Relief from outdoor animals

cat torian

I noticed some of you have the diggers in your area and would like to get rid of them. This is a trick I used in the santa cruz mountains to keep eaters and diggers out.

First, you get some old panty hose. If not old wear them for a day. Go to the barber shop or beauty shop and ask for the cut hair they sweep up off the floor. Next, take that hair and stuff it into the legs of the panty hose. Stuff as much as you can in those hose. Tie off the waist band. Hang the stockings from the waist band to anything close to your plants. If you need to stake them but make sure they hang off the ground (you want air circulation). Any animal coming near that patch will be too paranoid when they smell the whiffs of humans to stick around. It looks kinda creepy (I thought it was some voodoo weird shit hanging the first time I saw it) but it worked for me. Hope this helps. Catdog ;)

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
lol yea anyone who sees the panty hose with hair stuffed in them would think your a serial killer who has some weird fetish. keeps the animals and neighbors away.

This is how I take care of squirrels and chipmunks eating my tomatoes. as much as I hate to do it, I hate to see them ruin my juicy toms. more.



Well-Known Member
i don't think hair or human sent works in all situations. i'm in a very populated area, human sent is everywhere. i'm sure it holds water in the wilds though.


Well-Known Member
We have a maurading wild boar stalking our ranchettes. It was sighted at a neighbors water trough. I wonder if it eats pot?


Well-Known Member
Wild pigs root, if there's anything alive (like grubs) interesting growing in the soil around your plants they'll dig them up to eat the grubs.I have see them destroy front lawns at farms around me.WE have them real bad. I have dogs and since our neighbors are VERY far away I let them run loose and they keep the pigs away.


I have a ground hog whip climbed up on the side of the pot and had lunch. Lucky I noticed the little fucker before to much damage. Got the pellet gun ready to let him know it's not his feeding ground anymore any other suggestions? A cage isn't gonna work in the area it's in, and the hair stuffed panty hose will attract to much attention. Should I just continue to watch like a hawk and pop that bastard?

cat torian

Everybody hey this worked in the Santa Cruz MOUNTAINS. Mountains is the key word. In the city, yea, hair stuffed pantyhose could get you busted because it looks so weird and spooky and would get too many eyes. You can just lay them down next to your pots it's just not as good as the air flow thing. It should still work.
It's kinda messed up but you could do punji sticks. Kinda dangerous if you have others who might not know they are there. There is also the nail board, where you nail a million (ok just a bunch) 10 inch nails into a board then dig it down into the dirt with sharps up. Make sure you sharpen the nail heads after you get them in the board. Surround your plants with these and wait for the insurgents.
I saw in Mexico where they created a barrier around the plants with cinderblocks, cement and beer bottles. Take the cinderblock and fill the holes with cement. Before the cement dries place the bottles top down into the cement. Let it dry completely then bust the bottles leaving the glassy jagged edge for a surprise for your invaders.
Please don't come down on me for these. I realize they are narley kinds of ideas. Use at your own discretion. :o


Haha, bringing on the arsenal. I'll probably just pop the little bastard with a pellet or two till he gets the message. He already got my strawberries and took a sample of my tomatoes the other day. I usually try to stay in harmony but this time it's war... any other ideas before morning?

cat torian

I pretty much gave all my uglies on "I hate critters that dig my plants" gig. I bow to all who have a better idea. ;)


Well-Known Member
Relief from outdoor animals......maybe hogwire or chicken wire. I dont have to deal with wild animals so I dont use it. I have to deal with neighborhood cats. Cayenne pepper and lemon peels work against cats. They dont fuck with my plants much anymore. They are used to them. They mostly like to mess with new plantings.

cat torian

I use dogs myself. "Bark bark bark" in cat language means "get the hell outta here before you get eaten". Even the most stealthy kitties aren't allowed in. I figure, hey I don't get into your catnip, leave mine alone...hee hee ;)

cat torian

so do my dogs, but like some really harsh folks said to me before "This is business". And I figure, really, my dogs are 4 lbs and 14 lbs so there isn't gonna be any butt whippen or kitty kickin just a lot of bad noise (arf arf arf) real loud and fast pitched. I'm vegetarian so I'm happy for the my built in alarm systems called yappy dog. No Cats Were Harmed During This Comment.

cat torian

mine too! one is a micro chi (Junior) and the other is deer chi (sandy). Sandy has been my grow tender/alarm system since 2007 when I had a old pickle factory converted for a grow space.


Well-Known Member
My buddy uses a variant of the panty hose with human hair: fill up one used leg stocking with cat hair. Works wonders (so he says) on chipmunks and other critters.

cat torian

coyote urine, yucky poo, is really the deal, but wow, talk about money I hate to spend...on pee from a wild dog? I'm kina cheap ya know :bigjoint:


Popped that bastard with a sling shot this morning. Came back this afternoon and he was in the backyard again. Pellet gun next, apparently I didn't make myself clear.