Pre-historic weed smoking proof....

4 posts all spam.. reported..
How is it spam? Just sharing something I thought other RIU members would like. And I am not a new member... just an old one who "forgot" his credentials from years ago..

I thought I would be ok to post, just let me know where to do so... Maybe I missed the rule somewhere, maybe you can point it out to me?



Well-Known Member
How is it spam? Just sharing something I thought other RIU members would like
read the FAQ's

you have posted 5 threads all dealing with t shirts/ your website =spam

you are more then welcome to post on this board without the spam...admin set the rules...

welcome to RIU...
read the FAQ's

you have posted 5 threads all dealing with t shirts/ your website =spam

you are more then welcome to post on this board without the spam...admin set the rules...

welcome to RIU...
Thanks Gioua... Sorry to make waves. I'll go read the rules again... Glad to be back, I actually did an in depth journal with a "Watercooled light" several years back... I just cant find the damn thing (lol)... I am bloody useless tonight...

Thanks for the warm Welcome

"how is it spam"
I dont even know what spam is.... Jesus, I feel old.

Looked in the FAQ, and cant find anything specific to adding pics... Is the pics, or the Links? Just take down my posts altogether if they bother you, I wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot upsetting people. I didn't think it would be to big of a deal. All good on my end


Well-Known Member
I dont even know what spam is.... Jesus, I feel old.

Looked in the FAQ, and cant find anything specific to adding pics... Is the pics, or the Links? Just take down my posts altogether if they bother you, I wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot upsetting people. I didn't think it would be to big of a deal. All good on my end
anything that promotes your website =spam

posting multiple promo's across the site can result in banning..

this place is pretty fair and a great gaggle of folks... and your not the only one who has done this so.. it's not a big deal..
Thanks man - Don't ban me though... I promise to go through the proper channels from here on out. Forgive my ignorance...
Love RIU, just lept before reading..
