Preparing for my first grow: Things I should know, soil condition, etc

Mr Tumbles

First and foremost, as my first post here on these forums I'd like to give a very warm hello to you all! It is only due to the power of the internet that such a forum as this could exist, where passionate people like yourselves can share what would otherwise be considered secret or forbidden. For that much I am thankful, and I already owe you all more than I can give for something that can never be bought: Knowledge.

As you can imagine, I come here seeking your counsel on a subject many would consider trivial. Due to recent circumstances I now find myself with a reasonable amount of spare time, and thanks to my geological location I believe that I am in an excellent position to start growing outdoors marijuana. But many questions come to mind: Like real gardening, the key to successful cultivation requires proper preparation, and although there are an abundance of books, videos, tutorials, and websites for indoor growing, there seems to be a noticeable lack of information in regards to outdoor growing. Enter the creation of this thread.

It is probably best if I tell you a little about my current location and the geographical nature of the area I will be planting in. I live in Queensland Australia, near Brisbane. It is currently winter here, and the temperatures at the moment range from 15-25 celsius, though in the warmer months this can range from 25-35.

The location I intend on cultivating resides in what could best be described as bushland. There are many tall pines that grow in this bushland, as well as the usual plethora of weeds and plants, making it rather shady, but I believe that a reasonable amount of sunlight still penetrates through to make this grow viable: Whether it is or not I leave in your expert opinions. If necessary, I am capable of clearing a small area if sunlight is an issue at this stage.

There is a small flowing creek near here, and it will most likely be my source of water for the operation. The water is clean and without pollutants; no drains lead to it as far as I know, and plants growing near the creek appear healthy. I therefore assume that the ph and mineral content of the water is suitable for watering and growing.

The question I have for you is in regards to the soil. The winter rains have arrived, so the soil will be nice and damp, a definite plus if I am to plant I imagine. A detailed current weather and rainfall chart can be found here if the more advanced growers wish to find out more. But what of the condition of the soil? Without good soil, no plant can grow. How do I know if the soil is suitable for growing marijuana? What are the characteristics of good soil? If necessary, how can I go about conditioning it, and are there any special nutrients I will be needing? Are there any other factors I have overlooked that I should be considering for an outdoors operation? Essentially, what are the characteristics of a good outdoors grow location?

I am prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure the very best for my first grow. As a fresh apprentice to his master, I humbly seek your advice on where to begin this journey of mine.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you are quite the talker. very well spoken maybe teacher of writer.
everything i grow in my garden grows and grows well and my soil is crap. but i only grow veggies in my garden. once i leave my property and try to grow weed, without my protection they get destroyed by bugs, slugs, deer, and other wildlife. i just cant seem to dial in all the preventive measures at the same time. i will master it someday just dont have the time for the outdoor grow. if i could grow them in my garden that would be different. with that being said, have you read this in the growgfaqs? it may be helpful for some basic knowledge. good luck.