Ron Paul kicks another propanda pusher between the legs


Well-Known Member
compassion is a vital virtue-

but, there is only so much greatness to go around? i'm sorry you feel that way. winners are winners when they step ONTO the field. get it?

if you don't you should consider moving to france or spain.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul, Again? He's too old to run for president, and his Ideas are way too far out. He thinks like that douche Ayn Rand, fuck all those that can't achieve Greatness. I'm sorry folks, there is only so much "greatness" to go around. The rest of the folks should just go eat shit and bark at the moon. Individualism has it's limits and is the epitomy of selfishness. So if you are a selfish bastard, then Ron Paul is the guy for you. Me, I have a bit of compassion for those that cannot achieve greatness and may need social help. We must treat those that need help with compassion and help them achieve as much greatness as they can. Otherwise we are no greater than wild animals, dog eat dog.
How many quotes could I find where you extol the virtues of Ron Paul, Hundreds? So you changed your mind? I thought old dogs couldn't learn new tricks?

Edit: Medman, it is not possible for you to be correct, you are too old.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
The more I read his political positions, the more I am left with the notion that Paul himself is a propagandist. There is no way in hell that he could EVER make good on all of his positions/promises if he were to become president. To me, making a bunch of crazy, non-sense claims with absolutely no means of making good on them is "propaganda" intended to garner votes from people that care not to piece together his stance with REALITY.


Well-Known Member
The more I read his political positions, the more I am left with the notion that Paul himself is a propagandist. There is no way in hell that he could EVER make good on all of his positions/promises if he were to become president. To me, making a bunch of crazy, non-sense claims with absolutely no means of making good on them is "propaganda" intended to garner votes from people that care not to piece together his stance with REALITY.
LOL you are describing the actions of ALL presidential candidates. Promises that cannot possibly come to fruition. Welcome to politics.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
LOL you are describing the actions of ALL presidential candidates. Promises that cannot possibly come to fruition. Welcome to politics. I haven't been paying attention...thanks! I am just pointing out the selective hypocrisy of folks thinking more with their hearts than their heads.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
So everyone is a Hypocrite?
regardless of the issue at hand, isnt everyone to some degree? If we werent all hypocrites we would all be of "perfect" moral values. Which is impossible.

I am merely illustrating the lack of scrutiny of Ron Paul by most here on the forums. I think we are in too grave of a position to be duped into another "change"... I just want people to give closer examination of their elected officials.


Well-Known Member
regardless of the issue at hand, isnt everyone to some degree? If we werent all hypocrites we would all be of "perfect" moral values. Which is impossible.

I am merely illustrating the lack of scrutiny of Ron Paul by most here on the forums. I think we are in too grave of a position to be duped into another "change"... I just want people to give closer examination of their elected officials.
You are correct, as long as the Constitution for the United States exists we will have these terrible people who actually think its a good idea to run things upon its principals.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
You are correct, as long as the Constitution for the United States exists we will have these terrible people who actually think its a good idea to run things upon its principals.
We would have to learn to not pass judgement upon others so my issue with Paul supporters...

I don't think that the constitution itself is great scape-goat for the lack of serious and concentrated public interest into the affairs of government officials.


Well-Known Member
We would have to learn to not pass judgement upon others so my issue with Paul supporters...

I don't think that the constitution itself is great scape-goat for the lack of serious and concentrated public interest into the affairs of government officials.
I agree totally, but you have to admit, the Internet has made many more people much more politically aware than ever before. Most people just assume that they have one of 2 choices. Republican, Democrat. Most people really don't know what the Constitution says anyway, the English Language used at the time enabled people to say a great deal with few words. I bet 70% of the people in the United States could not define the word "posterity" most would assume it means your derriere. The Constitution for the United States is a VERY SMALL document, I dare say that a 4th grade child could very easily memorize all of its 4,440 words. What has been our excuse for not doing so?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I agree totally, but you have to admit, the Internet has made many more people much more politically aware than ever before. Most people just assume that they have one of 2 choices. Republican, Democrat. Most people really don't know what the Constitution says anyway, the English Language used at the time enabled people to say a great deal with few words. I bet 70% of the people in the United States could not define the word "posterity" most would assume it means your derriere. The Constitution for the United States is a VERY SMALL document, I dare say that a 4th grade child could very easily memorize all of its 4,440 words. What has been our excuse for not doing so?
While in agreement with your reply I would like to add that most people dont realize that our most important vote is with our money...If we want to help benefit a positive change for our "posterity" and our "posterior" that would be an excellent place to start.


Well-Known Member
While in agreement with your reply I would like to add that most people dont realize that our most important vote is with our money...If we want to help benefit a positive change for our "posterity" and our "posterior" that would be an excellent place to start.
Absolutely, and who better to spend our money than a benevolent government bureaucrat! Dr Paul is an idiot and thinks that you and I can make the best decisions about our own economic situations, the gall of the man I swear! I mean what right do people think they have to make choices about the money they earn.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Absolutely, and who better to spend our money than a benevolent government bureaucrat! Dr Paul is an idiot and thinks that you and I can make the best decisions about our own economic situations, the gall of the man I swear! I mean what right do people think they have to make choices about the money they earn.

Dr. Paul knowingly makes promises he can't keep, if elected. I am talking about people deciding where to spend their money, not the government spending money. That is confusing the issue. Even if Dr. Paul was elected, do you think that the grasp corporations have over America would just disappear overnight? I am talking about personal purchases as an indicator of support for the current paradigm.

If we continue to buy junk food, it will be made available.
If we continue to bank with certain banks, they will be empowered.
Do you get it?


Well-Known Member
Dr. Paul knowingly makes promises he can't keep, if elected. I am talking about people deciding where to spend their money, not the government spending money. That is confusing the issue. Even if Dr. Paul was elected, do you think that the grasp corporations have over America would just disappear overnight? I am talking about personal purchases as an indicator of support for the current paradigm.

If we continue to buy junk food, it will be made available.
If we continue to bank with certain banks, they will be empowered.
Do you get it?
Oh I get it, the problem with corporations is the fact that they can borrow huge sums of money for little to nothing through the US FED, take the power of the fed away and you essentially cut them off at the knees. Dr. Paul would intend to do just that.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Dr. Paul would already be elected if he was electable; he's not. too many questionable ties; too many racist relationships. hate to sound like a broken record, but anybody who runs with JBS is fucked in my book. One of his biggest supporters has always been the john birch society; the most outspoken opponents of the Civil Rights Movement. Without the jbs fed hysteria, The Kent State Massacre would never have taken place. "Racial equality is a communist plot to destroy America." GMAFB!!! sad thing is, I love his policies on every single issue; i just know there's poison in the Koolaid he's slingin, ya dig?
So, by your thinking, every Democrat on the planet is a racist, right? I mean, wasn't it the Southern Democrats that fought so hard to keep the schools and lunch counters segregated? Is President Obama a racist by association? The JBS opposition to the civil rights movement wasn't about race, it was about supporting federalism and states rights. I don't think you can say the same about the Southern Democrat leaders who turned on the fire hoses, loosed the German Shepherds and the Doberman Pinschers.

In judging through eyes that are looking back through history, one must take into account the times that things took place. As an attendee of MANY JBS meetings throughout the 70s and 80s, I can honestly say that I never heard even one racist comment. Never! We did talk a lot about the constitution, states rights, getting back to the gold standard, abolishing the Fed and the current tax system. Hey wait! Isn't that what Ron Paul is all about? :)