Rbbits and weed plants ?


Active Member
when i first clicked on this i thought you meant frogs. Ribbet! to answer your question i do believe that rabbits will eat your plants. this is just from what ive read not actual experience. Checking my grow guide it says you can repel them by dusting rock phosphate on the leaves or blood meal around your plants. or you can spay them with a hot pepper spray or dilute fish emulsion. or you could have a fence but it would have to go underground to keep them from burrowing under and above to keep them from hopping it. hope this helps but it is just what i read. if anyone has had any real experience please let us know what you did. peace


there are several ways to keep rabbits out. Some stores sell rabbit repellent that can be spread around the area; however, these repellents can ruin a crop if the right one is not purchased. I would just recommend putting a small chicken wire fence around your crop. The fence should be 6 inches into the ground to prevent burrowing under and about 2 to 3 feet high. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks, i will have to work out best option, i will only be able to checkthe crop every week, and i know there are plenty of rabbits !!!


I had never heard of the soap thing, that sounds interesting, but then i read your sig and it says everything you post is a lie so i guess who knows


Active Member
I've lost a couple plants to rabbits. It sucks. We had a mesh fence surrounding it, and a few inches under the soil. We also put large broken branches at the bottom of the hole. The fuckers came from beneath and took the entire 10 inch plant, roots and all. The problem is we planted in an area where rabbits had a little village (it was the only stealth location with a lot of sun). My guess would be to dig a large hole, line the bottom and sides with large stones, and use a submerged and raised fence. Maybe kill a rabbit and put it's dead body on a totem, with garlic, peppers, human hair, piss, and a nuclear warhead hanging from hooks in it's skin.
the soap thing also apparently works for deer also because its a very strong smell.
another thing i've heard is putting your pet's crap around your crops, espeically a dog.. no rabbit wants to mess with a dog.