rockwool cube drying out

the white widow

Active Member
just wondering any advice on rockwool cubes
my babies have been around for 3 days now
my problem is im watering the cubes quite a bit has they seem to dry out quickly i even put water in the trough part of my box last night and it was dry in the morning the temp in the grow seems fine (not too hot or cold) and i have a fan running which seems to be ok


is your humidity really really low? things dry faster under a fan/low humidity. although my rwool cubes usually lasted a few days, under a humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
Tried picking one up and gently sqeezing the sides to see if it is really dry. The information I have looked at says you should leave the humidity dome on, lift it off occasionally to get new air in the dome, mist the top of the dome and put it back on. If there is mist on the dome it indicates the humidity is high enough.
Sorry i forgot, how old are these plants?

the white widow

Active Member
so if i put the dome back on should i turn off the fan for now?
also i thought the plants were meant to be about 2 inch from the lights but the dome is about 6 inch
the plants are now 3 days old


Well-Known Member
if the dome is 6" then 6" it is. plants strecth to the light so by keeping the light close you keep the height down. i fill my bottom tray just to the bottom of my cubes. i don't want them soaking in it so just until it almost touches. i have a heating pad underneath so the water evaporates into my plugs. i added to much water and got root rot. i have to add water 2-3 times a day.

the white widow

Active Member
how do i sort out my humidity? whats the ideal temp for my grow room?
will it be ok now that i have the dome back on?
one more thing should the slats at the top of the dome be open or closed?
and should i have my fan running still?


Well-Known Member
I'm somewhat with fdd2blk. I put the hood on, but I cut holes in it. Then I run a fan. The air circulation causes small amounts of air to be exchanged from the hood but still keeps the humidity up.

the white widow

Active Member
thanks guys the dome has been on for 2 days now and ive only had to give them half as much water inside the dome there is plenty of moisture and the air holes are open the cubes are alot more wetter and stay like that for longer
should i still be on 24 hour lights?


Well-Known Member
Opinions on that differ. By the second week I like to have mine on 18/6. Part of that is because it allows me to get better ventilation and heat into my vegging area. Sometimes it depends on the strain.