Produce weed in 43 days

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Sometimes we need to take our gut feeling and go from there. Riddleme and I have had a few PM's, let him give you his feeling. I will keep the offer of a VIP Pass to the RMCC to somebody that can attend the Biz to Biz portion of the convention where I will speak for an hour or so. They could meet people I interact with that are in this industry and see what they think.

I will say, with complete honesty, the following. My sole purpose for becoming involved in this post was strictly as an act of defending myself. I receive a print out each business day with news and internet articals pertaining to me. As a general rule I don't respond to internet sites for obvious reasons, which we've all seen here. I had a hard week with my gal being in ICU with a heart issue and was a bit stressed when I responded.

THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER MOTIVE THEN DEFENDING MYSELF AND SAYING THAT I CAN INDEED GROW AS STATED. At no time has the sales of a DVD been a goal, nor has the hunt for website members been a goal. I am not interested in selling any of you anything I will sell out the 1,000 copies quite quickly I suspect and will run full page ads in High Times magazine as the vehicle for promotion.

My only intentions at this point is to help guide new growers down a path free of bad, and costly, mistakes from bad advice. It is truly that simple. I offered to give the meat and potatoes of the DVD away here piec for that e at a time as my schedule allows but was ridicueled for that too. I am always willing to help others who need help as I have my entire life, it's just in my blood.

So there you have it, does it ring true to you? If not, I'm sorry but that's it.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes we need to take our gut feeling and go from there. Riddleme and I have had a few PM's, let him give you his feeling. I will keep the offer of a VIP Pass to the RMCC to somebody that can attend the Biz to Biz portion of the convention where I will speak for an hour or so. They could meet people I interact with that are in this industry and see what they think.

I will say, with complete honesty, the following. My sole purpose for becoming involved in this post was strictly as an act of defending myself. I receive a print out each business day with news and internet articals pertaining to me. As a general rule I don't respond to internet sites for obvious reasons, which we've all seen here. I had a hard week with my gal being in ICU with a heart issue and was a bit stressed when I responded.

THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER MOTIVE THEN DEFENDING MYSELF AND SAYING THAT I CAN INDEED GROW AS STATED. At no time has the sales of a DVD been a goal, nor has the hunt for website members been a goal. I am not interested in selling any of you anything I will sell out the 1,000 copies quite quickly I suspect and will run full page ads in High Times magazine as the vehicle for promotion.

My only intentions at this point is to help guide new growers down a path free of bad, and costly, mistakes from bad advice. It is truly that simple. I offered to give the meat and potatoes of the DVD away here piec for that e at a time as my schedule allows but was ridicueled for that too. I am always willing to help others who need help as I have my entire life, it's just in my blood.

So there you have it, does it ring true to you? If not, I'm sorry but that's it.
Is the biz to biz thing on the 10th? if so I will take you up on the vip pass


Well-Known Member
im sure he is counting each plant as a grow you idiot.
I was gonna get around to addressing this...

Ok Amquai... I am nearing the end of my first grow. Now, I started with 20 plants but unfortunately 12 of them were male and met a grisly death... That leaves 8 that will finish up.

So, at the end of it will I have 8 grows under my belt or 20 grows under my belt according to your definition?
BigBux, what question of yours did I miss, love to answer it.
new rule-u can post on this thread only if u actually read the WHOLE THREAD. Some of us wasted this whole week on this fukin thread and ill b damned if some late-comers r gonna wash over what really happened here. if u still think the prof was unfairly treated u need to go to the beginning and waste hours of ur time like rest of us did.
he was given many chances to explain himself, redeem himself and not b a douche-splushe but has repeatedly fallen short or taken the low road. trust me- i was on his side at first then everyone called a cease-fire about 20 pages ago and he was the first to breach that. im not tryin to add even more fuel to the fire but b4 u “reply” know what ur replying to.
Fdd, did you pull Dixie's load of shit he fabricated from this post? I wanted to use it in my speech about community and didn't get a chance to copy it yet. Can you PM it to me, or I'm sure Dixie can come up with it, right dixie, after all it's in your PM correct. Like a copy Fdd please


Active Member
Im just bustin your balls professor.I will untill I see a video. My pops did it to me and it made me a better man. Lets see pics or videos.


Well-Known Member
My seminars are $250 to attend and worth every cent, as I said the last one I made $200 profit from a cashiers check payable to me, which I lost. They are expensive to host, $7,000 in food printing of manuals, and a conference room at a hotel. All remaining profits go into a fund that I use to fund trials in which I serve as an expert witness. The latest was Jason Lauve in Boulder, CO which the defendant was vendicated of all charges and left the court house with 2 lbs of cannabis in his lap. Check westword magazine Boulder, CO for his trial. We also set a new state precedent in that case. I wonder how many could withstand the onslaught of questions posed by the DA regarding Cultivation. In Colorado there has been exactly one expert witness in the field of Cannabis Cultivation to go to trial, he hasn't lost yet and has done every case pro-bono.

The 10k and $250 an hour is for commercial grow consulting and I haven't had a complaint yet. Most patients I consult free of charge. I offer free classes through American Cannabis Colledge for those just starting.

$250 for a seminar is insane? I need to increase your yield by less than an ounce to regoup your investment or prevent you from buying some stupid piece of equipment. It is money well spent. At least attendance would indicate that.

And if somebody dare stand up for me that attended one, they get bashed. What is the problem? Through all I haven't offered anything for sale, is that lost on everyone? When the DVD is released it will contain over 300 pages of text, 1 hour of video and another hour of audio. Somewhere around 250 photo's and has taken 5 years to complete, christ why should I not be allowed to earn a buck. It also has a full money back guarentee. What exactly is the problem?

I have offered to answer question as I always do, why do some feel the need to insult regardless of the topic as long as it's pro, ProfMj. And if anyone has paid attention most issues about growing in 45 days have been addressed. As promised a video will be uploaded from RMCC and lets see what it's about. I still haven't had a single basher show the advancements for this cause they have made, not one but still feel compelled to bash for the hell of it. Find something bad online regarding me, if I was such a crook all these years certainly there's a ton of negative press, go check.

I put my ass on the line for real, not pretend shit but facing federal prison because it was the right thing to do. Does that sound like a rippoff man just out for money? A little decency would not be out of place. No doubt twenty posts saying why this is BS. Can't wait

But your actual knowledge of Plant Biology is very weak. Yeah, you're an artist, your mind is geared to the creative... you've got a lot of experience. Yet you still don't know the basics of plant biology and you're trying to teach people how to grow plants.


New Member
But your actual knowledge of Plant Biology is very weak. Yeah, you're an artist, your mind is geared to the creative... you've got a lot of experience. Yet you still don't know the basics of plant biology and you're trying to teach people how to grow plants.
if i remember right,u r the one that said the stomata was on the top side of the leaf.....


Well-Known Member
been here done that, I once set up a website to sell music I wrote, made a youtube like site to share stuff for free and had them linked then went into a guitar forum and ran a contest for a free guitar and amp (cost me over 2 grand) and it failed 19 year old kid in Canada won the guitar but the site did not make me a dime

and honestly I don't see that from him, sure he may be getting a few hits to website while folks check it out but it is not good traffic and as he stated he is not selling anything there (yet) I can tell you this RIU is indexed by google very quickly, I have seen things I myself posted come up in google within minutes, it is very possible that he actually googled his name and saw the RIU thread and came to see what was up,,now that being said it is also very possible that he or a friend started the thread, but nothing he has said (once things calmed down) have led me to believe that he is shylarking us and if we don't give him a chance we will never know???
I can see you're a genuine person riddleme, or at least trying to be. I think Dana is too. I got confused early in this thread, i saw one poster make the thread and then the prof' responded. We've seen shit like that from spammers 100 times before. So i responded with a knee jerk response. Checking it out later I realised that the original poster posted that a couple months before the prof responded. A real spammer isn't going to wait 2 months.

However, when you first set up a website, one of the first things you learn is the value of links... getting links onto a large site like this will get you hits. It's not just the membership, but also the guest traffic that will click links. Lot of traffic moves through this site.

Then the extraordinary claims to help bolster the links... we all saw him post his own links several times, come talk to me here... blah, blah, blah. Anyone else would have been banned for pulling something like that.

So far the professor has only offered mis-information. quite wrong that in a shared system each plant will get 3oz. In shared systems some plants always come off better than others, so no way 3oz each plant. Doesn't work, could never work that each plant in a shared system will grow at the same rates. Quite wrong on proper Mother Plant training. Maybe right for his style of growing, but there are so many different styles and most of them involve shortage of space. Mother Plants are far better trained, and that means making a series of tops.

Then a 2" indica stretching 24x in flower. It just doesn't add up. a 2" indica stretching to 3 or 4 ft? Come on now. I don't doubt that the prof has seen this happen with one or two plants in the system, but those cuts certainly wouldn't have started out at 2" like maybe some of the others did that are dwarfed in the middle of the system. The professor seems to make connections that are not there, mistaken diagnosis.

He has no idea on the salinity tolerance of cannabis, no idea on how to feed properly. The plants in his HPS shot have burned leaves. Those systems are wank. They're just not consistent enough, imo. That's because they are sharing root space, some roots will get what they like and others won't, not to mention that salts will build up against the sides of the system near the bunched up roots. This will add to the salinity level in that part of the system... those systems are just a nightmare. No way good enough for commercial growers. Far better to have individual root space per plant, even on those types of recirculating system though some plants will always fair better than others, by the time the water makes it to the back row the nutes are gone.


Active Member
prof-i think u misunderstood. there have been some recent posts of new people askin y we all ganged up on u and many of the posts were lacking a clear understanding of who said what and why. u truly were given a chance and blew it. a lot of people were being douchey, but so were u. someone of ur caliber should never take the low road of being arrogant, condescending, and demeaning, however i sense a new cease-fire in the air so i better shut up and get ready 4 another 70 pages of great grow info.


Well-Known Member
well i was wrong... the stomata will be more heavily congregated on the underside of the leaf, and that is true of most plants. I've learned something. I was confusing gas exchange with photosynthesis, even though light opens the stomata, they are still located more heavily on the underside of the leaf. I always assumed it was the top of the leaves that did all the work.
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