Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread


Well-Known Member
Is there a good microbe for stopping PM?
There sure is...

I'm not good with remembering scientific names, but it is most definitely found in a good compost tea.

There are also a number of plants the have a holistic approach to preventing PM. Page one of the ROLS thread. Earth Compound from Progress Earth contains everything you need to prevent PM, all in one, expensive bag. It has the microbes and the holistic plants.

If you're asking because it's an issue for you outside right now, it's too late. Better luck next time.


Well-Known Member
All you really need is a good air exchange, intake and exhaust. You won't ever have pm due to environment.

make a lite neem solution. Or mix aloe Vera, lemon juice, and a drop of dish soap.

or compost tea foliar.


Well-Known Member
What yall think about this silica? Its from RAW, suposeblly (according to homie in hydro store) yhey are in the process of becoming "omri" certified. Not too much info online about the company other then whats on the back label. .. Think it will get the job done? Not bad price for 12 bucks, makes 200 gallons (accordig to label..)



Well-Known Member
It'll probably work, and possibly work well.

I like diatomaceaous earth myself. It's like 80% silica, it's full of trace minerals, it kills bad bugs but not the good ones, and it's water soluble.


Well-Known Member
Went out to spray some neem on the PM and one of the blades on a leaf was soaking wet! Like somebody poured water on just that blade. It was pooled up. Have you ever seen this? No watering today, it was windy, dry, and 87 degrees! WTF?


Well-Known Member
I've been battling spider mites all week. They noticeable by spots on a few leaves but nothing beyond that. I'm to broke to ride the bus even. I found some diatomaceous earth chillin with my paint rollers. I didn't even know I still had a bag. I haven't uses it in 2 years. I tried some DE in a foliar. It got rid of them in 1 application. I tried a tea foliar and went as far as iso/oil/water. Nothing worked. The de foliar worked. Plus silica. Hehehe. I thought it wasn't soluble. When I tried it on gnats years ago. It just clumped up when it got wet. I guess the finer it is the better it worked. I've been trippin all week. I gave away all my pure spray green. I haven't had any bugs in a couple years. Pure spray green is the only other thing I know that works right away on spider mites.


holy hard nipples batman. Leaves are so f-Ing perky. Praying almost vertically. I'm going to make de foliar part of a weekly or bi-weekly regiment.. I'm on phone. I will post some pics later on today.

stay frosty


Well-Known Member
Went out to spray some neem on the PM and one of the blades on a leaf was soaking wet! Like somebody poured water on just that blade. It was pooled up. Have you ever seen this? No watering today, it was windy, dry, and 87 degrees! WTF?
add a couple drops of dish soap as an emulsifier. Or if you already have pro tekt that can be used as an emulsifier. Use about half as much neem as the directions say. So its not so oily.


Well-Known Member
Went out to spray some neem on the PM and one of the blades on a leaf was soaking wet! Like somebody poured water on just that blade. It was pooled up. Have you ever seen this? No watering today, it was windy, dry, and 87 degrees! WTF?
If it had another leaf laying on top they persperate like we do and it will stay on the leaf if it had no air flow.


Well-Known Member
Nothing touching it. It is like the blade just flooded itself. Did it again today on a lower leaf. Weird shit :)


Well-Known Member
I have seen transpiration like that, while your ambient temps may be in a lower range it's quite possible canopy temps get much higher. It's perfectly normal, you could probably use some more airflow though to prevent molds. Also you can get an IR thermometer for about 6 bucks at radio shack if your interested in canopy surface temps.