rats!! BIG rats...and deer


Well-Known Member
so my spot is out in REALY wet land... in camoflouge buckets. i got some big rubber boots that come up to my hips and i'm fine. only about 5 ft. tall grass/shrubs and 2-4 inches water. with dry spots too. i'm standing there today just finishing up repairs from the crazy weather we have been having and all the sudden i hear something russling around in the grass/shrubs. and then i see a head pop up and at first i thought it was a bird that just landed on the ground but then i keep listening and then two freaken HUGE rats about 6-7 inches long + the tail came runnin through the grass and shit about 4 ft. from me; squeeling and chasing ea. other and off they went. i'm thinkin that those suckers got to go? i was there for like fifteen minutes total and 2 ran by. last week i walked up on a deer and got 10 ft. from it with out seeing it and then i heard something grunting at me. i looked up and a doe was staring at me grunting, then it spooked and ran off through the tall grass. --- but as far as the rats go should i set up a few rat traps? it's a safer... more comfortable spot and dont think security is really an issue. or should i just let the little suckers run through and hope they dont eat my grow.
for the deer i got some deer, rabbit, coyote, dog, cat, squirrel repellent and sprinkled the stuff all around my area. havnt seen sign of a deer since...

El Duderino

Active Member
I havent had a problem with rats yet. Thay are here but dont seem to bother my plants. As for deer, once they start to bud you can loose your crop to deer. I was learning last year and had a buddy to help me thru the whole process (they were his plants I just threw in the seeds and he tended them while I helped and learned then we split the crop) We lost half of uor best plant to deer. After the first run in with deer we were told by an old hippy buddy to urinate as frequently and heavily in the area surrounding the plants. we kept it to about a 10 foot radius as often as possible. It smelled bad but worked. We kept to the same routine and havent had a problem with deer since. Apparently its a scent/territory issue and the scent of human urine will scare them off. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
yah.... i urinate every time i go there to. i just wander howlong the urine scent stays there with excvessive water.. yah know? i usually piss right on some plants... and not into the water.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
you should just fill a few water bots with Piss and bring it to the site every time you go. and Chicken wire helps A L O T


Well-Known Member
piss will veer rats off to? the deer honestly i'm in their territory it's not big deal to me. they dont usually screw with my shit... i dont want to go blastin them or nothing just use some deterent pellets and they stay a good 25-50 feet away which is fine because i'm not taking that much space up. the rats though i want OUT.... OUT OUT OUT! suggestions for those???