Question about indoor Growing


Active Member
I am going to be growing indoors,
I am just wondering if i should put potting mix in there pots will that work?
or will it be to strong for my baby's so i should i mix the potting mix with some normal dirt(from my garden)??


Well-Known Member
depending on what you are looking at. i use potting soil, but you have to get the right stuff...i wouldnt advise MG and i certaintly wouldnt go digging up my back yard.


Well-Known Member
Fox farms ocean forest soil if you can get ur hands on it, never hurt my girls but it has nutes for 3 weeks


Active Member
Alright I have some potting soil out the back now will have to look at what kind it is.
In general though it shouldn't hurt them?


Active Member
DO NOT use soil from your garden!!! There is too much of the possibility that you would be introducing molds, parasites, and other nasties that exist in the wild outdoors. You will end up wishing you had gone with a clean potting soil such as Fox Farms, Organicare or even any of the potting soils at wall mart. Just a warning from someone who has been there.
If money is an issue, Wal-Mart, and Home Depot have an excellent potting soil for about half of what you would pay at a 'Hydro' store.
Kellogs Patio plus, which I have used myself with very good results, is a wonderful alternative. And its only around 6 dollars per bag compared with 14.00 or so for Fox Farms.


Active Member
ya like Randm said you don't want to bring dirt from out side indoors because you will contaminate your grow with whole kinds of nasty things...


Well-Known Member
Get bales of Premium Pete moss - it's super cheap, like 3.5 cubic feet for ~$10. You can mix in Perlite too if you want, and you can get super-cheap perlite from Agway. Use a liquid fertilizer to give your plants all it's nutrients.


Active Member
A lot of potting soil has time release nutes in it, which is why most people don't like them. You can make your own potting soil with perilite, vermiculite, pete moss, etc. If you want to use something like MG, just be aware that it already has nutes in it, so you don't need to feed the plant until after the first month or so.


Active Member
Alright so getting normal dirt is a big NO NO haha
I'll have to get some something down at the shops,
what is everyone's View on Canna Coco?? if i got that i would Still need Nutes Right?
Dose it really Matter what they Grow in As long as i keep Feeding them??


Active Member
Coco is just basically a filler to support the plant and roots, no nutriants at all. You have to supply all the nutes to grow in it. Many people use it, check threads and articles on using it befor you commit to it.


Active Member
Forx Farm ocean forest is great but in my experience 2 weeks is when to add nutes, by 3 weeks my plants were nitro deficient.