Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
got to work..
"hey "qwizo" wow you look sober today"
damn girl, talk about a turn off. no, no.. dont try and save now, i no longer feel like flirting with you. im gonna go get high

oh and i noticed today i spend more time washing my hands everyday than sleeping...thats sad, but im clean to my elbows


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I do too, but mine has moose in it which I know you won't like but I don't know how to cook it any other way.
I call it "Stuckinamoose" chile. :wink:
So you shot Bullwinkle, I guess @Unclebaldrick was right and he was a double agent.
one of the first things i do every morning is operate a skillsaw above my head while standing on a wobbly plank supported across two ladders, before removing a 100 pound window in order to install a 250 pound window.

looks like i picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Back to coding again, I see. all's right with the world.
Catch and release working out for you :)
Went badass on AT&T and then after worked over DirecTV yesterday.


I recommend everyone threatens someone today!
It's times like these I miss working :)

I harvested 2 gal of tomatoes this morning, about 50-50 Roma and a supposed Heinz ketchup heirloom. Blanched and skinned them, then started cooking down. Added a lil salt, added some fresh fine chopped basil, then after a coupla hrs added razor sliced garlic. I've already drank a quart of that shit....so good
OMG I'd kill for homemade ketchup, all my tomatoes died from the heat can't grow shit up here without a metric fuckton of water and well it's the mojave so I just need to stop bitching (like that will ever happen, x chromo's)
As did Oliver Sacks


Well-Known Member
I survived yesterday. Tallest and wobbliest scaffold yet. I made a co worker tie a rope between us and stand inside.

Thanks, OSHA


Well-Known Member
Buck, you can rent stable scaffolds, fairly cheap. Don't be a 'tard, an injury will cost a lot more in lost time and money
I came very close to dying from taking down exterior scaffolding, on a job in SF, when I was an apprentice. Ended up on the outside of the scaffolding, arm hooked on a cross brace, more than 150 feet up. On the ground below me, were a bunch of screw jacks.
The trade I'm in, it is our companies that usually setup scaffolding, because it is mainly our trades that work on exterior(fuck glazers lol)
Thats's how it used to work. Let the retard buffed dudes do the scaffolding, and throw in some green apprentices. They've since made it to where you have to be certified in scaffolding. Good thing, because I have even worse stories. Like people I knew dying. Broken backs. Broken necks.
Be careful out there peeps;-)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't Jew around with scaffolding that shits no joke. I've seen too many injuries from skimping on it, and anything over I think it's 6feet youre supposed to be in a harness tied off... According to OSHA.

@UncleBuck be safe out there playing a construction worker


Undercover Mod
My dad fell off a three story grange hall and landed standing up. Shattered his legs, broken back, ribs and teeth.