Qwik Help with Florescent lighting for clones


I am starting a small closet (4 x 2) area to hold clone mothers (~6) and starter clone cuttings.

I was planning on using a 400w MH i have - but think it's too much light AND heat for this few plants and Florescent would be a better way to go.

I am wondering how little light I need? 4feet x 2 bulbs, 3, 4 or 6? to keep the clone mothers happy and growing slowly and also get the clone cuttings started.

Or would a 2 foot x 4 bulb setup be sufficient?

Haven't done clones or clone mothers before, so I'm asking.


Active Member
Two to four overhead and all the side lighting you can get.It`ll help if the area is painted white to reflect light.Good Luck on your Grow..


The closet is painted flat white and I have mylar I'll put up for better reflectivity.
I have one 4 foot T5 and it sounds as if I buy two more I should be fine
