READ! then ask...


Active Member
I'm a first time grower. Want to hear something really shocking? I don't smoke!

I'm goofing off as a hobby. I have no use for the weed or the results, I just wanted to try something new.

I spent several hours on forums...even a few web sites. I've found a ton of information on every aspect of soil, lighting, grow time, even best place to order. Literally, I've never asked a question because EVERYTHING I could ask is already answered.

Web searching is so easy now, you don't even need to join a site to learn. Simply search for your question on your favorite site and you'll find your answer. If you don't, send me a PM...I'll bet I already have your question bookmarked. If you ask me something stupid, that is easy to find, don't be surprised if I don't respond.

Point is, get off your ass! Stop begging someone to give you the answer to the question you are too lazy to look up...get it yourself!

From what I've learned I'm currently harvesting apple white widow. We did a fast dry of a bud for smells and tastes like apple, but smokes and has the same effects as white widow.

I grew16 plants under flourescent and averaged well over a pound per plant (wet) in about 12 weeks. I'll try super cropping with pear next....but considering what very little I did for these plants, I'm more than willing to bet I can get over 2 pounds per plant.

Want to know how? LOOK IT UP!

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I'm a first time grower. Want to hear something really shocking? I don't smoke!

From what I've learned I'm currently harvesting apple white widow. We did a fast dry of a bud for smells and tastes like apple, but smokes and has the same effects as white widow.

made me chuckel :bigjoint:
your right, you can find all the answers on the net, some people just panick! :bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat as you, Dont smoke, i used to and i do ocassionally but only a little bit of my harvests, then it goes to the girlfriend and sell a bit of it, I too think similar to you, When I first started to grow and even before i did i read read read etc etc. I still somtimes need to ask a question or two but not often, to be fair I'm not surprised a bunch of stoners are too lazy to do their own research, maybe because we dont smoke it gives us more of an incentive to actually do some work.... But then again there are some hardcore smokers on this forum who are serious growers. +rep to you, welcome to rollitup. youll like it here.