***READY TO LAUNCH 'doomsday files'

Big P

Well-Known Member


INSURANCE: Assange Will Release Encrypted Files If Arrested...
...stirs debate on information revolution
Reveal: USA Manipulated Climate Accord...
Saudi Arabia 'biggest funder of terrorists'...
Meddling by Neighbors Adds to Iraq's Woes...
Govt Workers Ordered Not to Read Cables...
Gingrich: Leaks Show Admin 'Shallow,' 'Amateurish'...
McConnell: Assange 'High-Tech Terrorist'...
List of facilities 'vital to US security' leaked...
Mirror Sites Appear by the Hundreds...
Assange Speaks...Hillary Jokes...
US forced to shake up embassies around world...

click the links above, this is epic in proportions, gonna lead to many deaths possibly a world war. This will be in the history books forever. Your grandkids will ask you about this.

All the secret info of the past few years all in the hands of an expert HACKER. man oh man never has there been so much secret information in the hands of such a hacker/whistleblower in the history of mankind.





Big P

Well-Known Member
you can visit his website and see for your self:

New website after they old one was attacked by the powers that be. IF YOU ARE A GOVERNMENT WORKER DO NOT READ THIS OR YOU RISK BEING FIRED BY THE US GOVERNEMNT!!


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"Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine
WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices.

WikiLeaks relies on its supporters in order to stay strong. Please keep us at the forefront of anti-censorship and support us today. You can also read more about WikiLeaks, our mission and objectives.

Cablegate: 250,000 US Embassy Diplomatic Cables

2010-11-28 On Sunday 28th Novembre 2010, Wikileaks began publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into the US Government's foreign activities.

All released leaks archived

2010-11-28 Due to recent attacks on our infrastructure, we've decided to make sure everyone can reach our content. As part of this process we're releasing archived copy of all files we ever released - that's almost 20,000 files. The archive linked here contains a torrent generated for each file and each directory.

War Diary: Iraq War Logs

2010-10-22 The 391,832 reports ('The Iraq War Logs'), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United States Army. Each is a 'SIGACT' or Significant Action in the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.

War Diary: Afghanistan War Logs

2010-07-25 From here, you can browse through all of the documents that have been released, organized by type, category, date, number of casualties, and many other properties. From any document page, clicking on the green underlined text will open a popup that links to other documents that contain those phrases, making it possible to see important search terms and connections that you might not otherwise notice.

Video: Collateral Murder

2010-04-05 WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
well I cant help but love to read the juicy secrets but I think the release of this documents could be curtains for us:

List of facilities 'vital to US security' leaked...

why would sombody leak that?
He's not an American.

This is definitely gonna stir up some shit but I doubt it will result in major conflicts. I'm hoping it will motivate some people in government to come clean and act right, but I ain't gonna hold my breath.

Big P

Well-Known Member
but you have to admit running anything worth anything require secrets to be kept safe,

I mean imagine if car dealerships sales peoples conversations were leaked. man would there be some fucked up emails in that one.

or heres a better one. Imagine if everything you ever said regarding your gurlfriend or wife to trusted friends were to be leaked out.

bet she would be filing for divorce pretty quik lol

imagine if just your random thoughts were leaked out for all to hear, yikes!!!!

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I agree. National security does require some secrets, but international relations shouldn't be handled like a middle school romance.


Well-Known Member
You know what, I think after the innitial shock wore off, all the honesty would make the world a better place.

Then again I am not realy one to mince my words.


Well-Known Member
I would have to re-examine my friends I guess? And myself for believing they were trust worthy. Then You have to Deal with the kids. :)


Well-Known Member
Part of the skill of gaining harmony in your life is to re-examine your friends regularly...
Yes Pete, I love your sister more cause you tend to be a realy disrespectfull brat, there I said it....

Big P

Well-Known Member
oh oh Mr. Assange will be soooo fucked in a U.S. prison :D

WIKILEAKS founder jailed, secrets still flow...
Assange could face espionage trial in USA...
Hackers Strike Back: Take down MASTERCARD site...
1st Amendment issues...

Assange could face espionage trial in US

Washington sees chance as WikiLeaks founder is jailed as battle begins to prevent extradition over sex charges
By Kim Sengupta, Diplomatic Correspondent

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Julian Assange arrives at court in Westminster yesterday
Informal discussions have already taken place between US and Swedish officials over the possibility of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being delivered into American custody, according to diplomatic sources.

Mr Assange is in a British jail awaiting extradition proceedings to Sweden after being refused bail at Westminster Magistrates&#8217; Court despite a number of prominent public figures offering to stand as surety.
His arrest in north London yesterday was described by the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates as &#8220;good news&#8221;, and may pave the way for extradition to America and a possible lengthy jail sentence.
The US Justice Department is considering charging Mr Assange with espionage offences over his website&#8217;s unprecedented release of classified US diplomatic files. Several right-wing American politicians are pressing for his prosecution and even execution, with Sarah Palin, the former vice-presidential candidate, saying he should be pursued the same as al-Qa&#8217;ida and Taliban leaders.

Mr Assange&#8217;s appearance in the London court, the focus of massive international media attention, puts Britain in the centre of the controversy and recrimination over the publishing of thousands of diplomatic cables which have caused acute embarrassment to the administration in Washington. If the man responsible for putting them in the public domain is to be silenced, his supporters say, the process started here.
The Swedish government seeks Mr Assange&#8217;s extradition for alleged sexual offences against two women.

Sources stressed that no extradition request would be submitted until and unless the US government laid charges against Mr Assange, and that attempts to take him to America would only take place after legal proceedings are concluded in Sweden.

Mr Assange, 39, had voluntarily gone to a police station accompanied by solicitors after the issuing of an international warrant.
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The court heard that Jemima Khan, the sister of the Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith, the film director Ken Loach and journalist John Pilger were among those who had offered to stand bail to the sum of £180,000. But District Judge Howard Rule remanded him in custody on the grounds that there was a risk the WikiLeaks founder would fail to surrender.

Mr Loach, who offered £20,000, explained that he did not know Mr Assange other than by reputation, but he said: "I think the work he has done has been a public service. I think we are entitled to know the dealings of those that govern us." Mr Pilger, who also offered £20,000, said he knew Mr Assange as a journalist and personal friend and had a "very high regard for him".

"I am aware of the offences and I am also aware of quite a lot of the detail around the offences,&#8221; said Mr Pilger. &#8220;I am here today because the charges against him in Sweden are absurd and were judged as absurd by the chief prosecutor there when she threw the whole thing out until a senior political figure intervened." Ms Khan offered a further £20,000 "or more if need be", although she said she did not know Assange.

Gemma Lindfield, appearing for the Swedish authorities, successfully opposed bail being granted because there was a risk he would fail to surrender &#8211; and also for his own protection, she said. She outlined five reasons why there was a risk: his "nomadic" lifestyle, reports that he intended to seek asylum in Switzerland, access to money from donors, his network of international contacts and his Australian nationality.

Mrs Lindfield added: "Any number of people could take it upon themselves to cause him harm. This is someone for whom, simply put, there is no condition, even the most stringent, that would ensure he would surrender to the jurisdiction of this court."

Ms Lindfield told the court that Mr Assange was wanted in connection with four allegations of sexual offences.She said the first complainant, Miss A, said she was victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm. The court heard Mr Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

The second charge alleged Mr Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used. The third charge claimed Mr Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on August 18 "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity".

The fourth charge accused Mr Assange of having sex with a second woman, Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home.
District Judge Riddle said: "This case is not, on the face of it, about WikiLeaks. It is an allegation in another European country of serious sexual offences alleged to have occurred on three separate occasions and involving two separate victims. These are extremely serious allegations. From that, it seems to me that if these allegations are true, then no one could argue the defendant should be granted bail.&#8221;
However he added: "If they are false, he suffers a great injustice if he is remanded in custody. At this stage in these proceedings, the nature and strength of the allegations is not known."
Mr Assange&#8217;s solicitor, John Jones, said he agreed the case was not about WikiLeaks but was a "simple accusation" case with the right to bail.

He said: "In relation to the state of play in Sweden, it is important for the court to be aware of the background to this. Mr Assange has made repeated requests that the allegations against him be communicated to him in a language he understands. That has been ignored by the Swedish prosecutor. Another Swedish prosecutor dropped this case early on for lack of evidence and it was resurrected in Gothenburg rather than Stockholm."
Another of Mr Assange's lawyers, Mark Stephens, said he believed British authorities would go to extreme lengths to ensure his client was "perfectly comfortable" during his time in jail. While he is confident Mr Assange's time behind bars will be brief, he said he did not want to appear to be "too cocky".

"I think a lot of people, including the police, thought that he would get bail today. They were very surprised he didn't," he said.
Praising District Judge Howard Riddle's assessment of the case, Mr Stephens said: "We are incredibly grateful to the judge for making it clear to the prosecutor that he thinks he wants to have a look at the evidence, to make assessments as to whether there is a real risk of conviction or not, because that will make a difference as to whether or not he wants to put him out on bail, or not, on the next occasion."
Criticising Swedish authorities involved with the case, Mr Stephens said: "It's a persecution, not a prosecution.".
He maintained that while Mr Assange was not prepared to go to Sweden to face alleged sexual assault claims, his client was prepared to meet the Swedish prosecutor in England.
"That, I think, is a reasonable approach," he said.

The pressure on WikiLeaks, which relies on online donations from a worldwide network of supporters to fund its work, continued after Visa and Mastercard suspended all payments to the website.
A spokesman for Visa E said: "Visa Europe has taken action to suspend Visa payment acceptance on WikiLeaks&#8217; website pending further investigation into the nature of its business and whether it contravenes Visa operating rules." A MasterCard spokesman said: "MasterCard is currently in the process of working to suspend the acceptance of MasterCard cards on WikiLeaks until the situation is resolved.&#8221;

Kristinn Hrafnsson, a WikiLeaks spokesperson, said: "WikiLeaks is operational. We are continuing on the same track as laid out before. Any development with regards to Julian Assange will not change the plans we have with regards to the releases today and in the coming days."

The legal proceedings
Q Why is Mr Assange, an Australian citizen, facing legal proceedings in the UK when the allegations against him relate to events in Sweden?
A Under the European arrest warrant procedure any EU state can request the legal assistance of another EU country in the detention of a suspect wanted for an offence committed abroad.
Q Mr Assange's lawyers say he is not on the run and has voluntarily surrendered to police. So why is he being held in prison?
A District Judge Howard Riddle, sitting at the City of Westminster magistrates' court, refused Mr Assange's application for bail because he decided there was a danger he might abscond.
Q What happens next?
A First his lawyers will return to court next week to try to secure his release on conditional bail. Eventually there will be an extradition hearing at which the Swedish prosecution authorities will present prima facie evidence to show there is case for Mr Assange to answer.
Q How long will the proceedings last?
A Mr Assange's legal team are already preparing to challenge the extradition in the High Court in London. If they lose the case there, they can take it all the way to the Supreme Court, a process which could last many months.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
It just goes to show you how "dangerous" this guy is perceived by world governments. I wonder if the stuff he had set back that he threatened to leak is arrested is going to come out.


Active Member
but you have to admit running anything worth anything require secrets to be kept safe,

or heres a better one. Imagine if everything you ever said regarding your gurlfriend or wife to trusted friends were to be leaked out.

bet she would be filing for divorce pretty quik lol
This goes along with what ANC said, after the initial shock i think your relationship would be a lot better than it was before. People don't always like the honest truth, but why hide it, I'd rather it be in the open so improvements can be made. Of course I am guilty of keeping secrets of my own from girlfriends, but usually when they come out things turn out for the better

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
There is more to Assange then hes saying.
He has something else up his sleeve that no one knows about,
neither do I, but hes not an idiot if he got this far.
Trust me, hes doing his part.
But what I cant seem to find out is,
if this is bad, or good.
Good that hes letting us know how the US Gov is a peice of shit.
But bad because of what this might cause.
Only time will tell.
Good to also see Hilary Clinton look like a FOOL.
She tryed making it into a joke, but jokes on her.
If you guys know what im talking about.
Nothing against women.
But shes a peice of shit aswell as everyone else in the senate.
Obama? Bad idea, shits comming to an end,
or the start of the end.
Either way, not much time left.
War, invasion, much else comming soon.
This might be the so called "Prophecys".
But like I said,
time will tell..


Active Member
but you have to admit running anything worth anything require secrets to be kept safe,

I mean imagine if car dealerships sales peoples conversations were leaked. man would there be some fucked up emails in that one.

or heres a better one. Imagine if everything you ever said regarding your gurlfriend or wife to trusted friends were to be leaked out.

bet she would be filing for divorce pretty quik lol

imagine if just your random thoughts were leaked out for all to hear, yikes!!!!
Secrets are one thing, lies are totally another........

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya i bet assange has such a big secret that he will have the last laugh in the end either way

some leaks are good and some are damageing, we did not elect this guy to make these choices and hes making the decisions on what to leak and what not too leak

and theres def gonna be some leaks in our benifit and many also that will hurt our nation,

I think they should execute that traiter in the military that gave up this classified shit

They should put him before a firing squad


Well-Known Member
He's a creater of cyber-terrorism,,,His day's are done IMO,,,You don't fuck with certain shit,,,There are secret's meant to be secret's he's fucking with the "USA" and the "Banks"...If you dis-agree,,,and think he will sucseed in "The Truth???" come on people we know the "Truth",,,we are at "War"...It's Us,,,against them,,,Who's side are you on? You are not an "American",,So Fuck you "I wannna see America Fall Bullshit"...:finger::fire: Not directed at anyone inpeticular. But his shit has lasting consequenses on our "Personal Freedoms" In the End!!!