Roll it Up Michigan Cannabis Cup

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Plus we'd be more fair in the judging. highest CBD????? not at the MMM report contest, wack after thought trophy with tape on it to the torra bora strain with the SECOND highest CBD....look it up its public on ironlabs site. if I sound jaded its cuz I entered the higher CBD strain and didn't get my duct-tape-trophy ROTFL LOL
I brought this with Brent at Iron Labs last week when I was there. He had mentioned that the Tora Bora won last time and I brought up the fact that your sample tested higher and he saw sincerely shocked...

Whoever is actually running that cup needs to get their shit straight. I called them last week and they didn't know there was a CBD category...

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I brought this with Brent at Iron Labs last week when I was there. He had mentioned that the Tora Bora won last time and I brought up the fact that your sample tested higher and he saw sincerely shocked...

Whoever is actually running that cup needs to get their shit straight. I called them last week and they didn't know there was a CBD category...
I think its time there was a little rah rah for the CBD strains and people working them. I mean we aren't making tons of cash selling that stuff to rich hippie kids or stoners its strictly for real medical shit. nobody with a hang nail card asks for a CBD strain to get them all high like back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Ha! I guess that's true! If there was money in lab testing, I might consider it is why I was asking.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
If a dispensary bill passes that requires testing on all medicine, which it probably would, then there will be opportunity there for more testing laboratories for sure. I've heard the start up costs for the equipment/machine can be rather costly though.

I like to do all of my own product testing.:eyesmoke:
Sometimes I call that Research and Development too.


Well-Known Member
LOL Abe and C&T!

As a side note, I've found that the quickest way to dissuade a competitor from entering your market is to tell them how damned expensive it was to get in, and how poor the profits are. This very high startup cost also supports higher lab fees.

So call me a doubter, but I would have to check out the equipment costs firsthand before I'd agree the cost is really steep. It's flabbergasting how much used equipment is out there for cheap.


Active Member
I've got other contests to save my herb for. I will just donate some herb to all of you guys when you have your cup so that you can smoke on some good herb that day.. :grin:
I dont think your grasping the idea here; were trying to get away from the "competition" aspect of the cups. More hey who here is the best meds? without paying to take piss and a walk around. or sign up for some raffle for a chance to spend your rent on some new grow light from god himeslf. So by all means go enter your super important contest with your super killer meds ill take good people over assholes all day :bigjoint:.


Well-Known Member
Someone should tell the doctor we've been conducting clinical trials for about 7000 years