pure kush and hindu kush organic grow

Yes Sir

Active Member
Hey guys right now i've got a pure kush clone thats been vegging for about 2 weeks and i also just germinated some sensi seeds hindu kush. four are in the soil right now(germed in paper towel about 3 days ago) and 3 in the paper towel being germinated. i have tthem under 2 floresent tubes in a small cabby right now until my cheese finishes. Im going to veg these for about a month or so under a 100w hps light and floro tubes. heres some pics so far of the 2 sprouted hindu and the pure kush. All comments welcome.
sorry something wrong with my album ill upload as soon as its fixed.

Yes Sir

Active Member
sorry guys dont know whats wrong with my album, it shows theres pics on there but when i click it theres nothing there.

I transplanted the pure kush into a 3 gallon and the roots looked very good. I just started using nutes as well on her. I also put all the seeds into soil, 4 sprouted out so far, hopefully the rest will follow.