Question about humidity/humidifiers


Just getting my first grow up and running. My plants are currently under a T5 and looking nice. Only a cpl weeks from germinating so not very tall yet, but developing leaves nicely. My grow space is about 9' x 7.5' x 7.5' tall. I live in western Colorado at about 6000 feet elevation. Very dry here during colder months. My room stays around 76 - 82 degrees temp, and I have a fan circulating at all times. However, I'm having trouble keeping my humidity above 30%. I've tried using wet towels but didnt work very well. Looking to get a decent humidifier that can work well in that much space. Any suggestions on brands, model #'s, etc? I have looked through some similar questions, but havent found answers I'm looking for. Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
See if @Afgan King has anything to say about your humidity - I know he swears by running low temps / low humidity.

You might just have an ideal scenario and nothing to worry about.
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So glad that I came onto this thread . I've been on here most of the morning.I've asked a couple of questions also about my humidity levels. I'm running my temps at about 75 to 80° and I was also worried about my humidity levels they are at about 30% so this is all good information to know I actually have put a big pot of water into my tent. I live in New Mexico. southeastern New Mexico. very dry winters here also