Question for you legal backyard growers


Active Member
Do you guys follow the whole don't tell anyone rule? If so how do you guys deal with friends and family that come to your house? Or even a girlfriend/girl you're dating? It seems almost impossible to be inviting anyone over to your house with a grow right in the backyard...

What do you guys do? Invite people over or do summers become a no visit zone in the summer lol?


Active Member
mine are very well hidden in my yard. my wife doesnt even know about them. i have 4 growing in 3 gallon pots placed up in my palm trees. my only concern is my landscaping crew. i try to keep these trees well trimmed so they have no business working around them but you never know!


Active Member
I have six foot monsters lol I dont think I could hide them anywhere in my yard. Any other growers with their input?


Can always say they are tomatoes...
haha that is hilarious... i actually know i guy who plants a couple in his tomato garden every year and his wife has never noticed.... but to answer your question, the less the better i would say... the only people that come to my house are my family and close close friends... so make sure you trust them (not to steal) and that they are okay with it