Proposition 19


I am getting a little annoyed at people who bemoan the fact that prop 19
didn't pass. I am sure none of them read the entire document. The bill was
a very bad direction for the medical AND recreational cannabis communities.

Corporate business interests are already the new 'royalty' in our democratic nation. Prop 19 paved a road for large business cultivation. Even now well-informed growers who fall into the 20-50 plant category, while well-intentioned are producing poorly
flushed, chemical laden product that is dangerous to smoke. Growers are putting things in and on their plants which should NOT be inhaled. This cocktail of substances when ignited can produce unintended substrates that are dangerous and even carcinogenic. What we do not need is a commercial atmosphere where large corporate grows are compelled to use methods, amendments and chemicals
that while designed for higher quality actually turn the plant into one more health concern. That would kill a lot of support these communities enjoy from non-smoking populations that feel "what's the harm in a little buzz?".

Proposition 19 wasn't even a good start. We need to write a bill that emphasizes small home growing along with licensed (state) 50-70 plant growers and like we
passed here in Sebastopol 750 square feet of cultivation for dispensaries.

Keeping large corporate or special interest growers out of the picture will strengthen the quality-control as well as educating and inspecting product from smaller grows.

Let's get a section started here in this forum for people to throw out their suggestions so we can also contribute to the process. It's only right that
the folks who are at the foundation of cannabis enjoyment should also
be the ones to help legalize and regulate it. Let's not allow organized crime
and corporate whores to commandeer the Cannabis Movement.


Well-Known Member
beating a dead horse about prop 19. lets look to the future and stop fighting about the past.


Well-Known Member
then maybe you should have just posted this and named your thread something else...
Let's get a section started here in this forum for people to throw out their suggestions so we can also contribute to the process. It's only right that
the folks who are at the foundation of cannabis enjoyment should also
be the ones to help legalize and regulate it. Let's not allow organized crime
and corporate whores to commandeer the Cannabis Movement.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I hope everyone reads this..
No matter WHAT..
the government says, does, or even promise..
their is always something behind it.
Beware.. Stay away from the government.
Best thing to do is do it the natural way and from your own hands.
Dont let them mess with you ....


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand the people that smoke weed and don't want it legalized. Well, in a way I do understand. They are just greedy suppliers that don't want their high profits to go down. If it actually ever becomes legal there will be big companies involved. There is no getting around that. Telling people not to vote for legalization because "big corporations" will get involved is the most stupid argument that could ever be made.


Active Member
I am getting a little annoyed at people who bemoan the fact that prop 19
didn't pass. I am sure none of them read the entire document. The bill was
a very bad direction for the medical AND recreational cannabis communities.

Corporate business interests are already the new 'royalty' in our democratic nation. Prop 19 paved a road for large business cultivation. Even now well-informed growers who fall into the 20-50 plant category, while well-intentioned are producing poorly
flushed, chemical laden product that is dangerous to smoke. Growers are putting things in and on their plants which should NOT be inhaled. This cocktail of substances when ignited can produce unintended substrates that are dangerous and even carcinogenic. What we do not need is a commercial atmosphere where large corporate grows are compelled to use methods, amendments and chemicals
that while designed for higher quality actually turn the plant into one more health concern. That would kill a lot of support these communities enjoy from non-smoking populations that feel "what's the harm in a little buzz?".

Proposition 19 wasn't even a good start. We need to write a bill that emphasizes small home growing along with licensed (state) 50-70 plant growers and like we
passed here in Sebastopol 750 square feet of cultivation for dispensaries.

Keeping large corporate or special interest growers out of the picture will strengthen the quality-control as well as educating and inspecting product from smaller grows.

Let's get a section started here in this forum for people to throw out their suggestions so we can also contribute to the process. It's only right that
the folks who are at the foundation of cannabis enjoyment should also
be the ones to help legalize and regulate it. Let's not allow organized crime
and corporate whores to commandeer the Cannabis Movement.

this guys right, change happens in movements.

civil rights movement, slavery movement.

people get excited and throw out a poorly devised plan and it usually fails.
yet the people want this so bad it almost passed!!

this subject will become less bizaar to the politicians, and realize that the newer generation sees things slightly different and they will quit fighting.

as soon as RON PAUL is elected it will be nation wide.

its going to happen, this was just a minor step in the cannabis movement.