Rapid rooters...


Active Member
I'm on my second grow, want to start my 3rd and will be trying a new germ/prop technique. I bought a humidity dome, rapid rooter tray, and heat mat...but i'm not sure about one thing.

How do you use only a few RR plugs and not pull nutrients out of the others in the tray? I obviously don't need all 50, but using 6-10 is normal for me. Can I simply just use them and be fine or do I need to remove and bag the ones I don't use and cover their holes?

Just curious as I don't want to waste my RRs.


Well-Known Member
I'd remove the ones that you aren't using, and go that route. I don't really see the need to cover the holes, unless I'm thinking of a different kind of tray? I just can't see where the open holes would cause a problem, I've never had any issues, with the black tray I use.


Active Member
Just thought covering them may keep temps/algae down. I think I will get a freezer bag and put them in their until I need them.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure to take the dome off a couple times a day, and you shouldn't have to worry about molds/algae. Keeping everything sealed up for extended periods, without exchanging the air, is what I've found to cause problems. Keep the vents about halfway open, and that'll help too. That's where I keep mine, and it works great.


Well-Known Member
I like to let mine dry out before I store them, because I'm paranoid of molds, etc....Probably just preference, but it makes me feel better, long term. :)


Well-Known Member
^Nope, and sadly, alot of our hobby must be learned by trial and error. Happily, I can say that I've made MANY errors already, and it's pretty smooth sailing, finally.lol :)