Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I remember the day he was shot, one of my friends was at the show, crazy shit
I live a few streets from the venue it happened at. My friend cancelled on me last minute so i ended up not going. Another friends older brother was one of the casualties. Not a good day. Glad i wasnt there.


Well-Known Member
I live a few streets from the venue it happened at. My friend cancelled on me last minute so i ended up not going. Another friends older brother was one of the casualties. Not a good day. Glad i wasnt there.
Damn, that's freaking crazy man :( it's crazy world. I thought it was all a dumb joke or something at first until I saw it on MTV

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
It's 1am and I'm going to the fucking linen closet for new sheets! (Cause I skeeted all over these ones)

Is that a bad thingo_O

Didn't think so, but now I'm smoking a square and hitting a hash bowl, wishing I had a BUTTERY JACK!


Well-Known Member
So i run a soup kitchen here gives breakfast lunch and dinner. ya i know, it doesnt seem me lol.
anyway i just threw away like 30 loaves of bread and im pissed. there's so much mold in the air here anyone have any suggestions for the building. ac? walls? air? i want it all gone


Well-Known Member
Dehumidifier packs..everywhere! Also cross breeze.. Obv an electric dehumidifier.
If you want to go crazy use yellow board next time?