Quantities per household or per patient?


Active Member
For California, the indicated minimum allowed amounts are "6 mature OR 12 immature plants and 8 oz. of dried processed marijuana". Are these quantites per household or per licensed patient? If you have 2 licensed patients in a household are you allowed to double the quantities?
In the "6 mature OR 12 immature" statement, is there no combination thereof
i.e. 3 mature with 9 immature.



Well-Known Member
I do not think the 8oz rule applies to in your home, only if you're transporting it on w/ you such as no more than 8oz in a car with you. I believe you can have as many plants for up to 4 people. Mind you, there are standards.. . such as if you have children in the house, I do not suggest you have 3-4 rooms full of plants and the kids sleeping on the couch you know what I mean.?.


Active Member
Thanks for your response to this and over in my grow room post.
Not sure where you're located, in California the state mandates that you can have the maximum of "6 mature OR 12 immature plants" but have also given the counties the ability to increase those amounts if they so desire (but not lower the amounts). So if your local county has not enacted to raise the limit you're subject to the state specified limits of "6 mature OR 12 immature plants".


Active Member
Follow your county's guideline. If your county doesn't have an established guideline follow the 6/12 rule. The guidelines are per patient. Be smart though. Don't draw attention to yourself.


Active Member
Don't draw attention to yourself.
Isn't that the 11th commandment?

follow the 6/12 rule.
Yes so unfortunately by the way I understand it (and I'm pretty sure it's right) you can never have anything even remotely close to a continuous harvest since you can't have any immature while you have plants flowering. So the best you can hope for is a crop only every 3 or 4 months, they just want us to smoke stale grass!