Revenge on persistent collection agency


Active Member
i'll spare most of the details, just know I am making regular payments to try to pay down a fine imposed for violating a red light camera ticket. which is complete bullshit (crossed/red [email protected] seconds)

I send payment by check more frequently than every 30 days, and watch my bank religiously to see that they are being deposited/accepted.

Even though I am making regular payments, a nasty collection company continues to call all of my phones making threats, etc. I can only pay what I can pay, holy fuck.

It's actually against the law for them to call under the jurisdiction I live in if the calls cost me money (which they do) but I understand that there's no real system in place to prevent it or any recourse here.

So I've rolled up a gigantic joint and conspired the ultimate pothead's recourse:


- Prevent all unknown phone calls while still allowing you to receive calls from your friends, work, and family.

- Scaling revenge back at specific offending collections company/telemarketers.


- Collection agents which think they are tricky* and, even though you are making genuine efforts to pay, continue to harass you
*all collection agents think they are tricky.

- Internet based phone system with Caller ID Filtering and Call forwarding (I use but there's lots out there)

- The true desire for peace of mind and specifically an element of revenge or something to laugh about.


You can modify these instructions a bit to serve your needs better. I'm lazy and writing it easier for now.

- Make arrangements that all of your phone calls come in through or another provider. You'll have to arrange for your cell/landline to be ported, but you'll probably end up saving a lot of money anyways.

- Set all incoming calls to to go straight to voice mail.

- In set up caller-ID filtering for each of your contacts to override the calls to go to either your cellphone or landline, or both, etc.

- Find the licensing authority for collections agencies in your jurisdiction or consult with phone directories and listings to find the phone number of the most important person you can find, and their phone number, from the agency that is calling you.

- Setup a call forwarding record so that it dials the phone number and extension of above contact.

- Setup caller ID filter to identify calls from the collection agency, and to override them to the call forwarding record you created for them.

- Setup your outgoing caller ID and phone number so that they specifically display your phone number and your full name.

- Call the collection agency which is annoying you and tell them that you have sent a payment of $XX.xx, and that you would appreciate if they could give some more time to pay and not call back for a few more weeks. IMPORTANT: Tell them not to call you back on this phone number because it is your Sisters phone, or what ever excuse. Your caller ID says otherwise so you can be sure the tricky collections agent will happily enter your number into their autodialer.

- Watch your Call Detail Records to see how often they spam their own CEO instead of you!

- Remember to make some payments when you can, since they won't be able to call you anymore!


Well-Known Member

making payments in cash. liberally wipe your shitty ass with the money before it's sent.

send payments two days apart. send the first as an envelope full of _________________? dirt comes to mind. axle grease?

social engineer the guy. get him to reveal something. e-mail, mailing address at his location, etc.

try and sell him shit. avon, beer holder hats, sex devices, your pubic hair collection. be creative.

have religious, and/or political conversations with him. act like a republican that wants to eat babies, or whatever you inclination is.

divulge sexual secrets about yourself. like you are famously gay,(or a cuckold) at home , and wantin to try some things. social engineering may be possible through this avenue.


Well-Known Member
^i like this mans style. If its not a number saved in my phone I dont awnser. Ever! Ill send it to voice mail to see who it is / see what they wont. Even then your lucky to get a return call. Im not a very social person. Outside of family, co workers, and like 3 friends I dont care to talk to people and hate talking on the phone. Thats why we have text messages!


Active Member
the most important thing is to inflict pain on those who have no sympathy for somebody who is struggling.

an immediate solution is to get a simple "white list" program for your phone(s). Ultimately my cellphone number got discovered by the above unnamed company and so they've tried to call it religiously too. So a simple white list for the phone works.

But just blocking them is not enough. I like the idea of sending them something I've wiped my ass with though. I don't think I'd let cash touch my ass but I like the idea of mailing them a check covered with a nice layer of poop. Especially cause you can get an image of it via your bank and therefore you know somebody handled it! so gross lmao


Well-Known Member
get a new phone number. why pay for a phone that a bunch of assholes call all the time? just text your entire phone book your new number and the ones who care will take notice. Or answer the phone and when they ask for "you" pretend to be Barber Dan or some other alter ego you can have fun with and tell them you don't know who the dude is they are looking for and leave it be. They will stop calling if they think they number is bogus.


dont pay, wait for your debt to be sold a couple times, pay 10 cents on the dollar couple years later

or get your "revenge" and get fucked in court cause you posted it all on a public forum, and then end up paying 100% of your debt.

Debt collection companies pay literally pennies on the dollar to purchase bad debt, so even they can turn profits on a 10% settlement. But it's easier just to be an ass to people and scare them into paying 100%.

Don't put cash on your rectum, money is dirty to say the least.


Active Member
actually, i plan on paying for all of it when i have the money. then i could later appeal if i wanted to.
the revenge is not because they are collecting, but because they are being so rude to keep calling even though i am paying.

and the reason i post this is because i hope other people will be inspired by my creativity


Well-Known Member
Just answer and say some real fucked up shit. "Thanks for calling Hanna's Whorehouse...Whips, dicks and lips we do it all".


Well-Known Member
My caller I'd shows up on ,y tv screen, and my answering machine verbalizes it.,so I don't even get off the couch. Few legitimate calls come into our land line anyway, most friends or family use our cell phones


Active Member
call you phone company and block that number or change your voicemail specifically for the collection agency make it unique and interesting.... "currently not at the phone right now, currently chasing rainbows looking for gold so I can pay off this ticket"


Well-Known Member
I used to do data entry for a small collections company.

If my employers were indicative of other collectors, then understand that these people don't give two shits about your "problems". Their job is to get your money, not to be sympathetic. Sucks, but that is the way it is.


Active Member
Statistics for today:

My phone rang: 0 Times When they tried to call me
Their CEO's Phone Rang: 3 Times When they tried to call me


Well-Known Member
I own a collection agency, keep making your payments, fax or send them a letter cert that states "cease and desist any and all phone or email contact" resquset that all cor be send by mail.

That simple, by the way the laws are civil laws that carry a 1k reward if violated, with that said you are going to have to pay a lawyer 5k to get it to the point where you will get the 1k, dont believe what you read on the internet just send the letter and make your payments.


Active Member
I'm sure they get lots of people blocking them and answering their calls all the time. I want people of the world to have more creative ways to tell them that you don't want their annoying phone calls that actually slow down your life and make your bills harder to pay.

So this way, each call they place to me will be equaled with a call placed to them. Only if and when they call me does this system call them with my primitive form of saying "fuck the hell off"

I have already explored "white list" options, which are pretty much other wise the best it gets to preventing abusive calls.

To all you telemarketers and tele agents and tele anything of the world; I hate you. Don't ever call me. Take the time to craft a nice message in the form of text and send it via the post office, sms, or email. I will never respond to your tele anything and will always tele something you back with a computer, tit for tat, if you use a dialer on me.

I hope everybody around the world finds creative ways to voice your concern about auto dialers directly back to the individuals responsible for using them.

I do not want to specify any legal remedies as I want a solution that will work for everybody around the world.

So when somebody persistently calls you even when you ask them not to; forward their calls back to themselves or to their manager. And do so in an automated way as to prevent disturbance to yourself. (It's nice to be able to log into something and see what the scores are.)

..and on that note;
Statistics for today:

My phone rang: 0 Times When they tried to call me
Their CEO's Phone Rang: 1 Times When they tried to call me