RIU Security

Top 44

Well-Known Member
It's quite easy for anyone to find out your ip address and isp, but as far as i know leo needs a subpoena (in the us) to find out who that ip address belongs to. As most people don't have fixed ip addresses, Im not sure how hard/easy that is to do.
Check out http://whatismyipaddress.com/ it's pretty informative


Well-Known Member
The only LEO (in the US) that would even consider searching internet records from sites like RIU for growers are the Feds (DEA, etc.). And I can absolutely guarantee you that Federal LEO have no interest whatsoever in a little 6-12 plant grow. Hell, they probably wouldn't even give a crap about a 50 plant grow. They're looking for truly large volume professional grows, usually run by organized criminal gangs. Local cops may bust a small grow, but only if they stumble into it through a tip, smell, dumb ass move by the grower, etc.

I monitor the news pretty carefully and try to catch every grow bust I can. I've never seen one that happened because of internet communication. The cause of the bust generally falls into 4 catagories:
1) Rats - of the two legged variety. Tell no one!
2) Smell - your nosy neighbor smells the skunk and tips off LEO. Cover that stench!
3) Some other illegal activity attracts LEO attention - often stealing electricity in professional grows, but I've also seen cases of wife beaters, tax evaders, and others who got searched for some other reason and the cops found the grow as a bonus. Don't be a dumbass!
4) Damn bad luck - your house catches on fire and the fire department rats you out. You have a heart fart and the EMTs tip off the cops. A tree falls on your house in a wind storm and the insurance adjuster sees the grow, etc., etc. I recommend prayer and animal sacrifice to keep this bad mojo away.

I recently saw some poor bastard in Detroit who had a commercial op going in his house (file that under dumbass), and somebody broke into his house while he was out (probably to steal his weed). He had one of those siren-based burglar alarms installed. Well it did a great job of scaring away the burglar, but it also brought the fuzz right to his busted open door, and guess what they found! The moral of this story is that it is better to have a thief rip off your stash than have LEO steal your stash, your house, your money, and your freedom.

Anyways, be careful out there brothers and sisters, but don't fret too much about posting some bud porn on RIU. :weed:
Now that is funny and I agree with you. The more funny thing happened I think in Maryland maybe when Park Rangers were tracking down some turtle they had tagged and when they found the turtle he was in the middle of a pot field. Talk about bad luck! Of course they watched the field and found some young dude coming to maintain it. But yea I think you have a better chance of being in a plane crash than getting busted for pictures on here or posting things. I don't grow and hell rarely smoke anymore so doesn't matter to me. I did notice a friend of mine who was on here always isn't on here anymore as of October and that is very abnormal, so who knows.


Well-Known Member
See proxies are useless because when you use one of those proxy sites your IP is logged so if the cops want to know anything they can go to the website that the proxy was being hosted on and they can hand over your IP.


Well-Known Member
This aint rocket science people. Obviously no local LEO has the resources to troll forums that the entire WORLD has access to in "hopes" of busting some person or persons that may live anywhere on the fucking planet that may or may not be posting legitimate information...c'mon people. The only agency that would have the resources / interest in doing such a thing would be the DEA or another of the many flavors of federal law enforcement which is NOT giving a shit about anything outside their jurisdiction (PAY ATTENTION!) which is OVER 99 plants in the US. So if you're not growing 99 plants, you do not fall in their jurisdiction....understand? Local LEO's are only going to get a hold of ya if you're an idiot that can't keep business to yourself. Be safe


Well-Known Member
Internet Crimes Unit. One geek with a love of kiddie porn and a firm sense of law and order. Not very expensive especially when you are in the business of scaring taxpayers out of money and bust real drug dealers when they know they are nearly out of dope, so they can steal their money. They seize all sorts of property to fund their WAR. They absolutely can, and they absolutely have the cash to do it. The question is are they, has it happened yet? Do they care about personal growers, probably not. Would they bust you if given the chance and make a huge deal about it on the news to give the public the idea they are anything more than revenuers? Absolutely.

People in Socal have been selling prop 215 medical clones on craigslist. they say for med patients only and sometimes care to check.

In Riverside County in October, Sheriffs deputies purchased clones and then used this to serve search warrants on 2 houses.

I know that this posting on CL is crazy, I have really been tempted with my extra clones. Point is these local LEO's are spending the coin on the Internet Crimes Unit. They are usually busting Hoes, but that really is not that exciting and doesn't get the taxpaying sheep all excited like "Taking dangerous drugs off the streets".

Pigs are the lowest form of life. Punks. No different than gangbangers...shoot people, break into homes, steal cars, wear colors. :spew:


Well-Known Member
just like they bust pain clinics, easier than a meth lab. People on chemo do not fight much.
Exactly! They have no desire to eradicate hard drug use. they take the money and buy toys. Pic on pot heads cuz they generally don't shoot back. Pussys.

Stopping drug use would be like curing cancer. Who wants to put themselves out of a job. Lots of money fighting a war, and lots of money prescribing to alleviate symptoms.



Well-Known Member
This aint rocket science people. Obviously no local LEO has the resources to troll forums that the entire WORLD has access to in "hopes" of busting some person or persons that may live anywhere on the fucking planet that may or may not be posting legitimate information...c'mon people. The only agency that would have the resources / interest in doing such a thing would be the DEA or another of the many flavors of federal law enforcement which is NOT giving a shit about anything outside their jurisdiction (PAY ATTENTION!) which is OVER 99 plants in the US. So if you're not growing 99 plants, you do not fall in their jurisdiction....understand? Local LEO's are only going to get a hold of ya if you're an idiot that can't keep business to yourself. Be safe
Be careful what they may consider a plant. Stay under 90 to be safe!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all who posted good info on this subject.

I will be spreading some rep around in the coming days to you all!
Good thread! +rep. :bigjoint: I was wondering all of this. I have a thread looking for a grower boyfriend and some people were accusing me of being a cop because it sounded too good to be true. I was surprised that so many people were paranoid. I can't imagine that the DEA has time to be on the internet to find me.


Well-Known Member
have you thought of re posting this as "have you or anyone that you know been busted because of internet activity" or something shorter but to the point. I'm curious whether or not anyone has had anything like that happen on RIU.


Well-Known Member
have you thought of re posting this as "have you or anyone that you know been busted because of internet activity" or something shorter but to the point. I'm curious whether or not anyone has had anything like that happen on RIU.
girl, theres a thread about this every week. same things get covered and the same conclusion is always reached....the people with the resources to bust you over the internet dont give a damn about our small personal and medical grows. unless your posting pics of your 30,000 watt warehouse grow you fucking aces.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you. That's why I'd like to hear why there are so many paranoid people here. I've never heard of anyone getting busted over posting pics.