ready for harvest?


Well-Known Member
Sativa/Indica cross but damn they are small, how long they been out and how much Sun you got left until frost or end of Autumn?
Those look Wayy light on Buds.. sorry man but.. just bieng honest..

Dice Clay

Active Member
That looks like a very sativa dominant strain... it is elongated and the shapes of the calyxes are indicative of a sativa.. the buds look tasty.. I would let her go another week and check out the resin glands under at least 10x. Optivisors work great for this
i got alotta hairs on the shorter girl that turned black. think its from the heat here back in july. dont wanna fuck it up in the end lol. started them in mid may. its my second grow
they are light on buds. i topped the one and it didnt do much except make it grow real short. they dont get as much sun as i would prefer. had to put them in my woods. only spot that people wouldnt see them. they get good light at certain times of the day. it started as an experiment and i kinda ran with it. guess ill let them go for a while longer.
the hairs turned black. i dunno maybe its red maybe brown but im mad color blind so im like a blind man picking out his favorite porno haha
yeah i know they are. just wanted to put them in something in case i had to move them somewhere else. easy to handle plus i wasnt trying to grow huge plants. next year ill step it up a notch. im pretty new to growing. did it once like 2 years ago


Well-Known Member
The plant also looks like it is revegging which might just be because of the erratic and short light cycles.


Well-Known Member
yea i would transplant but idk if it would help any this late in the grow. you could have had some relly big plants if you would have stuck them in the ground give it a try next time though man if you need to move the dig them up it will stress the shit out of them but not as stressed as they are in thoughs small pots