Produce weed in 43 days

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New Member
it measures the content of the fruit because sugars are need to turn grape juice into wine. it's not much about "plant ripeness" as it is "fruit sugar content". there is a difference. we want THC ripeness not sugars. you need something that measures THC levels, not sugar levels. we seek THC, wine makers seek sugar. 2 completely different things. ;)

a lot of people flush using sugars. how can you see a drop in sugar levels of you are pumping your plant full of molasses?
Basically because the plant CANNOT draw up the complex sugar molecule, but rather the "microherd" does eat the sugars and shits and pees the chemicals the plants need when the herd consumes these molasses sugars. So the molasses would not and can NOT affect the sugar content levels. Do a lil botanical research and you will see he is dead on and the sugar content of the plant does tell you instantly what is going on as long as you know the percent for the species. It is not just for grapes as sugar is the energy that most if not all plants use to do EVERYTHING which is produced by the leaves. So heavy foliage, leaves, produce sugar which the plant uses to build buds and when the sugar drops buds are finished being built therefore optimum harvest window, get it?

Fdd I am surprised at you as you are usually full of useful information but you seem very closed mined here when it seems to me this guy is sharing his experiences and knowledge gleened from them for FREE. Never seen him ask for anything but respect. And respect is something EVERYONE deserves. Smoke some dank and be happybongsmilie:eyesmoke::mrgreen:

Thank you Mr. Day and please do not let the haterz make you what you are not. Stay the same generous helpful giving soul that you are. Thanx for the brix tip. Will be ordering one soon. Waiting for my light meter to show up now.

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
Basically because the plant CANNOT draw up the complex sugar molecule, but rather the "microherd" does eat the sugars and shits and pees the chemicals the plants need when the herd consumes these molasses sugars. So the molasses would not and can NOT affect the sugar content levels. Do a lil botanical research and you will see he is dead on and the sugar content of the plant does tell you instantly what is going on as long as you know the percent for the species. It is not just for grapes as sugar is the energy that most if not all plants use to do EVERYTHING which is produced by the leaves. So heavy foliage, leaves, produce sugar which the plant uses to build buds and when the sugar drops buds are finished being built therefore optimum harvest window, get it?

Fdd I am surprised at you as you are usually full of useful information but you seem very closed mined here when it seems to me this guy is sharing his experiences and knowledge gleened from them for FREE. Never seen him ask for anything but respect. And respect is something EVERYONE deserves. Smoke some dank and be happybongsmilie:eyesmoke::mrgreen:

Thank you Mr. Day and please do not let the haterz make you what you are not. Stay the same generous helpful giving soul that you are. Thanx for the brix tip. Will be ordering one soon. Waiting for my light meter to show up now.

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:
well the prof actually agreed with him.

I pointed this same thing out several pages ago... although not as eloquently as you just did so thanks for that.


Active Member
Its called the rhizzosphere. Its not chemicals the heard makes, it immobile turned into mobile MINERALS. Diffrent compounds. I know some methane gas chems are produces so your partly right. How long have you been waiting to try and school FDD? Good Luck and read up.


New Member
Thanks Nails, if you've ever heard "Time" on Dark Side than you've heard me, I'm doing the electric drums:-) Fun Days. Kinder times, much love Dana
My fave song on that album:twisted:

Thank you for that tidbit ...I too am a retired successful musician... Money is not all that....Growing this plant has brought me a serenity I have long sought...The medicine is a benefit of my growing but not the reason I love it:blsmoke:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


New Member
Its called the rhizzosphere. Its not chemicals the heard makes, it immobile turned into mobile MINERALS. Diffrent compounds. I know some methane gas chems are produces so your partly right. How long have you been waiting to try and school FDD? Good Luck and read up.
Excuse my misuse of vocabulary... thank you

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


New Member
View attachment 1022248Now Pdd, SHOW ME YOUR WORK. I didn't want to pull out the big guns but I had no choice. Oh you want a QP? Let me break a bud in half. Any of you haters that say the Prof's full of it like to compare work?

Stop hating and start paying attention to what the plant is saying and anythings posible. Oh it's SensiStar off a three foot plant, wait a second three feet plants can't produce 3 ounce buds. Better throw em back.

Hahahahahaha ProfMj
The model is HOT!! LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Basically because the plant CANNOT draw up the complex sugar molecule, but rather the "microherd" does eat the sugars and shits and pees the chemicals the plants need when the herd consumes these molasses sugars. So the molasses would not and can NOT affect the sugar content levels. Do a lil botanical research and you will see he is dead on and the sugar content of the plant does tell you instantly what is going on as long as you know the percent for the species. It is not just for grapes as sugar is the energy that most if not all plants use to do EVERYTHING which is produced by the leaves. So heavy foliage, leaves, produce sugar which the plant uses to build buds and when the sugar drops buds are finished being built therefore optimum harvest window, get it?

Fdd I am surprised at you as you are usually full of useful information but you seem very closed mined here when it seems to me this guy is sharing his experiences and knowledge gleened from them for FREE. Never seen him ask for anything but respect. And respect is something EVERYONE deserves. Smoke some dank and be happybongsmilie:eyesmoke::mrgreen:

Thank you Mr. Day and please do not let the haterz make you what you are not. Stay the same generous helpful giving soul that you are. Thanx for the brix tip. Will be ordering one soon. Waiting for my light meter to show up now.

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:

you haven't seen anything because i have to keep deleting all his spam links. spamming this forum with his links is what is disrespectful. especially after i have asked him numerous times not to.

i don't need high tech devices to know what my plant needs. sounds like a step backwards.

i am a whisperer.


New Member
you haven't seen anything because i have to keep deleting all his spam links. spamming this forum with his links is what is disrespectful. especially after i have asked him numerous times not to.

i don't need high tech devices to know what my plant needs. sounds like a step backwards.

i am a whisperer.
And fdd I highly respect you and your skills...never meant to be demeaning as I have learned tons from your posts and respect you...Was just shocked at your utter dislike of the each their own for sure

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
i think it was more a dislike for the prof's tactics.

How can you dislike a whole person just because of a few moves they make on a forum? it can't happen... why over dramatise things?

Anyone else would have dropped to their knees and started sucking... luckily there are sensible people here willing to call out spammers that make extraordinary claims.


Well-Known Member
And fdd I highly respect you and your skills...never meant to be demeaning as I have learned tons from your posts and respect you...Was just shocked at your utter dislike of the each their own for sure

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:

i think he could have taken a much better approach at becoming a part of this community. that is all. ;)


Well-Known Member
i can grow weed in 44 days, and my DVD will be a dollar more, but i yield 10-15% higher than the other guys. ;)
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