.

two men fell in a hole.

one got pissed and filled in the hole.

the other just laid back, asked to hold a dollar, and shot his neighbor.


Well-Known Member


my generation never really cared. jail fuck you. taxes, fuck you. oh, no fun? fuck you. that type of attitude. the mosh pit sums it up well. you are done picking presidents, asshole. maybe one more, that's it. you have come to the clearing at the end of your path.


New Member
Ron Paul, Again? He's too old to run for president, and his Ideas are way too far out. He thinks like that douche Ayn Rand, fuck all those that can't achieve Greatness. I'm sorry folks, there is only so much "greatness" to go around. The rest of the folks should just go eat shit and bark at the moon. Individualism has it's limits and is the epitomy of selfishness. So if you are a selfish bastard, then Ron Paul is the guy for you. Me, I have a bit of compassion for those that cannot achieve greatness and may need social help. We must treat those that need help with compassion and help them achieve as much greatness as they can. Otherwise we are no greater than wild animals, dog eat dog.