Racial/Ethnic preferences in cannabis delivery systems


I just torched some of my new, frosty bud, and a thought occurred to me. It seems like smoking blunts and joints is more common among black pot smokers, while white pot smokers are much more likely to smoke out of pipes and bongs. So... um... what's up with that? Or am I completely wrong? :-?

mmmm... frosty bud bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think pipes and bongs are a popular US thing in general, but I agree alot of black people seem to not use glass. Maybe it's because it seems more 'traditional'. Get some herb, put it in paper and go, rather than using a device purposefully invented further along the line to smoke with.

Also, what is it with girls and pipes? I'm on an all girl forum and I swear none of them have ever rolled a joint in their lives. They just like pretty glass.


Well-Known Member
I'm white and prefer joints/blunts if I'm smoking. I love my vaporizer most though. Hate pipes ( a lot), hate bongs due to disgusting maintenance factor although a good bong rip can really get me lifted. Pipes just make me hack and choke and they taste like shit. I don't understand the appeal. Maybe if you're vaping in a pipe, otherwise :(

Don't roll many blunts though.


Im white and I hate pipes, joints are better than a pipe any day. but im cheap so I only use the vape to save weed.

I do enjoy a bong rip though


Well-Known Member
That's because black people are always "on the hustle" or "on the grind". No time for packing bowls when you're out making that "stupid change".


Well-Known Member
huh, feel bit ridiculous calling myself "white" or any other color.

human being am i. :)

but i personally find joints to be a terrible waste of smoke and only useful to smoke where people can see you (look like cigs)

about 75% quicker blazing through the bag and about 75% less high than out of bongs.

btw, an almost completely "white" population around here (since you thinking that way)

and they almost all of them, smoke out of gravity bongs (bucket, 2l bottle and some water :))


Active Member
I'm black, and I occasionally roll blunts if I am with friends. It seems a more sociable alternative to joints, IMO. When I'm at home, I vaporize or hit a bong. It's a spiritual thing, I guess.


New Member
I find people 40+ tend to smoke joints only, less than 40 they tend to smoke pipes and bongs.

I'm pretty sure the idea of blunts was invented by blacks.


huh, feel bit ridiculous calling myself "white" or any other color.

human being am i. :)
I hear ya, man.:)

but i personally find joints to be a terrible waste of smoke and only useful to smoke where people can see you (look like cigs)
That's the only time I smoke joints. When I want to smoke out at the bars, or outdoors in general, I empty out a "Charkra" bidi cigarette and make a good slow-burning J.


Well-Known Member
yes, the joint is a more of a social thing really. sharing a blunt or a joint.

comes to mind that 40+ people usually spend more time alone (kids have gone and most friendships dissolved (you single and your friends marry or you married and friends not, or simply always just very busy providing and taking care of the kids and relationships just sorta faded away) (not always like that of course though)


Well-Known Member
I'm a white joint smoker, but now that I need to quit smokeing cigarettes (or die), I should be able to save up for a nice vape.


Well-Known Member
hehehe its funny, if you are around lots of people of a different color, you soon start to forget their color and they are just people

but if there is just one of different color, its often the first thing that comes to mind, though, perhaps because its often because its the thing they are thinking about.

(being of a different color than everyone else, is bit like being an animal in a zoo :) (everyone stares and looks and the nice ones come and chat (though we talking places were different colors are rare (in these particular cases, iceland and north vietnam)


Well-Known Member
Ain't about color at all... it's about area and population density. As someone said above, joints and blunts go 'round easier while bongs are more personal use for instance. Well, you'll find way more blunt smokers in cities, because odds are there's five dudes who are just gonna show up in addition to the three you're already inevitably chillin with... but out here in the woods i can't even find a single person to burn with yet, and my girlfriend stopped toking almost entirely, so that leaves me with bongs, pipes, and MAYBE a joint when I'm feeling frivolous.


Well-Known Member
Good question. All the Hispanics I know smoke joints or blunts.

Am I weird for being a solo joint smoker all day?

I think you people gutting cigarettes and filling them with weed is weird- store cigs are nasty XP

But yep, I tend to smoke joints and blunts all to myself.


Well-Known Member
Im old & wise and I know for a fact that cannabis is most enjoyable in a big fat doobie and nothing else comes close :hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I don't enjoy the big pipe hits like in the old days anymore, you know the one where it runs down your spine into your toes hits.
They just leave me coughing like a motherfucker, doobs I can chainsmoke, and I don't like shareing, I;ll rather roll you your own (I'm generous at least).

I think the main factor i sdo you smoke in groups or alone, cause each will have its own logistics.